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Foreign students attacked and robbed in village tonight

Posted: 09 Mar 2019, 22:25
by patsman
About an hour ago in the village a number of local hardmen attacked and robbed some foreign students who are staying locally. They ran up the Beaverstown road so they must live up there. Any of you who have sons living on that road ask them what they were up to this evening. The students were traumatised and came into keelings bar for assistance. The guards arrived and were dealing with it. This is unacceptable behaviour. They were locals.

Re: Foreign students attacked and robbed in village tonight

Posted: 10 Mar 2019, 14:14
by Paulo
Not a new occurence either I'm afraid. There were incidences of this last year. I'd be willing to place a hefty bet it's the same scumbags. These individuals were filmed intimidating students last year and reported to the gardai but nothing seemed to come of it.

Re: Foreign students attacked and robbed in village tonight

Posted: 19 Mar 2019, 01:26
by Defcom
Totally not acceptable. Action needs to be takin by us the community.

Re: Foreign students attacked and robbed in village tonight

Posted: 19 Mar 2019, 08:40
by topsyturvey
I understand the Gardaí know who the individual who carried out the assault is and I suspect some of the responsible adults in the community also know who the individual is and who his associates are - but what are they to do with that information - what can be done when you have teenage thugs embedded in the community as we appear to have - what can be done ? I understand that some local lads came to the assistance of the students who were attacked but that the lads who helped the students didn't know the names of those involved in the assault - I suspect that fear of reprisal may be a factor which the local kids need to consider. It appears to me that the vast majority of our young people are good kids but there are repeat offenders who need to be made see the error of their ways. We are becoming a no go area for the students which is tragic for our area - all because of a handful of gurriers. I will raise this with the community council and I am going to look into how other communities faced with this issue have dealt with it and see if we can learn from others.

Re: Foreign students attacked and robbed in village tonight

Posted: 19 Mar 2019, 10:35
by aoifey
it wouldnt surprise me if the guards and locals know who carried out this attack as well as other antisocial behaviour going on in the village and its surrounds. take a look at what happened in newbridge park at the weekend too. there is absolutely no doubt that a lot of this stuff gets filmed by the scum carrying out this stuff.

an incident happened in Lusk GAA at the weekend too and they have asked that parents check their kids phones for pictures and videos. This is a great idea and should be done by every parent of a teenager who has a phone.

my own teenagers photos and videos get uploaded to 2 places in the cloud and i check regularly as well as on their phone. I'm the parent and so long as I am responible for them they will be subject to checks like this. So many parents are completely blind to what their kids are at. It's a real worry. Then there are the parents who know exactly what their kids are at but are too weak to do anything about it, and there are some who simply dont care. There's talk online about 'make the parents pay', 'should be mandatory 2 years jail time' etc etc. These comments are made by people every time there is an incident like this. This is Ireland though, one of the most liberal countries in the world. Generally people don't get punished properly for crimes, and teenagers certainly don't. Ask yourself what happened to the people who burnt down the pharmacy, as an example. So whilst those comments are well intentioned, changes will not be made in my lifetime.

With the population set to more than double, and with no infrastructure to back that up, this will only get significantly worse. I cant stress that enough. But (some of) our politicians are happy to let them build away. Worth checking who didn't back the call for a moratorium on future planning before you vote in the next elections.

Re: Foreign students attacked and robbed in village tonight

Posted: 20 Mar 2019, 12:18
by Paulo
I see on the Donabate village facebook page footage was published of lads robbing a fire extinguisher outside Pasta Castello. I wonder if there are any legalities in publishing footage of antisocial behaviour here or is that considered taking the law into our own hands?

Re: Foreign students attacked and robbed in village tonight

Posted: 20 Mar 2019, 12:53
by Ken
Paulo wrote: 20 Mar 2019, 12:18 I see on the Donabate village facebook page footage was published of lads robbing a fire extinguisher outside Pasta Castello. I wonder if there are any legalities in publishing footage of antisocial behaviour here or is that considered taking the law into our own hands?
Please don't post footage here. Any video evidence should be provided to the Guards.

Re: Foreign students attacked and robbed in village tonight

Posted: 20 Mar 2019, 14:48
by topsyturvey
Aoifey I think that's good advice - check your kids phones - generally and specifically if they were out unsupervised when the assault occurred.

I don't think that we can blame infrastructure for thuggery and a lack of empathy with others or the environment - parents and the kids themselves have to take a bow on this.

Who knows what happens when these things are reported - I'd be interested to know if there is any feedback from the Gardaí on what they have done to deal with the individuals who are known to them. Is anything done/has anything been done considering that there were assaults last year on students in the village and that the Gardaí were notified at the time ? Can the community do anything ? This is a question we need to answer.

Re: Foreign students attacked and robbed in village tonight

Posted: 20 Mar 2019, 15:25
by aoifey
Infrastructure emcompasses many things including road, rail, public transport etc.

Giving one example......
We are going to have the same population as Naas and Athlone. That's pretty much a given and is covered in the LAP.
Naas have 78 Gardai and Athlone have 49 Gardai, according to the last available figures I have seen from 2015.
Donabate has 0 Gardai. Of course we will be told that Swords covers Donabate and as sheep we will be told to accept our lot and that's just the way it is. Swords doesn't have enough Gardai for Swords let alone Donabate. A Garda in Donabate is generally reactionary. You never really see a Garda presence. When the population increases to 20,000+, the total number of Gardai in Donabate will still be 0.

The community is trying to do something. Many people in our community are campaigning for (extra) policing, sports facilities, roads(!!) etc etc. The call for a moratorium was made I believe to get the council to continue with everything that is currently in the pipeline but put the brakes on any new major builds until such time as the infrastructure catches up.

Lack of infrastructure, I believe, and studies show, leads to anti-social behaviour. We don't need to look too far to see the historical effects in Dublin. Of course parents need to take responsibility. But as we know, there will always be a few. And generally it's the 1% or less that cause the problems.

Re: Foreign students attacked and robbed in village tonight

Posted: 25 Mar 2019, 11:19
by Ken
Post deleted.

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