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RTE link to coverage of costal erosion

Posted: 12 Jan 2014, 09:46
by DavidS

Re: RTE link to coverage of costal erosion

Posted: 12 Jan 2014, 11:59
by DavidS
No public representatives present for RTE coverage?

Re: RTE link to coverage of costal erosion

Posted: 13 Jan 2014, 00:22
by Derek
Just watched that clip and the council's prevarication over this is disgraceful. They're waiting for some report or other. How bloody long is that going to be? A comparison with Nero fiddling whilst Rome burned would be apt. They also say the area is a conservation one - again more bullsh!t. Are the homes threatened by this erosion not worthy of conservation either?

Fair play to the locals who are taking action over this. Perhaps it might "motivate" the council to do something...

Re: RTE link to coverage of costal erosion

Posted: 13 Jan 2014, 07:37
by gla
I saw in newspapers that report of recent national storm damage is going before cabinet tomorrow. Today is the day to make contact with James Reilly to ensure we don't get forgotten

Re: RTE link to coverage of costal erosion

Posted: 13 Jan 2014, 15:08
by DavidS

Re: RTE link to coverage of costal erosion

Posted: 14 Jan 2014, 15:30
by Harry Byrne
Good article. Well done Terry, although I hope she can blame a sub-editor for the article title:

Sea change required to meet rising tide of disquiet over coastal erosion

Re: RTE link to coverage of costal erosion

Posted: 18 Jan 2014, 19:12
by loraine
Hi Everyone

We are looking to borrow any old photos that may be floating about of the beach in Portrane as it was over the years. We promise to look after the photos, scan them and return them to you.

If you have any, can you please put them in an A4 envelope with your name and contact details on them and leave them in The Brook for us. We will scan them as quickly as possible and return them to you. We need these photos as evidence of how the beach used to look so it can be compared with the damage now.

Thank You all for your help.