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Broadband Problems

Posted: 18 Oct 2012, 07:57
by Ken
Is anyone else in the area experiencing DSL broadband problems? I'm with Irish Broadband via work. They deliver via the phone line, i.e. the Eircom network.

Over the past couple of weeks it's dropping every couple of hours. I've tried resetting the router to factory settings, checked the filters on the other phone lines and even got a new router from IB. The wiring outside and inside the house seems fine and Eircom have checked the phone line.

It's annoying when I'm trying to work, but equally as annoying when watching Netflix and the likes. Broadband has become more of a necessity over the last couple of years and a real pain when it doesn't work properly.

Re: Broadband Problems

Posted: 18 Oct 2012, 08:12
by Bill_Lumbergh
Haven't noticed anything myself (with Magent over Eircom line) but will keep an eye on it

Re: Broadband Problems

Posted: 18 Oct 2012, 11:29
by Vlad the Impaler
Yes, having a similar problem.

Re: Broadband Problems

Posted: 18 Oct 2012, 12:05
by Ken
Vlad the Impaler wrote:Yes, having a similar problem.
Where are you Vlad? I'm at the top of Beaverstown Road.

Re: Broadband Problems

Posted: 18 Oct 2012, 16:13
by Vlad the Impaler
Off the portrane road.

Re: Broadband Problems

Posted: 18 Oct 2012, 17:08
by Spider
We've had continuous problems, but its been worse the past couple of days. We're with Vodafone and are just off the Beaverstown Road. Twice today the internet connection went down just after I'd entered my bank card details to make an online payment. What happens in that situation? One was for phone credit which I didn't receive, do I assume the payment will not be deducted?

Re: Broadband Problems

Posted: 18 Oct 2012, 18:32
by Ken
I'd imagine the payment didn't go through. Can you check your bank account online to be sure?

I'm seriously considering UPC, it's a bit more expensive, but the service has to be better than this.

The problem I'm finding is that Eircom aren't interested in looking into the issue when it's not their direct customer.

Re: Broadband Problems

Posted: 18 Oct 2012, 21:28
by Bill_Lumbergh
UPC customer service is supposed to be terrible as well though. Grand f its working fine but if you're relying on the line for working from home you might even consider springing for a UPC 'business' line.

Re: Broadband Problems

Posted: 21 Oct 2012, 10:27
by kaner
Hi Ken,
I am also with Irish broad band, have been for 4 years. Never really had any problems till a few weeks ago. Drops a few times a day. Thought it was my new computer.

Re: Broadband Problems

Posted: 21 Oct 2012, 11:16
by Ken
It looks as though it's a problem in the area. However, mine has been stable over the past couple of days. Hopefully it stays that way.

I still haven't found a solution to the problem where it drops at 11:03 p.m. every night. Annoying when watching Netflix.

Re: Broadband Problems

Posted: 22 Oct 2012, 21:33
by Ken
I spoke too soon. Worked from home today and it dropped 3 times. It usually waits until I'm on a VOIP call.

Re: Broadband Problems

Posted: 22 Oct 2012, 21:55
by Bill_Lumbergh
lol, what's your contracted up/down speeds Ken?

Re: Broadband Problems

Posted: 25 Oct 2012, 11:16
by bsj
Moved phone and broadband to UPC over a year ago, and couldn't believe the difference, almost never have an issue with it, think the service went down once. Used to have all the Eircom problems, where the broadband would cut out on a regular basis, no matter what we tried it was never resolved.

Re: Broadband Problems

Posted: 25 Oct 2012, 12:44
by Ken
That's my experience. There's obviously a problem there, but Eircom don't appear to be prepared to address it. IB are doing everything they can and even sent me a new router

I need to look at changing.

Re: Broadband Problems

Posted: 25 Oct 2012, 13:07
by Pedro
I'm stuck with Eircom - no other service providers available in my area unfortunately and the broadband has been shocking over the last fortnight. So far, in 2012, we've been without a phone & broadband for 49 days due to "serious line faults" or so they told me. I tried Vodafone wireless - oh lordy, pathetic!!

Eircom's ability to provide a basic service and customer service leaves a lot to be desired!! :cry:

Re: Broadband Problems

Posted: 26 Oct 2012, 20:34
by jack white
Can't honestly say I've noticed any problems with broadband at all recently.

Incidentally those new dark green cabinets that have popped up in various locations are the first part of the scheme that will provide us with fibre-powered broadband in future. Once that happens there shouldn't be any problems for anybody. We're lucky that Donabate is in Phase 1 of the national rollout.

Re: Broadband Problems

Posted: 27 Oct 2012, 16:05
by Vlad the Impaler
Good to know Jack. Does that mean they're gonna dig the road up again?

My Vondafone is still giving me gyp about once a day.

Re: Broadband Problems

Posted: 27 Oct 2012, 19:41
by jack white
They'll be opening manholes but there should be no actual digging required. Eircom already has an extensive underground duct network that it is using to thread the new fibres through.

Re: Broadband Problems

Posted: 27 Oct 2012, 20:36
by Ann O
I'm with Vodafone, and previously BT before they took over.

The service has been very good (touch wood) and the only trouble we had was a year or so back when we had similar problems as described above. The engineer diagnosed a poor quality line into the house from the road, and in fairness the contractors were out in a couple of days to replace the cabling.

After that the problem remained, and it turned out to be something out in the exchange on the Portrane Road that needed resetting! Took about 5 minutes to sort. :roll:

Re: Broadband Problems

Posted: 31 Oct 2012, 10:35
by Vlad the Impaler
I'm out of contract with Vodafone. Think I'll switch to UPC for home phone and broadband and keep Sky for the tele.

Re: Broadband Problems

Posted: 31 Oct 2012, 11:59
by Ken
Be careful if you're getting rid of your fixed line and you have Sky. If you have a second box, they insist that it's connected to a phone line or else they will remove the discount. They regularly use the phone line to check the location of the box.

We also have a monitored alarm that needs the phone line so moving the phone to UPC isn't an option.

Re: Broadband Problems

Posted: 31 Oct 2012, 15:02
by Vlad the Impaler
So the UPC phone line won't work with Sky? Didn't know that.

Re: Broadband Problems

Posted: 31 Oct 2012, 15:10
by Bill_Lumbergh
Should work with any fixed landline afaik. Not sure if UPC provide the line over cable (but don't think so)

Re: Broadband Problems

Posted: 31 Oct 2012, 16:31
by Vlad the Impaler
I contacted UPC. Turns out that the red button on Sky will be disabled but otherwise usable.

I can live with that.

Re: Broadband Problems

Posted: 03 Nov 2012, 11:21
by Dowager
I too am having problems over the last year with Eircom Broadband ,not responding etc.A technical man came out and stated it was my laptop.My laptop only a few years old.They checked the area outside he said and all was fine.
It is driving me mad,no speed,no response,stalling and cutting out.He suggested i get a particular guy he knew to come and assess the problem on my computer.I live in Fingal ,not too far from Donabate where i was reared.It seems to be happening all over.
RE upc.I find them great re my tv but i would not use them as a provider for my phone line.Apparently from what i have heard from those that switched they are not happy with their call out service when there are problems with the line,days getting service restored,hence no broadband.

Everyone has their own story to tell re the providers.!At least Vlad you will be able to make a informed decision.Re mobile phone coverage,i have found 02 to be great both here and abroad.Have always been with them and will continue to do so.
Hope that is of help!