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New partially opened Donabate road to Portrane

Posted: 04 Feb 2020, 17:41
by pat mustard
Seems there's been a large arrival of parked up visitors to the road there. a staggering number considering there are no amenities there.

Re: New partially opened Donabate road to Portrane

Posted: 04 Feb 2020, 18:07
by Fr Jack
Well the timing is very suspect so I'd say its going to be a payout to get rid of that problem. Who knows how long it could take delay the opening :roll:

Re: New partially opened Donabate road to Portrane

Posted: 04 Feb 2020, 18:54
by Spider
They made sure they destroyed the car park at Turvey allotments/nature reserve before they moved on to the road.

Re: New partially opened Donabate road to Portrane

Posted: 04 Feb 2020, 19:45
by Lavidolas

Re: New partially opened Donabate road to Portrane

Posted: 04 Feb 2020, 20:22
by Defcom
Said it to my wife weeks ago footpaths and grassverge are far to wide on the that road, perfect for travellers booom I was right. They want 50 grand to move, that's called extortion, time to mobilise the army. I wouldn't be surprised if there after a halting site. I've no time for them there destructive.

Re: New partially opened Donabate road to Portrane

Posted: 04 Feb 2020, 20:38
by Fr Jack
Peter Casey was demonised for speaking
out against these people. Absolute disgrace that they are being paid a cent. We the tax payer need an apology from Pavee point :roll:

Re: New partially opened Donabate road to Portrane

Posted: 05 Feb 2020, 17:20
by Paulo
Shocking that “Visitors” are using these extortion tactics yet again. Let’s call them what they are - travellers. The government already seems to turn a blind eye to the fact that most of them don’t work and collect social welfare, yet still have top of the range SUVs and luxury caravans. If the average worker had any undeclared income paid into their bank account the taxman would be on their back looking for his cut.
Because of their status they get everything paid for their kids regarding school uniforms, supplies etc, then when this is done the kids stop attending.
They have terrorised many elderly people in the countryside, most of whom live in isolated areas. I have personally known of two families who’s houses were robbed while they were attending funerals, coincidence? I think not. These were the same houses which held the wake so it had been advertised on They then wonder why they are discriminated against.
I do not expect this to be a popular post but I think “visitors” like these have been let away with far too much already and it’s time to end this PC era and call them out publicly for what they are - scum.
Whether people agree publicly or not I’m pretty sure nobody would like their house located next to this convoy.

Re: New partially opened Donabate road to Portrane

Posted: 05 Feb 2020, 20:04
by pat mustard
I wrote visitors as i am reporting what happened. if you want to get this topic shut down, ok. its not a rant site. Lets report on Donabate impact as we experience it. There are enough people on this site to report to do this here. Agree re fears, i totally agree.

Re: New partially opened Donabate road to Portrane

Posted: 07 Feb 2020, 13:43
by Paulo
Obviously I don’t want this thread shut down. If speaking my mind gets it shut down so be it and I won’t comment on it further in a new thread. The impact on Donabate remains that Turvey car park was left in a shocking state and its likely that Fingal county council will use our hard earned property taxes to pay them off.

Re: New partially opened Donabate road to Portrane

Posted: 07 Feb 2020, 14:02
by Fr Jack
Well the reason it goes on is because the PC brigade label anyone who says a word against travellers. They know this and as soon as anything negative is said that Martin Collins is on spouting the usual drivel. He won't have been out to inspect the mess out in Donabate anyway. Why is that i wonder?? That was blaggarding of the highest order this week and it's about time they were called out on it.

Re: New partially opened Donabate road to Portrane

Posted: 07 Feb 2020, 15:05
by pat mustard
Have they f****d off from the new road?