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What on earth is going on with the traffic on the Peninsula?

Posted: 14 Nov 2019, 17:02
by Derek
Why is what should be a simple 5 minute journey from Portrane to Donabate taking over an hour?

Why are the traffic lights on Donabate bridge frequently red for an excessive and unnecessary amount of time ?

Why is the significant spot flooding along the main street which was resurfaced only six months ago?

Why is the Hearse Rd flooding badly at the junction with the DDR, and again at the bad bend where it seems to be flowing freely from the yard opposite?

Why are the DDR tie-in works on the Portrane Rd a complete omni-shambles?

Why won't those capable of resolving these do so?

Answers on a postcard please to your local public reps. There is a by-election coming up and let those who call knocking for your vote that this egregious nonsense has to stop. Whatever about a need for more homes and having to accept some disruption, it is not only galling that it is getting ever difficult just to leave your estate, but very scary that this represents the start of something that will be going on for a decade or so.

Don't cop out.. Call out.

Re: What on earth is going on with the traffic on the Peninsula?

Posted: 14 Nov 2019, 20:07
by Fr Jack
The reason for the flooding at the DDR junction is simple. There is a drainage kerb used along the new road. Obviously then any time it rains all the water flows into the kerb and runs along the kerb finally ending up where you see the flood. No effort has been made to pipe this water away from that point. Complete carelessness and as usual Fingal are turning a blind eye. The road in and out of Donabate is now unfortunately at its maximum capacity so it's only going to get worse til DDR is up and running.

Re: What on earth is going on with the traffic on the Peninsula?

Posted: 14 Nov 2019, 20:19
by Peter V
It's not a mystery - poor planning from FCC: allowing prolific development with inadequate infrastructure. They did it to Balbriggan 30 years ago, nothing new.