Donabate -Portrane society

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uncle peter
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What an interesting society we live in; We live in a community where it is ok to use a child to further your own business agenda. Members of our community hide behind a issue as serious as cancer to bully the head of our local school, while at the same time promoting a hypocritical agenda of concern for that same school. These are the people that could not be bothered to investigate the facts. Who needs facts when gossip is more interesting. Why would anyone ring the school to find how much money the school has collected for charity. I can only guess that if they were that misimformed they must have refused to support the many charity fundraisers the school has organised in recent times. If their child went to a non uniform school they believe they have a constitutional right to force everyone else's child into their idea of the perfect school. The last time I checked there were three Primary schools in Donabate. They believe that they always know best and the silent majority that have passed these school policies were misinformed.
Donabate Hatter
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good on you uncle peter, It is a typical Irish flaw to try and bring everyone down to their level. I must say it is pretty low to use the serious issue of cancer to attack another human and bully them. I suppose all the Principals of our schools are well used to it by now from these small minded individuals who spend their lives bringing people down.
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Harry Byrne
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I feel I have missed something here.
uncle peter
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Most people can understand that some people want their own way at all times. When some one like the Principal of the Secondary School stands up to them, they organise a bullying campaign against her, they dress it up as false concern for cancer, while at the same time never asking the question is it appropiate that a business in our community would be allowed to use a vunerable child for their own agenda.
Donabate Hatter
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'Organised bullying campaign' where?

You know this boy is vulnerable because?
uncle peter
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Denial is the refusal to accept reality or fact, acting as if the painful event for our community the act of bullying of the Principal of the Secondary School did not exist. In Psychology it is considered one of the most primitive of the defense mechanisms because it is characteristic of early childhood development. Many people use denial in their everyday lives to avoid dealing with painful feelings or areas of their life they don’t wish to admit.
Donabate Hatter
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While others refuse to answer a reasonable question that they have been asked and instead go off at a tangent to cover over that they have no answer to said reasonable question!!!!!!!!!!
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Donabate Hatter wrote:While others refuse to answer a reasonable question that they have been asked and instead go off at a tangent to cover over that they have no answer to said reasonable question!!!!!!!!!!
This person seems to be very angry about something, I hope this site will help him to get it out of their system.
Donabate Hatter
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Hi Jackie

Certainly makes you wonder what agenda he is working too!

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Donabate Hatter wrote:Hi Jackie

Certainly makes you wonder what agenda he is working too!

You are the person I was referring to you are very negative and angry, I can only hope you can get some release for it.
Donabate Hatter
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So you were!!!! I'm not the slightest bit angry, in fact people who know me will tell you I'm so laid back I'm almost horizontal, and how you can think I'm angry from the contents of my posts on this thread is amazing!!!!!

I simply asked the poster to back up his assertions that there was an 'organised bullying campaign' and that the boy in question was 'vulnerable', was that unreasonable? Or is it alright for him to simply throw out these accusations without anything to back them up?

(AKA Mr. Notatallangry of Donabate)
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Donabate-Hatter I think you may be feeding a troll it seems to be happening on the other local site too a multi-personality type not really very clever at it either. :lol:
Donabate Hatter
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Hi Mammy,

Thing is I don't work and between the garden, a bit of housework and watching history/sport/drama programmes on the TV I can sit here doing it all day!!! As I said I'm very laid back and it doesn't wind me up at all and the thought that there's some t**t of a troll out there thinking I'm getting wound up only makes it all the funnier!!!

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I think we've been fair enough on the Secondary school topic. A story was posted, fair enough. However, we have no way of knowing whether it's true or not. There are also two sides to every story. I think most of us preceded our comments with "if it's true". There is no question of a campaign against the school or its principal. I for one believe there is a lot more to this that we don't know about.

The OP made several statements here, but as DH has pointed out, they haven't been able to back them up.

Mr. Stupid
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Some of the sledging in this thread is over the top.
Donabate Hatter
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'Some of the sledging in this thread is over the top'

You think so, I think it's quite tame really.

uncle peter
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A child used in a public manner to further the business interests of an individual is a vunerable child. When people post material without checking whether it is true or not and continue to post when they informed that it was not correct that is bullying. I notice in your postings that you have moved from denial to anger. I think acceptance is next. I can only hope you development will allow you to reach that stage.
John Spark
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Ken wrote:The OP made several statements here, but as DH has pointed out, they haven't been able to back them up.
The OP in the other secondary school thread (Bumblebee / Wayne from Razor's Edge) also made statements that he/they could not back up, and he/they even named individuals in that post - and posted it on more than just this site. That is, at the very least, irresponsible, but quite possibly more sinister than irresponsible. What was that agenda about - promoting Razor's Edge or just taking an opportunity to have a pop at the secondary school and it's principal?

A similar thread attacking the secondary school and it's principal and it's code of conduct had to be deleted from the other Donabate/Portrane forum recently as some people went completely overboard in their comments there too - quite possibly some of the same posters on the threads here.
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I did acknowledge that we had no proof that the original story was true or the full facts either.

John Spark
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Sorry Ken - I realise that.

I just think that there were more "unbacked" statements made in the other thread about the school than there has been in this one.

We've waited a long time to have a secondary school on the peninsula, and it just seems that some people are only looking for a reason to knock it now that we finally have it :shock:
Last edited by John Spark on 27 Feb 2013, 10:22, edited 1 time in total.
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Hi Donabate Hatter I hear you some :lol: we seem to have a bit armchair psychology going on :mrgreen:
uncle peter
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I doubt arm chair psychology will be enough for some people, it seems to be more deep rooted. back to their childhood. maybe they had a bad experience in play school ? They are associating that experience with the local school and its head.
Mr. Stupid
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uncle peter wrote:I doubt arm chair psychology will be enough for some people, it seems to be more deep rooted. back to their childhood. maybe they had a bad experience in play school ? They are associating that experience with the local school and its head.
"Head"? Pun intended or unintended?
Donabate Hatter
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Hi Mammy

You still awake or have the (clearly self important) trolls driven you to sleep like mezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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