James Reilly - National Shyster or Local Hero

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Vlad the Impaler
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So, should we be happy that he's OUR shyster at least for a change?
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He's the epitomy of what's wrong with Gombeen Irish politics.
The sooner Kenny has the guts to cast him aside, the better.
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He has definitely become a liability for the Government. Perception is reality and he is coming across as bungling and incompetent. Insinuations of cronyism only add fuel to the fire.

He was literally crying on TV when in opposition at the state of the health service and was one of Hearney's biggest critics. He has been in the hot seat for over 18 months now and has done no better. Nobody's saying it's an easy job, but sometimes you have to be careful what you wish for.

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Ken wrote:He was literally crying on TV when in opposition at the state of the health service and was one of Hearney's biggest critics. He has been in the hot seat for over 18 months now and has done no better. Nobody's saying it's an easy job, but sometimes you have to be careful what you wish for.
Could've have said it better myself.
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Vlad the Impaler
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I think the difficulty in reforming the health service is one thing. I'll forgive that. The cute hoorism he seems to have learned from Fianna Fáil is another.

Kind if depressing that such behaviour led to where we are today in some respects but these guys have learned nothing - or worse, don't care.
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To be realistic... are ANY of them any different? Health is a difficult office, but I think Hairy Monster is about as useful in politics as he was in his local surgery.... chocolate tea pot material. I have no allegiance to any party, I see each and every one of them as self serving hypocrites.
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One party is as bad as the next ..its time for new blood to get voted in but there's no new partys out there ..........as for James reilly he alright I know him and his family very hard working people .....
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Moving to newly created politics section...

i dont know the man personally but heres the way I see it.....

he possibly went into Politics thinking he could make a difference. surely as a doctor he would make more money than as a politician, so in my opinion it cant have been a money related decision to enter politics.

with that in mind, as a medical practitioner, he probably had/has ideas for the health service that on paper would be great. but politics being as it in and in particular party politics, unions and red tape, i'm sure he finds he cant do the majority of what he wants to do.

i am in no way a supporter of his, nor would I necessarily be a supporter of anyone involved in Party Politics because essentially they aren't allowed to have opinions of their own. However in this country I feel the health service will never be right due to the above mentioned red tape etc.

i realise I haven't got my point across very eloquently but you get the gist of what i'm trying to say :)
Mr. Controversial
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There will never be any reform of the health system - the unions are just way too powerful. There's no reason why anyone in the public sector should be getting more than Eurozone averages - and they get way more. Especially when you factor in their pensions, allowances and holidays (yes enjoy them teachers). The oridnary tax paying person is being ripped off.

The Unions want to blame the banks for everything. But according to Brenden Burgess 80% of our deficit is because our country is expensive to run. Meaning - tax payers are getting ripped off.

Last year the public sector got 300 million in increments. This when there was some savage cuts to people who really needed it. The reason is political power - nothing else.

How many people in Labour have experience of working in private sector and being made redundant - i.e. what happens in the real world?

the same Mr. Burgess who around the time of the bailout advised people in an RTE interview that the low price of the bank shares werent a sign of trouble and that people should fill their boots with bank shares or regret not doing so?

he is not a very credible source of economic info at all, in my opinion.

however I do agree that Unions and the current governments unwillingness to tackle unions will ensure there is no real improvement in our health service.

workers, politicians and beaurocrats need to start thinking about others and not just themselves
Mr. Controversial
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ha ha that's right. He runs that site askaboutmoney and it's pretty good.
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