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House Alarm Carrs Mill

Posted: 28 Apr 2020, 11:51
by Ruby49
Amazing how everyone is in lockdown, working from home, except the person who owns the house with the alarm going off all the time in Carrs Mill :x

Re: House Alarm Carrs Mill

Posted: 30 Apr 2020, 11:59
by Maria55
I agree. Driving me nuts!!

Re: House Alarm Carrs Mill

Posted: 15 Jun 2020, 11:44
by Ruby49
That alarm in Carrs Mill going off again. My Wife is a Nurse who was working the last few nights and is home trying to sleep with that going off. Not Fair!

Re: House Alarm Carrs Mill

Posted: 22 Jun 2020, 10:21
by aoifey
and again this Monday it's going off. History with this particular alarm means it will go off continuously all day until they get home and turn it off. Does anyone know the house in question? Can someone inform the occupants?

Does anyone know why there is no specific legislation in relation to house alarms? They seem to be able to be installed without many/any rules at all and allowed to pollute the air with noise, which people ignore anyway.

My alarm informs me when it is going off and I can turn it off from wherever I am. This should be a minimum requirement for any new alarms and legislation should be brought in to retrofit existing alarms with this technology.

Re: House Alarm Carrs Mill

Posted: 22 Jun 2020, 12:11
by Mr. Stupid
You have to go the neighbour first and try to resolve it amicably. If it doesn't happen you go to noise control unit. ... tions.html