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New road - speeding

Posted: 10 Jul 2020, 22:32
by Macktheknife
Is it only me, given my advancing years ! Twice this week I’ve nearly been run off the new road because I was doing the speed limit! Silly me I always thought that the speed limit was just that, a limit not a target. Apologies to the blond lady lady in the Audi for not going fast enough for you. Sad really that after scaring me you got caught behind other traffic. Imagine my surprise when I ended up behind you and you turned into Jones. Must have been some gardening emergency 🤔

Re: New road - speeding

Posted: 20 Jul 2020, 22:21
by Big_dirt
If you are doing the speed limit Mack, then nobody can ask any more if you.

I do think that in good conditions, daylight, dry, good visibility, that your comment about the speed limit not being a target is an issue.

Driving at 20 km/h beneath the limit causes other drivers to take risks to get past you so they can make decent progress.

If you can do the speed limit safely, then do it.

Re: New road - speeding

Posted: 21 Jul 2020, 15:15
by ROB19
The speed limit is just that, a limit. Unless you are driving dangerously slowly you are not obliged to speed up to ensure someone is making proper progress, which is pretty subjective in any case!

I think there are serious issues with people way over the speed limit on the distributor road. The junction with the road to corballis is a particular concern as there is not great visibility and if a person is speeding I think there is a real risk they won't be able to stop in time to prevent a collision.

Re: New road - speeding

Posted: 27 Jul 2020, 20:24
by Big_dirt
'Dangerously slowly' is also 'pretty subjective' Rob.

People with more knowledge and experience than us have calculated what a safe speed is in good conditions. That much isn't subjective.

I can't in any way justify breaking the limit, and do not condone it, but likewise I believe those who choose to drive significantly beneath the speed limit in good conditions are making things more difficult for other road users and can lead to frustration and people increasing risk to themselves and others by trying to get past them.

Re: New road - speeding

Posted: 28 Jul 2020, 09:43
by ROB19
I hear what you are saying but lets be clear that it is not a safe speed or a target speed that is being flagged but a speed limit. I see very few people driving significantly below the speed limit and plenty going well over the speed limit on the distributor road, which is what the original poster was raising. From your posts we both agree that this is not good. I would go further and agree with the original poster and say it is an issue.

Re: New road - speeding

Posted: 30 Jul 2020, 13:35
by Roarsbaby
Unless I'm very much mistaken I think the real crux of the OP is aggressive driving
and not keeping a safe following distance? (The lady in the Audi)
80km/h is plenty for the Hearse Road