Cycling the Bypass

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Vlad the Impaler
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It’s a nice walk, the bypass.

The side entrance to Newbridge house is accessible along the old Kilcrea road.

What I can’t understand though, is why some middle aged men in lycra still cycle along the road, holding cars up, when there’s a brand spanking new cycle lane right beside them.

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I'd much prefer them on the road than on the path in Newbridge park - I was there this morning and 2 knob heads cycled by missing me by inches..... absolute Assh**es........ wouldn't be surprised if it was them cylcling on the road also ;)
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As a road cyclist myself who wears quite a bit of Lycra 😊 I’ll be honest with you. Cycle tracks are really seen to be for leisure mid paced cycling - parents and kids. If you’re doing 40kmh the road feels safer too rather than cycling so close to pedestrians and kids on bikes. The lanes on the new road are definitely wide enough for both cars and bikes as long as cyclists are single file.
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In normal times, where the black paved cycle bit is, I would use that as a road cyclist even at 40km/h. At least it's a form of segregation from the pedestrians. It's probably the closest to what a proper cycle lane should be in Ireland. But I have found people want cyclists at least 5m from these times, so I'm staying on the road. LIke the previous poster says, there is tons of room on the road for a safe overtake. I can't imagine anyone has been held up for more than a few seconds.
Mr. Stupid
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I would have to say the lads who cycle at 40km are very good at social distancing (I am not one myself). As a generalisation they are ahead of joggers, dopey walkers (not all walkers are dopey) and the stop and chat gang, etc etc
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There's a very simple answer to this age old conundrum, cycle ways in Ireland and the UK are not fit for purpose!! Take look at the low lands of Europe, the Netherlands, Germany, Northern France, Belgium where cycling is the norm. Where everybody cycles, from school children of all ages cycling as a group to school in all weathers. To the Mums and Dads going about their daily business. Shopping, heading to the train station to catch the commuter train or just visiting friends. They all cycle on properly designed, two way, non pedestrian cycleways that have priority over the motorist.
Now take our new bypass, it's a single track that has to accommodate walkers, runners, dog walkers with dogs on leads, The workman''s van that just parks up for the day and the cyclist, that come in many forms from the newest with their little training wheels, to mums and Dads with trailer bikes, to teenagers, to pensioners, to time trial athletes cyclists and of course MAMIL'S (middle-age men in lycra).
If the infrastructure is built correctly and is fit for purpose, then it will be used! Currently it is fit for purpose for walkers, runners and family groups but not any cyclist who is interested in completing some serious training distance at a reasonable speed.

And remember, most of these people are also motorist who pay their taxes etc and cyclist have equal rights to the roads as car users
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It's all a matter of speed and safety.

I cycle as fast as I can and do not like to have to slow down for cyclists that weave around a cycle and footpath, but some paths you have no choice but to.
So when I get to an open road such as the new bypass, I will use the road as I will be travelling at speeds closer to the car speed limit than that of walkers, joggers and leisure cyclists.

So the question is, do you want me to cycle past you at a distance of 2-3 meters at 50 kph or faster if I can.
Or would you prefer me to do those speeds on the road.
Bear in mind, there are very few places where I can switch from cycle path to road and back when passing other path users.

Also, cyclists engines are our bodies not some combustion or electrical engine, but our heart and lungs.
Joggers will have a similar opinion when it comes to their pace being broken whilst having to avoid someone or something.

I have been a competition cyclist
I also hold a HGV license

So I experience the whole spectrum of road use.

It is normally the case that if you see a lycra clad cyclist in the road, chances are they have seen you first as they don't have a cage around them and like me, want to be aware of all vehicles coming from behind.

If the cycle paths had sufficient segregation from foot paths, performance cyclists would use them.
But you have non performance cyclists using them which interrupts their training.

So, if you have a complaint about lycra clad or performance cyclists using the road instead of the cycle paths, would you be so kind as to point out where the nearest Velodrome is please.

And remember, it's all about safety for ALL road users, and not that I've slowed you down or what money has been spent.
Mr. Stupid
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In fairness, Jay right now the priority is social distancing and just safety. If the Tour de France is cancelled the Tour de Fingal also is.
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Vlad the Impaler wrote: 15 May 2020, 18:16 It’s a nice walk, the bypass.

The side entrance to Newbridge house is accessible along the old Kilcrea road.

What I can’t understand though, is why some middle aged men in lycra still cycle along the road, holding cars up, when there’s a brand spanking new cycle lane right beside them.

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I'm 59 love my bike 🚴 and the Lycra. When it opened I tried to use the designated cycle lane. Umpteen times I was moving at approx 40kms per hour when adults and children sauntered out from the pedestrian footpath with some fn device stuck in their faces. If I showed the same attention, being run into by a bike and 13.5 stone man traveling at that speed would seriously injure both parties.

Mixing pedestrians and moving vehicles is an incredibly stupid idea. I'll use the path when it's safe and the road when it's not.

BTW there is no reason or law why cyclists can't use the road Even when a cycle path is available.

Sadly this country's political elite don't get the incredible benefits to the population, having a modern state of the art cycling network. Would save the nation hundreds of millions annually.

Anyway, see ye in the highways and byways 🚴 🚴
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Harry Byrne
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Road cyclists will always prefer to cycle on roads. Despite the OP’s strange obsession with what they wear, the road is the best place for eh ‘road cyclists’
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