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Travellers on new Road

Posted: 08 Mar 2021, 09:30
by BateBoy
Anyone have any idea on the status of the members of the traveling community who have chosen the beautiful tree back fields of the new road to make their new home for the third time?

It seems a little futile to keep moving them on every few weeks only for them to return a few weeks later in greater numbers.

Maybe they could club together, apply for planning permission for a wonderful new halting site and purchase some fields from private owner and have a legitimate base there? It just seems that in spite if their obvious right to do whatever they like, protected by their Ethnic minority status, they should have some kind of permanancy to their tenure - they are after all such a wonderful addition to the peninsula and their care for nature, animals and environment should make them welcomed by all.

Three cheers for the traveling community...

Hip hip.....

Re: Travellers on new Road

Posted: 08 Mar 2021, 13:05
by gruffalo
Sorry but I am not sure I understand, where have they setup camp now?

Re: Travellers on new Road

Posted: 08 Mar 2021, 15:55
by Matsugawa
They're down the road to the wastewater treatment plant - not far from where they were located previously.

I was running along the route through the woods and unfortunately they're using the path as a toilet judging by the amount of toilet paper blowing around (the huge human turd laid right in the middle of the path was also a giveaway).

*trigger warning*
If this was a dogsh1t I would hate to meet the dog that did it

Re: Travellers on new Road

Posted: 08 Mar 2021, 17:10
by gruffalo

Re: Travellers on new Road

Posted: 08 Mar 2021, 18:54
by RJS
The Travellers were so lucky that the council had just finished clearing the area of all of the debris that had been previously dumped by the uncaring members of our local society. All those black bags and fridges were an eyesore on what is otherwise a lovely area to walk. At least now, when they, the Travellers move on, they won't be blamed for leaving a mess behind them. Its all to easy to place the blame for fly tipping on this law abiding, under privileged and underrepresented minority!

Re: Travellers on new Road

Posted: 13 Mar 2021, 09:51
by bronorton
I'm glad they have left their legacy again. These visits really enrich the peninsula culturally

Re: Travellers on new Road

Posted: 13 Mar 2021, 18:34
by CaseyE
Some mess left behind... the community should chip in and build a toilet block for the next visit.... alas, parting is such sweet sorrow

Re: Travellers on new Road

Posted: 15 Mar 2021, 11:59
by Mr. Stupid
you'd wonder what Lorrain Clifford Lee makes of this

Re: Travellers on new Road

Posted: 02 Jun 2021, 23:51
by 00000
They are back ;) , they are now on the old small section of road on a bend towards Portrane, just beside New Road and Ballymastone

Re: Travellers on new Road

Posted: 03 Jun 2021, 19:15
by HollieBG
You would wonder what attraction Portrane/Donabate holds for them??

Re: Travellers on new Road

Posted: 05 Jun 2021, 08:40
by albert
HollieBG wrote: 03 Jun 2021, 19:15 You would wonder what attraction Portrane/Donabate holds for them??
Travellers LOVE scrumdiddlys