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Donabate Beach This Morning

Posted: 05 Jun 2013, 11:42
by Diego
Went for a walk on Donabate beach this morning, what I saw was not very nice.
Rubbish was even left beside the bins, which were not even full.

Re: Donabate Beach This Morning

Posted: 05 Jun 2013, 15:26
by Ken
Relates back to the parking thread. An ignorant minority who couldn't be arsed making that little bit of extra effort.

Re: Donabate Beach This Morning

Posted: 05 Jun 2013, 16:18
by Bill_Lumbergh
ffs, what's the point in bringing all the rubbish to the bin and not even putting it in!

Re: Donabate Beach This Morning

Posted: 05 Jun 2013, 20:44
by Missey
At least we can be thankful that we are not on the Dart line - unlike those poor residents in Portmarnock and Howth and what they have had to put up over the last few days.

Re: Donabate Beach This Morning

Posted: 05 Jun 2013, 22:43
by gator
Bill_Lumbergh wrote:ffs, what's the point in bringing all the rubbish to the bin and not even putting it in!
Just to be aware the contents of some of those beer bottles ended up in flag cups on the local golf course, and no, they were not poured directly in, quite disgusting behaviour shamelessly urinating into the holes in broad daylight while golfers out playing, no point blaming day trippers either, home grown talent at work

Re: Donabate Beach This Morning

Posted: 06 Jun 2013, 09:53
by Diego
No improvement this morning bins still not emptied.
Tourists visiting our beautiful beach must be really impressed.

Re: Donabate Beach This Morning

Posted: 06 Jun 2013, 10:41
by diggerbarnes
It was tourists wot done it in the first place

Re: Donabate Beach This Morning

Posted: 06 Jun 2013, 10:53
by Roadrunner
Parts of the beach were in a bad way when I was down last night with discarded childrens clothes, broken glass bottles, empty plastic bottles. Sadly it's not just one type of beach goer that behaves with no thought for others.

I know it's a catch 22 but the council should have a separate bin for rubbish other than bottles. The current bins are rivetted shut with only a bottle slot - presumably to avoid people using them for household waste - That's why we see people leave barbecues and bags of rubbish beside the bins.

The council needs some kind of open bin solution that can be used for bags & boxes but won't be overfilled at busy times.

Would extra bins stands further along the beach for the summer period also help.

Re: Donabate Beach This Morning

Posted: 06 Jun 2013, 14:08
by Derek
I'm not condoning filthy dirty animals, but if this was Malahide beach, the council would have cleaned it by now and had the red carpet back down...

Re: Donabate Beach This Morning

Posted: 06 Jun 2013, 18:06
by estuarine
Look away if you'd prefer me to be PC, but I'm going to tell it as I've seen it.

For the past couple of days there has been what I will describe as an utter skanger element making its way out to Donabate by train from the city. I had the misfortune to share a carriage with these people the other afternoon. The funniest incident was when some of them asked me where the beach was, completely unaware that Donabate village is nowhere near the beach and of the length of the walk involved. Off they trotted with buggies, small children and no evidence of any sunscreen being applied.

There might be little we can do to actually stop these people coming, although maybe a sign indicating beach 2km might entice them back on a train to Portmarnock or Balbriggan! However, I think we are entitled to expect something from Iarnród Éireann which does well on train fares from the people of Donabate. Since discretion, common sense or class aren't exactly what these people are known for, I heard open admissions on the train that groups of them were travelling without tickets. How is it that you never see a ticket inspector except when they're shooting fish in a barrel usually on half empty trains on Sunday mornings when many stations are, in fairness, closed? If IÉ enforced revenue and security policies on these sunny days - not to mention in the evenings - we might be spared some of these people. I'm pretty confident you don't have to look much further in terms of who's been soiling our beach.

Re: Donabate Beach This Morning

Posted: 07 Jun 2013, 13:29
by Somewhere Else
Thanks for the warning, Estuarine - I wish I'd heeded it and turned away! I'm very un-PC myself but your assumption that these people were responsible for leaving rubbish on the beach seems to stem from their accent. Maybe they had plastic bags for rubbish with them and properly disposed of same. Who knows? As for no signs of sun protection....Come on! It's colourless you know.

Re: Donabate Beach This Morning

Posted: 10 Jun 2013, 22:26
by Mr. Stupid
I would love to know where all these skangers get all their money. They need a car to get out. That's needs petrol, insurance and tax. Then they need food, beers and all that jazz.

Anyway, the reason why the skangers come out to Donabate so I am led to believe is they think it is easy to get parking out here. Perhaps if they charged for use of the car park or make it pay and display parking all the way down the strand road that would cull a few of them.

The think is unfortunately they can park no problem in Donabate whereas Malahide, Portmarnock is harder to get parking. That's the best theory I have heard. But of course, plenty of skangers in those places as well.

Amazing, Ireland must be one of the only places where you avoid the beech on a nice day.

Re: Donabate Beach This Morning

Posted: 11 Jun 2013, 19:02
by glasagusdubh
some of the snobbery on these threads is ridiculous we don't actually know who was responsible for this incident and in fairness the recent good weather donabate got off a lot better then other areas. people from the inner city have been coming out here for years to caravans they own or rent aswell as the beach and by and large they are good folk with some bad eggs obviously as we seen with the shooting a couple of years back and other incidents,
I would keep some of my disdain for the 'high flying' property speculators and high level bankers who come into our parish from areas like Malahide and elsewhere and populate some of our local golf clubs, not enough that some of these people created the mess that the country is in and specifically the high level bankers that destroyed our childrens future they proceed to come out here from their luxurious abode and drink drive home on a weekly basis putting our local population at risk a disgrace of a situation :evil: :evil:

Re: Donabate Beach This Morning

Posted: 11 Jun 2013, 19:14
by Banana
hi ,

i'm laughing here at the assumption only skangers aka scumbags leave a mess behind - one of the sunny days last week i was in new bridge house with the kids around 6pm after work- and it was packed with gangs of well dressed mammies with a gaggle of kids and know the sort of it was late most groups were heading off home.....up around the playground

well the place was very messy - absolutely loads of rubbish lying around.........mainly juice containers, crisp bags, remains of picnics etc and the bin was on fire - i'm guessing from a disposable bbq chucked into it...- and there was not a scumbag in sight ! now to be fair a lot of people took their rubbish but it certainly wasn't a case of take only photos leave only foot prints

Re: Donabate Beach This Morning

Posted: 11 Jun 2013, 19:46
by diggerbarnes
glasagusdubh wrote: ... and specifically the high level bakers that destroyed our childrens future ...
Yeah pat the baker, Johnston, mooney and o brien, and the brennans. Can't stand any of them.

Re: Donabate Beach This Morning

Posted: 11 Jun 2013, 20:01
by glasagusdubh
gombeens to a man :lol: :lol:

Re: Donabate Beach This Morning

Posted: 12 Jun 2013, 19:35
by estuarine
I wouldn't disagree for one minute about bankers etc and obviously anyone can leave a mess.

However, let's all live in a fantasy world whereby individuals from certain geographical areas and backgrounds were not involved in a riot on Portmarnock beach, did not go en masse to Sutton and Howth last Saturday terrifying other people and requiring a major Garda response and did not go again to Howth on Sunday where they racially abused tourists and foreign workers in businesses.

Obviously none of that happened in this great little country where we dare not call things as they might be for fear of upsetting those whom certain facts might upset.

Re: Donabate Beach This Morning

Posted: 12 Jun 2013, 19:53
by Mr. Stupid
I would safely bet that most of the mess comes from skangers. Or people acting like skangers. Don't see the difference.

Solution is a Donabate Tax. You don't live here you should pay to enter.

I don't see how Malawhite is any richer than Donabate. Malawhite is full of people over 50 and 60 and 70 with no mortgages who live in houses worth 600K that they paid 50K for. These people can live on 45K a year and have loads of money because they have no mortgage, no child care costs.

Donabate is full of professionals in their 20, 30s and 40s. Many couples earning over 100K between them. But, when you take out mortgages and child care costs they have less money than the freaks over the side of the water even thou the household income is higher.

The reality is those freaks aren't worth their bread. They got lucky - right place at the right time and it has gone to their heads. Especially when you have the likes of Darragh O'Brien sucking up to them. You can tell when you walk around the village. Ask them a question and you'll see how mentally vacuous they are. Why? Because life is easy. Too easy.

Throw a bit of negative equity and childcare costs and lets see how big you are then. That's what I say.

Re: Donabate Beach This Morning

Posted: 12 Jun 2013, 23:05
by diggerbarnes
Don't forget the Fry model railway. They are so spoiled over there.

Re: Donabate Beach This Morning

Posted: 12 Jun 2013, 23:13
by Momoto
Mr Stupid, I admire your views. Do you, perchance, have a monthly pamphlet to which I could subscribe? I would like to hear more about the "freaks" of "Malawhite".

Re: Donabate Beach This Morning

Posted: 13 Jun 2013, 17:10
by Mr. Stupid
Pamphlet? I centre my ass in their "Diamond" and then show it to their Malawhite-trash, nouveau riche loser faces.

Re: Donabate Beach This Morning

Posted: 14 Jun 2013, 00:31
by mammy
I am beginning to hate summers in Drugabate I never go to the beach on hot days anymore I think I would end up in the women's prison for my actions when I see what happening on the beach and locally. The best thing FCC ever done for us was to make the car free beach it may take a while but people will soon realize that there very few parking places and feck off back to where they came from and shut the gate on their way out ..... :lol:

I have some horrible memories from a few years ago of a whole group of lads and lassies and their babies arriving in convoy mostly driving black Volkswagen golfs for some reason from Tallaght on a baily basis when we had good weather , yes I did ask where they came from :lol: they would blare music do handbreakers on the beach play football as to take over a huge area especially when the tide was coming in drink beer light BBQ'S and leave everything behind them where ever it lay even the odd girlfriend AFTER a few crates of Miller.When the beach was closed to cars they went else where .....who knows where who cares they are gone now .... I even had a row with a policeman who wouldn't take the beer off them he was out numbered I can appreciate that ...but the law is the law ....and beaches on hot days in Ireland seem to be lawless ...disgusting to see what is left behind !!!! and I thought we were teaching our kids more about the environment then we were taught in school ..... silly me