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Anti Social Behaviour.

Posted: 09 Jul 2014, 10:56
by Lolly
I have been a resident in Cois Inbhir for over a year now and I am appalled at the behavior of some of the children on the estate. I have witnessed them screaming at the cats on the estate, shout in windows at residents and constantly running around the smaller houses and bouncing their foot balls off the windows. When told to leave they simply say no they won´t. I have had kids run past me and bash into me with force and not even apologize.

Then recently things have gotten worse when another family moved in. I personally have been hit in the back with a football while sitting out on the grass, been screamed at, constantly have the children in question shout through my windows. They have harassed other residents and children too and not to mention the poor cats been terrified by them. Last night at 10.30pm they were still out running around the houses and actually climbing on another neighbors window ledge and looking in their window. The list goes on. I contacted Fingal Co Council about their behavior but was told as this is a private estate they can do nothing. They advised me to contact the police and has come to the stage where I will have contact the police in relation to this one family in particular.

I have raised children myself and would never have let them be so disrespectful to neighbors in the way I see some kids here doing.

I know this post will get negative comments and anger some people, and I apologize for that but why should some residents have to put up with such behavior.

Re: Anti Social Behaviour.

Posted: 09 Jul 2014, 13:11
by Pedro
Have you tried to talk to the parents?

Kids can act up, particularly if they have an audience. I don't live in Cois Inbhir but kids play on greens, stray footballs are something we've all seen from time to time but it's pretty much the norm in estates where there are kids.

You might feel a bit better after sharing venting here but I just wonder if a more personal approach might work a little better than going to Fingal or the police?

Re: Anti Social Behaviour.

Posted: 09 Jul 2014, 13:59
by Dopsche
Pedro wrote:Have you tried to talk to the parents?

Kids can act up, particularly if they have an audience. I don't live in Cois Inbhir but kids play on greens, stray footballs are something we've all seen from time to time but it's pretty much the norm in estates where there are kids.

You might feel a bit better after sharing venting here but I just wonder if a more personal approach might work a little better than going to Fingal or the police?
Well I can second what Lolly is writing here.

Let me clarify some things first : This is not about denying children to play on the estate. In fact there is a big green in Cois Inbhir with no Houses on and actually a wonderful playground and as far as I am concerned they can play there all day and night. Wouldn't bother me at all.

However some kids (not all, there are a lot of well behave kids in Cois Inbhir) choose to play on the greens in front of the houses who have only communal gardens.

Also parents where approached, but to avail so far. In fact after the complain the kids where there again 10 mins later. The shoot Soccer balls against the window and then running off.

They chase animals all over the place.

They are cheeky in general.

So if nothing helps and somebody bang on your windows every night or/and torture your pets and the parents don't act on complaints, what is left except Gardai or Count Council if parents don't respond on complaints.

Re: Anti Social Behaviour.

Posted: 09 Jul 2014, 14:37
by Bill_Lumbergh
It's the same in Carrs Mill. And when the parents sit out under marquees in front of their houses until 4am drinking, do you honestly think they're going to listen to you when you ask them to prevent their kids from ringing your bell at 23:45 asking for their ball back?

Re: Anti Social Behaviour.

Posted: 09 Jul 2014, 14:40
by Ken
Kids will be kids. However, this is well over and above what you would be expected to tolerate. It's a difficult one. Hopefully something can be done about it.

It's terrible that some people can be so inconsiderate. You can't really blame the kids, it's the parents that are at fault here.

Re: Anti Social Behaviour.

Posted: 09 Jul 2014, 17:39
by Pedro
Jeez, I don't envy anyone living in the estates mentioned, the behaviour is pretty grim!

Re: Anti Social Behaviour.

Posted: 09 Jul 2014, 21:56
by Bill_Lumbergh
To be fair, it's not a regular occurrence in Carrs Mill, just annoying when it does happen!

Re: Anti Social Behaviour.

Posted: 09 Jul 2014, 22:02
by Mr. Stupid
Bad parking is another head reck on estates. I hate the way idiots park on footpaths and then block the path for anyone with a pram / wheelchair. Was thinking if we could take photos of the bad parking and post them up on the forum, people might stop. Would we have to blur out reg plates?

Don't see any legal issues.

Re: Anti Social Behaviour.

Posted: 10 Jul 2014, 00:58
by Defcom
Hang on folks. These people are being terrorised by kids. Its just not good enough. And the statment of kids are kids is utter bo..ox. the lady needs help and support. As a community you guys need to stick together, look strong. Confront the family or family's involved as a group. Either way u need to show these kids its not a freebie (you dont get to bully us and get away with it) you bully us theres consequences

Re: Anti Social Behaviour.

Posted: 10 Jul 2014, 08:54
by Ken
Defcom wrote:Hang on folks. These people are being terrorised by kids. Its just not good enough. And the statment of kids are kids is utter bo..ox. the lady needs help and support. As a community you guys need to stick together, look strong. Confront the family or family's involved as a group. Either way u need to show these kids its not a freebie (you dont get to bully us and get away with it) you bully us theres consequences
You need to read the thread again. Nobody was trivialising the matter.

Re: Anti Social Behaviour.

Posted: 10 Jul 2014, 09:05
by Defcom
No ken I think if you read back yourself. Youll notice a blase attitude towards her predicament.

Re: Anti Social Behaviour.

Posted: 10 Jul 2014, 09:18
by Ken
Defcom wrote:No ken I think if you read back yourself. Youll notice a blase attitude towards her predicament.
People have empathised. What else do you expect us to do on a forum? Get the pitchforks out?

Re: Anti Social Behaviour.

Posted: 10 Jul 2014, 10:39
by Tadhg
i'm guessing that the original poster is referring to a family that have recently been moved into Cush Inbhir. This family are from a certain non-settled ethnic background shall we say.

I havent had any problems with them myself but I have seen the behaviour that is being referred to here. I'm taking a wild guess here, but based on what i have seen i would imagine the parents don't give a damn. thats just my opinion of course.

on the other hand, several neighbours are having serious problems. serious serious problems. to the extent that I would personally recommend that the annual summer party/bbq is postponed for this year.

i have no problem whatsoever with people being housed in estates that are established. in theory its great for integration etc. however when people who are housed in a quiet, friendly community based estate, cause untold hassle and grief for everyone else, then something needs to be done.

the residents association in this case need to get moving on this before it gets worse. there are plenty of examples of antisocial behaviour already that van be taken to the council. Unfortunately what will happen over the coming months is that cush inbhir will fall into a downward spiral all caused by one family.

i already know of two long-term residents seriously considering moving out.

of course all of the above is just my opinion :)

Re: Anti Social Behaviour.

Posted: 10 Jul 2014, 11:12
by Bill_Lumbergh
Do we not have a community garda who the residents association can meet with?

Re: Anti Social Behaviour.

Posted: 10 Jul 2014, 11:21
by Mr. Stupid
Move to where then?

You would need another 300 grand, buy a house in one of the more expensive estates in Malawhite.

All estates in Dublin where houses are available for <400K have an element of social housing. A landlord could have bought the house for an investment and rented it to the HSE who don't build council estates anymore. The Landlord gets 1300 a month and does nothing

The only way you'll avoid it is moving to a very expensive area where the rent is closer to 2K a month which means it is HSE free.

As other's have said, I don't have a problem with HSE or social housing per se as long as rules are kept [and than means the landlord gets up off his ass from time to time ]. Everyone should also take their share or else pays extra taxes for not doing so. Similarly, many social housing people are fine and it is the idiots who are owner occupiers with plenty of money who are idiots.

Re: Anti Social Behaviour.

Posted: 10 Jul 2014, 14:11
by Lolly
We are moving out as soon as we can rent some where else. But that will take time. I appreciate all the comments. I just want to make it clear, Most of the children on the estate are lovely and as I am sure as their parents are too. It is unfortunate that a few misbehaved kids can cause so much trouble. If they were teenagers you´d say something but these are young children.
I do hope the annual events take place, it would be such a shame to cancel/postpone them.
I have lived on a council estate most of my life and raised my own kids there, and yes there were incidents with kids misbehaving, especially around certain holidays, but I was always able to go to the parents and have the situation sorted without any fuss. In this instance I think going to the parents would only make the situation worse.
It is really sad because Cois Inbhir is a wonderful estate and has a lovely community spirit. I hope it retains this spirit as it is very rare now-a-days.

Re: Anti Social Behaviour.

Posted: 11 Jul 2014, 12:44
by Lolly
Ok something has to be done about what is going on on this estate. Any one know how to contact the landlords of the rented houses in question?
Last nights fiasco was unbelievable. I never witnessed anything like it in my life. I don´t think anyone got any sleep. That is the second time in a week I have heard fighting in that particular house.
Then after a night of no sleep I have to deal with unruly kids. Come on, have people no respect for neighbors or even themselves anymore.
I think the residents committee need to hold a meeting to discuss these issues and how they can be dealt with. Otherwise life on the estate is going to be harsh.
I feel so sorry for the long term residents of the estate who have invested in family homes having to put up with this kind of behavior. The kids also should not have to witness such behavior from other adults. Such a sad turn of events.

Re: Anti Social Behaviour.

Posted: 11 Jul 2014, 15:41
by Scarlett
Have you spoken to the residents committee? I don't think they are fully aware of the severity of the he problem. I think the landlord of these houses needs to be informed of the trouble his tenants are causing. How on earth he let them into the house in the first place is completely beyond me- he obviously has little regard for the residents.
Make your concerns known please- not just on this forum.

Re: Anti Social Behaviour.

Posted: 11 Jul 2014, 15:53
by Derek

Re: Anti Social Behaviour.

Posted: 11 Jul 2014, 16:03
by Ken
It's possible the landlord has rented the house to the HSE so has no knowledge of the tenants. I wonder if it's possible to find out? If it is the HSE, it may be possible to approach them about the issue.

I don't pity anyone having to put up with this behaviour. I can imagine it's very stressful indeed.

Re: Anti Social Behaviour.

Posted: 13 Jul 2014, 21:52
by Dubgirl
1. Speak to the Resident's Association.

2. Ring Swords Garda Station and speak to the Community Guard. Tell them what you have told us.

Re: Anti Social Behaviour.

Posted: 18 Jul 2014, 17:56
by Dopsche
We went yesterday to the Swords Garda yesterday about this family.

Guards came out yester day evening/night and made contact with the famly. We still wait for there call back about the outcome.

I wouldn#t hold my breath that this will result in any improvement, but we will see how the story goes.

Re: Anti Social Behaviour.

Posted: 18 Jul 2014, 18:36
by Scarlett
Good for you Dopsche. I would be interested in what the guards feed back to you- if anything. Please let us know.

Re: Anti Social Behaviour.

Posted: 18 Jul 2014, 21:25
by Dopsche
Will sure do Scarlett, however it will only work if all neighbours wo have this trouble report this to the Garda.

If the Garda get enough Enquiries I am sure they will deal with this matter muck more strict.

If only 1 or 2 incedents get reported I am sure that the Garda don't do to much

Re: Anti Social Behaviour.

Posted: 18 Jul 2014, 23:04
by Spider
We've just had a crowd of delightful little individuals sitting on our wall, shouting abuse, teasing the dog and throwing stuff at the door. 11 o'clock at night and these kids, some who looked as young as about 10, are out and about hassling people in their own homes. We are in Hazelwood and they are from the estate next to us. I recognise most of them and doubt going to the parents would make any difference. So, if you are sitting at home now, watching telly and your relatively young kids are not at home, ask yourselves where are they and what are they up to?