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Re: Concern over use of the ET building

Posted: 29 May 2013, 23:11
by Ken
Harry Byrne wrote:The ET school is taking some ridiculous stick here. The EJB rantings of Richard Dawkins and Mammy's resentful comments are completely over the top.

They rented out a room. Get over it.
Behave Harry. There is no proof that RD has any connection to the member you mention from the other forum.

Re: Concern over use of the ET building

Posted: 30 May 2013, 08:17
by mammy2
I see the herd is out in force. There is an obvious contradiction in the ET ethos. The reality is that christian money is indirectly funding the activities in their school, here is your contradiction. To give an analogy would Martin Luther King High school rent out rooms to the KKK or the Neo-Nazis. I doubt it.
All together
I better go the herd is coming.

Re: Concern over use of the ET building

Posted: 30 May 2013, 08:42
by Donabate Hatter
Mammy2 Why won't you answer my questions?????????????? Presumably because you are just s**t stirring again!!!!!

Re: Concern over use of the ET building

Posted: 30 May 2013, 08:48
by JohnPaulTheTenth
Such nonsense. Why bother?

Re: Concern over use of the ET building

Posted: 30 May 2013, 11:21
by Donabate Hatter
JPTT, you are right really, it just gets me when people make statements and then won't respond, and how stupid must someone be when they talk about contradictions and then use Pastor Martin Luther King in an argument in which they are espousing anti religious views!!!

Re: Concern over use of the ET building

Posted: 30 May 2013, 11:32
by JohnPaulTheTenth
Yeah, the original post was at least properly phrased and delivered a point of concern to the poster. That's the way it should be.

But this ranting about 'ET herd' (a localised version of the infamous 'PC Brigade'?) and MLK just comes across as a little unhinged.

Re: Concern over use of the ET building

Posted: 30 May 2013, 12:29
by richard dawkins
Well it's subjective. I would prefer if the ET ethos was adhered to out of respect for that ethos and I struggle to see why the Christians can't meet in one of the five Christian places there already are in Donabate. Technically, legally they can argue they are doing nothing wrong all they want. I could show up outside a Church and tell everyone how deluded they are as they enter and leave it on a Sunday morning. Technically, legally I am doing nothing wrong but it's kinda disrespectful and there are more appropriate places and times to convey my messages.

Re: Concern over use of the ET building

Posted: 30 May 2013, 13:16
by Harry Byrne
Ken wrote:
Harry Byrne wrote:The ET school is taking some ridiculous stick here. The EJB rantings of Richard Dawkins and Mammy's resentful comments are completely over the top.

They rented out a room. Get over it.
Behave Harry. There is no proof that RD has any connection to the member you mention from the other forum.
I did not say it was the same poster. They just both come out with the same crap. That's an opinion

Re: Concern over use of the ET building

Posted: 30 May 2013, 14:00
by mammy2
DH your question has being answered several times. Can you answer this question Why do parents send their children to a school that is supposed to educate together with a bit of religion on the side , if you like from Monday to Friday while on Sunday they accept Christian money to fund their school for the rest of the week. To help you: Sacred ground could mean a football stadium it does not have to be connected with religion. Et's sacred ground is where they practise that wonderful ethos.
All together; I love ET: ET IS MY LIFE: ET can do no wrong.

Re: Concern over use of the ET building

Posted: 30 May 2013, 14:11
by Donabate Hatter

Firstly, no it wasn't.

Secondly, As I said in my previous post my child goes to St. Pats so I have no idea why parents send their children to ET that must be their choice I suppose, and no I don't love ET, I have no connection with it, as I have previously stated.

Thirdly, grow up, there is no need to shout, having a tantrum does't make you right!!!!


Re: Concern over use of the ET building

Posted: 30 May 2013, 14:42
by JohnPaulTheTenth
mammy2 wrote: All together; I love ET: ET IS MY LIFE: ET can do no wrong.
A little piece of friendly advice... this sort of thing just makes you look mental and drowns out any valid point you may have made.

You're welcome.

Re: Concern over use of the ET building

Posted: 30 May 2013, 15:11
by mammy2
ET herd is out in force. The way they answer questions is by insults and name calling. I suppose the truth hurts. All TOGETHER: I LOVE......

Re: Concern over use of the ET building

Posted: 30 May 2013, 15:34
by Donabate Hatter
Still shouting

Re: Concern over use of the ET building

Posted: 30 May 2013, 15:37
by JohnPaulTheTenth

Re: Concern over use of the ET building

Posted: 30 May 2013, 15:38
by pat mustard
Wibble Wibble

Re: Concern over use of the ET building

Posted: 30 May 2013, 16:45
by richard dawkins
Here look - I started this thread just to express an opinion. Others disagreed. No-need for people to be firing insults. It ain't nice.

Re: Concern over use of the ET building

Posted: 30 May 2013, 16:54
by JohnPaulTheTenth
To be honest, I didn't even disagree per se. I think you have a point and a right to be concerned.

I just don't share the concern as I don't mind which group(s) hire out rooms outside hours.

Re insults, I'm not offended by someone shouting at me about being in a herd. Water off a duck's back and all that but thanks for looking out for me.

Re: Concern over use of the ET building

Posted: 30 May 2013, 17:45
by richard dawkins
JohnPaulTheTenth wrote:To be honest, I didn't even disagree per se. I think you have a point and a right to be concerned.

I just don't share the concern as I don't mind which group(s) hire out rooms outside hours.

Re insults, I'm not offended by someone shouting at me about being in a herd. Water off a duck's back and all that but thanks for looking out for me.
Yes, but it doesn't reflect well on the area. People read this forum when considering moving out to Donabate and it effects house prices and the kind of image of the area.

Re: Concern over use of the ET building

Posted: 30 May 2013, 18:16
by JohnPaulTheTenth
Ah, c'mon now.

Re: Concern over use of the ET building

Posted: 30 May 2013, 19:55
by pat mustard
Holy moley, I was typing in "ah c'mon " myself when you plopped that line in..

Will do a "ah here" instead.

Re: Concern over use of the ET building

Posted: 30 May 2013, 20:10
by JohnPaulTheTenth
I'd gladly go halfies on a "Ah, here, c'mon" if you're up for it.

Split the difference, like.

Re: Concern over use of the ET building

Posted: 30 May 2013, 23:00
by mammy2
I suppose no one from the ET herd is willing to answer a simple question. Why do they feel it is right to accept Christian money to fund their school while they are promoting the together ethos. A big contradiction here! But if you do not want to answer the question stay in the herd and attack by insults and name calling.

Re: Concern over use of the ET building

Posted: 30 May 2013, 23:09
by Donabate Hatter
Likens everyone else to herd animals and then accuses them of being insulting, still at least she has stopped shouting now!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Concern over use of the ET building

Posted: 30 May 2013, 23:47
by diggerbarnes
mammy2 wrote:I suppose no one from the ET herd is willing to answer a simple question. Why do they feel it is right to accept Christian money to fund their school while they are promoting the together ethos. A big contradiction here! But if you do not want to answer the question stay in the herd and attack by insults and name calling.
What are you on? Our kids are Christians (Catholic) and go to the ET school. There is no conflict here. They will take the extra curricular religious classes. We like that no one particular religion is rammed down their throats like making fois gras. Inside they are healthy and balanced and free to be what they are.
So most of the people aka parents who fund the school are Christian.
Ur just a troll anyway

Re: Concern over use of the ET building

Posted: 31 May 2013, 10:39
by mammy2
So ET is now a good Christian school, fair enough, I under the impression that you promoted something different. I think you lot are a bit confused and cannot answer the question.