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Donabate Relief Road - €15m Investment

Posted: 04 Apr 2017, 15:16
by Ken
Mentions investment for the Donabate Relief Road although I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you. ... nd-swords/

Re: Donabate Relief Road - €15m Investment

Posted: 04 Apr 2017, 23:06
by ddd
It is apparently part of "Rebuilding Ireland" by the government.

More info ... _FINAL.pdf and ... announced/

Re: Donabate Relief Road - €15m Investment

Posted: 05 Apr 2017, 00:10
by patsman
Badly needed but the downside is major housing development this will happen because lands behind Links and at Ballamastone will then be available for building . 1,200 houses by 2021. The levies charged to builders will help cover the cost of road.

Re: Donabate Relief Road - €15m Investment

Posted: 05 Apr 2017, 09:48
by AN Other
James Reilly was at the train station last Friday morning - looks like its all systems go for the road.

Still unsure if that's good or bad news !!

Re: Donabate Relief Road - €15m Investment

Posted: 05 Apr 2017, 12:48
by Ken
AN Other wrote:Still unsure if that's good or bad news !!
A bit of both. Upside is that it will sificantly improve safety in terms of the Hearse Road and the village by reducing traffic. Downside is that there is a lot of green space on the peninsula that will slowly disappear. I guess we all knew that would happen eventually.

However, the onus is on us to track the proposed development and ensure that it's done correctly and with consideration for exisiting residents.

Re: Donabate Relief Road - €15m Investment

Posted: 19 Aug 2017, 10:30
by Ken
More details on the Distributor Road. ... 31272.html

Re: Donabate Relief Road - €15m Investment

Posted: 25 Aug 2017, 15:36
by Roarsbaby
Thanks for posting Ken

Re: Donabate Relief Road - €15m Investment

Posted: 13 Dec 2017, 13:39
by Its EB
The sod turning on the new Relief Road took place this morning. ... 1342066688

Re: Donabate Relief Road - €15m Investment

Posted: 13 Dec 2017, 14:15
by pat mustard
is there a definitive map of where this road starts/finishes?

Re: Donabate Relief Road - €15m Investment

Posted: 13 Dec 2017, 15:52
by Its EB

Re: Donabate Relief Road - €15m Investment

Posted: 13 Dec 2017, 15:56
by Ken
It's a pity it doesn't start closer to the R132/M1 junction. The bad bend will still be there and that guy just beyond it will still be rebuilding his wall every few months. It only partially solves the problem.

Re: Donabate Relief Road - €15m Investment

Posted: 13 Dec 2017, 17:03
by Mr. Stupid
Tend to agree.
With that number of houses, the Dart, Malahide walkway etc all need to be finished.
Also I am very concerned about the amount of social housing. Have fears the place is just going to be a complete kip.

Re: Donabate Relief Road - €15m Investment

Posted: 13 Dec 2017, 19:59
by Sunshine1
Yes i agree, this worries me greatly. I cannot see how this is good long term. 1,000 mixed tenure so 50% social and affordable, a mini ghetto within donabate. Zero thoughts or respect given to the residents who worked hard to own their houses. When you think of the social problems within balbriggan and we dont even have a garda station. Just mind boggling

Re: Donabate Relief Road - €15m Investment

Posted: 14 Dec 2017, 09:14
by jack white
The Donabate LAP didn't just guarantee that the distributor road would be built. It also confirmed that the council had to ensure that the road leading to it was up to scratch. And, as common sense tells us you can't serve a major road with a minor boreen (which is what the Hearse Road is, let's face it) that means they have to either widen the Hearse Road or replace it with another road. Look forward to the council's plans for that one....

Re: Donabate Relief Road - €15m Investment

Posted: 14 Dec 2017, 10:26
by aoifey
Sunshine1 wrote:Yes i agree, this worries me greatly. I cannot see how this is good long term. 1,000 mixed tenure so 50% social and affordable, a mini ghetto within donabate. Zero thoughts or respect given to the residents who worked hard to own their houses. When you think of the social problems within balbriggan and we dont even have a garda station. Just mind boggling
the volume of houses coming on stream on this peninsula, regardless of whether social or not will be a recipe for disaster in the next 10 to 15 years. Already we have a couple of estates both existing and being built with 300 to 400 houses in them. These estates are going to see major anti-social behaviour over the coming years. It's a given with estates of this size anywhere.

if, as is mentioned above (and i dont know how true this is), an estate/area with 500 social and afforable houses comes on stream then yes this will create a ghetto and will lead to a serious increase in anti-social behaviour. Have our councils learned nothing from ballymun etc? Integration not segregation is the key.

In my opinion, Donabate is going to become a 'kip' in the medium term and once it becomes that there will be no going back. Decisions are being made on its future by pen pushers who don't live in the area and really don't care how it turns out.

Re: Donabate Relief Road - €15m Investment

Posted: 04 Jan 2018, 16:30
by Lavidolas

Re: Donabate Relief Road - €15m Investment

Posted: 04 Jan 2018, 21:18
by Mr. Stupid
"That figure includes the construction of approximately 1,000 mixed tenure housing units on council-owned land."

Are you ready for Darndale Part Deux?

Re: Donabate Relief Road - €15m Investment

Posted: 05 Jan 2018, 08:12
by pat mustard
Sure the mayor and the Chief Exec think its a great idea........ :lol:

Wheres the local TDs on this , finishing off the turkey?

"Mayor of Fingal, Cllr Mary McCamley, said: 'Around 3,600 new homes are envisaged within the Donabate Local Area Plan and the new Distributor Road will make a lot of that possible, including 1,000 mixed tenure homes on Council-owned land. The new road will also ease traffic congestion in Donabate village and make access to Portrane, Balcarrick and Corbalis much easier.'

The Chief Executive of Fingal County Council, Paul Reid, said: 'The Distributor Road is a key strategic aim of the Donabate Local Area Plan which provides for the future sustainable growth of the town through the implementation of three phases of development across land parcels located to the north, south, east and west of the existing town centre.' "

Re: Donabate Relief Road - €15m Investment

Posted: 05 Jan 2018, 10:04
by Mr. Stupid
Mary McCamley email is:
Paul Reid email is:

I would suggest anybody concern about the scale of social housing (Darndale Part Deux) emails the people above.

In summary:
* Every new estate will have 10% social housing -- this even means some nice swanky 4 beds in new estates will be social housing.
* This 1,000 council estate will have 500 social and affordable housing. Meaning the other 500 will more than likely be bought by investors who rent them back to the council for more council housing.

Considering Donabate was supposed to be getting:
* A walkway around the estuary
* A dart
* A swimming pool

* estates were supposed to be getting proper play areas for kids (which developers have just bought their way out of)
* train is completely over packed
* etc

and Donabate / Portrane already fulfills it fair share socially
* New Hospital for patients considered to sociopathological
* Already has its fair share of social and affordable housing
* Has a methodone clinic
* Has a shelter for battered women (and others)

* Doesn't have a police station and has no plans for one.

So, we have to put up a fight here. There has to be give and take.

Re: Donabate Relief Road - €15m Investment

Posted: 05 Jan 2018, 11:36
by batman
Hi All,
I think lots of people are not aware about the current situation.
I wonder if there is a way we can discuss this as community so many more people will know about the current planning for Donabate and eventually talk to our representatives.

Re: Donabate Relief Road - €15m Investment

Posted: 05 Jan 2018, 11:57
by aoifey
realistically nobody living outside of Donabate gives a rats about Donabate. We are tucked away on our own peninsula so that when it does turn into Darndale part 2 as someone mentioned, we are so far tucked away from the rest of Fingal that it will be ok.

i normally dont go with the whole sensationalist headline tripe, but i can see us becoming one of those talked about anti-social areas in years to come that no one wants to go near.

putting 500 social houses in one area, with the potential for the remaining 500 to also be social housing (lets face it, who is going to buy a home privately in an area with 500 social houses) will most definately be the end of Donabate as we know it.

i shouldnt need to put the disclaimer that of course social housing doesn't mean bad people. But all it takes is for a very small minority of people in those houses to ruin an entire area.

i'm fully invested in Donabate in terms of schools, activities, clubs etc, but we have had a serious discussion about selling on and moving out once the kids are finished school.

the people 'in charge' really don't care about us out here. So we need to care about ourselves. The SPDD group seem to be doing good things so we should look to support them in whatever way we can.

Re: Donabate Relief Road - €15m Investment

Posted: 05 Jan 2018, 12:01
by Mr. Stupid
batman wrote:Hi All,
I think lots of people are not aware about the current situation.
I wonder if there is a way we can discuss this as community so many more people will know about the current planning for Donabate and eventually talk to our representatives.
Keep spreading the word batman because you are right, not many people know.

It is extremely sinister what Fingal are doing:

Stage 1:
Have seven estates being built at the same time. No estate agent tells anyone how much is going to social and the social are put in at the end because if they put them in at the beginning everyone would know and wouldn't buy for those prices.
Stage 2: Traffic turns into a mess with all the building
Stage 3: Announce new road - people think wow! this is good this will sort out the traffic problems can relax now
Stage 4: Build new road with the caveat that more houses will be going in. People so desperate for new road they won't read the small print
Stage 5: New estates, Beresford, Rahillion etc are finishing up. The last 10% remaining houses are filled with social. At first no-one really notices. There's no bad apples.
Stage 6: Then after 6 months, it starts becoming clear there are a few bad apples. There's a few whisperings. Also people get shocked they paid 450K for their pad and their neighbour gets the same pad for nothing. There's an undercurrent brewing. People are afraid to give out, afraid of being accused of being right wing, unsympathetic.
Stage 7:Then the 1,000 ghetto is finished.
Stage 8:Developers are gone, sold all their houses, made their money. The last piece of the puzzle: "fill the ghetto" happens.

Re: Donabate Relief Road - €15m Investment

Posted: 09 Jan 2018, 22:33
by Matsugawa
I live right next to affordable housing in an estate in Donabate. I did have some concerns after I learned of it but living here over 10 years I can honestly say I've never had any problems with my neighbours - they're all very nice people - they're not loaded, don't have big jobs or drive flash cars. They're normal people.

The only trouble I've had is when my neighbour left and *rented* their property, but over 10 years there have been 4 sets of tenants and only 1 was a problem (and at that was just that they were noisy and never did a tap to maintain the house or garden and used to put ketchup on their eggs.

I think characterising affordable housing = "some bad apples" is as accurate as saying "anywhere = some bad apples".

My in-laws live in a nice posh estate in South County Dublin and their neighbours are nobs, don't speak to you and play a game of passive - aggressive parking whenever we visit.

Money can buy you a big house but it can't buy you good manners.

Re: Donabate Relief Road - €15m Investment

Posted: 11 Jan 2018, 09:06
by aoifey
Matsugawa wrote:I live right next to affordable housing in an estate in Donabate. I did have some concerns after I learned of it but living here over 10 years I can honestly say I've never had any problems with my neighbours - they're all very nice people - they're not loaded, don't have big jobs or drive flash cars. They're normal people.

I think characterising affordable housing = "some bad apples" is as accurate as saying "anywhere = some bad apples".
i think what's being referred to here is more the Social Housing and not the affordable housing.
Rules are in place that mean 10% of any new estates must be allocated to Social Housing. And that's a good thing.

But buiding 30% to 50% of a development as Social Housing goes against these rules simply because a council are under pressure to make a government look good. Short term gains for long term trouble. Look at any estate/area with huge amounts of Social Housing. I don't need to name them, but the results of that are clear to see.

Integration is key.

Re: Donabate Relief Road - €15m Investment

Posted: 12 Jan 2018, 15:20
by jester1980

Ive recently bought in the area, my family has lived in donabate for 12 years so I decided to send a mail just to enquire, see reply below.

I wish to acknowledge receipt of your email to the Chief Executive and Major of Fingal County Council. I also wish to respond to a number of queries you have raised and specifically your questions in relation to the Council owned lands in Donabate known as Ballymastone.

In the first instance, I wish to clarify that the Council has no proposals to provide 500 social homes on its land in Donabate. The Ballymastone development lands are approximately 50ha including the existing recreational facilities and the land-take for the Donabate Distributor Road. The landbank has the capacity to provide for approximately 1,000 no. new residential homes, based on an average density of 35 units per hectare.

The residential units will consist of an appropriate mix of private, social and affordable private homes with the objective of delivering a sustainable mixed tenure housing development. The overall scheme will contain a mix of units including 1, 2 & 3 bedroom semi-detached, terrace houses, duplex units and apartments. The delivery of housing for the elderly and others with specific housing needs will also be provided for.

As stated above, the lands have an estimated capacity for c. 1000 units (subject to planning permission). The required tenure mix for the lands are representative of current housing demand patterns and each phase of the Project will comply with the required tenure mix which is anticipated to be:
• 30% social housing units
• 20% affordable private housing (following introduction of new National Affordable Housing Scheme)
• 50% private residential housing units

While the provision of residential development is the key objective of the Council, the Ballymastone lands will also contribute to the creation of a more socially inclusive, equal and culturally diverse society by providing for appropriate community infrastructure, quality public realm and improving access throughout Donabate. In particular, the eastern portion of the lands are identified as an appropriate location for an ‘Education and Recreation Hub’, which will include the consolidation of the established sporting amenities and will be co-located with proposed new school facilities. 2 no. primary schools and one post-primary school will be provided on the Ballymastone lands.

While the provision of Garda Stations and additional capacity along the northern commuter line are outside the remit of Fingal County Council, the Council will continue to work with all relevant stakeholders to facilitate the sustainable growth of Donabate into the future.

I trust this is of assistance to you.