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3 Huskies / akita's, attacking dogs on Donabate centre beach

Posted: 17 Apr 2016, 20:11
by murfy
A word of warning, my dog(small yorkie) was vicously attacked on Donabate centre beach(the one in front of the hospital), the owner was 300 metres away whilst his 3 very aggressive huskies or japanese akita's(not sure what they are) attacked my dog and 2 mins later attacked another dog before the owner finally called them back.

The dogs and owner (black jacket white male in his fifties) went up towards the chalets in donabate dunes, Anybody with the owners contact details appreciated as I would like to inform them of what happened.

My yorkie has two deep puncture wounds, one where the big white male bit him and threw him about ten feet in the air, then the other where the second dog pinned him to the ground a bit him around the neck. Fortunatley I hit him with a stone and frightened him away, I managed to get our yorkie and move away with my 3 and 5 yr old whilst the big white male followed us, he finally ran off and then to proceeded to attack another dog in the centre of the same beach.

My little yorkie is doing ok vet gave hime antibiotics and pain killers, limping alot may need to go back for an xray.

Any info on the owner appreciated.

Re: 3 Huskies / akita's, attacking dogs on Donabate centre b

Posted: 17 Apr 2016, 21:33
by 1stimer
I don't have any info on the owners but couldn't not reply. That's horrific and on front of your children. I'd give the dog warden a ring in the morning no harm in alerting them. If they were Akita's they should have been muzzled. People like that should not allowed own any kind of dog. Awful - hope your all okay.

Re: 3 Huskies / akita's, attacking dogs on Donabate centre b

Posted: 17 Apr 2016, 21:41
by murfy
Thanks, were all ok thats the main thing. good suggestion I'll alert the dog warden, our poor little yorkie is still in shock, he loves the beach hope he still will :(

Re: 3 Huskies / akita's, attacking dogs on Donabate centre b

Posted: 17 Apr 2016, 23:53
by patsman
That's terrible the idiots who own these dogs are breaking the law they are supposed to have them under control how can you do that from 300 yards. I walk a lot and hate meeting a dog that is not on a lead, I had a bad experience with a dog as a child. Report him to the dog warden and get the beasts put down,

Re: 3 Huskies / akita's, attacking dogs on Donabate centre b

Posted: 25 Apr 2016, 22:19
by Markgeno
I had a problem with an Akita a few years back when it attacked my lab the man had a long rope on his dog but had no control over it , also I was out on portrane beach and a boxer dog was tagging along with my lab and there was a Freddie Mercury type bloke with two huskies on leads and shouted over that his dogs would kill the boxer if it came over to them well I told macho guy I would kill him if that happened and told him in very few words to get his dogs and himself off the beach ,so I'm just wondering is this the same bloke with the huskies

Re: 3 Huskies / akita's, attacking dogs on Donabate centre b

Posted: 26 Apr 2016, 09:40
by Eoghanaldo
Think I saw them down on the beach beside the Martello as well murfy. We come down the public access path through the public golf course and have a big clown of a Newfie. Turned as soon as I saw them down the beach - I knew my fella would get mauled.

The warden is the best bet. Hope the dog is okay and the kids aren't too upset. It's a scary thing to witness I'm sure.

Re: 3 Huskies / akita's, attacking dogs on Donabate centre b

Posted: 28 Apr 2016, 14:56
by Vlad the Impaler
Markgeno: there was a Freddie Mercury type bloke with two huskies
I'm trying to decide what exactly is a Freddie Mercury type bloke....

Thick YMCA type moustache? White spandex trousers and black leather studded jacket?

Was he using a microphone stand as a walking stick?

Re: 3 Huskies / akita's, attacking dogs on Donabate centre b

Posted: 16 May 2016, 18:27
by paddyphillips
There is a huge amount of irresponsible dog owners. I had a runin in Newbridge where an out of control dog ran at me several times I asked the owner to put the dog on the leash she refused saying I am carrying a lead so the dog is under control. She didn't seem to understand that when her dogs run at people she should put the dog on the lead. There are signs all over the park stating that all dogs must be on leads at all times.

Re: 3 Huskies / akita's, attacking dogs on Donabate centre b

Posted: 16 May 2016, 21:02
It has to be said that Donabate Beach, and now Newbridge have sadly, but undeniable gone to the dogs.

Re: 3 Huskies / akita's, attacking dogs on Donabate centre b

Posted: 16 May 2016, 22:43
by diggerbarnes
paddyphillips wrote:There is a huge amount of irresponsible dog owners. I had a runin in Newbridge where an out of control dog ran at me several times I asked the owner to put the dog on the leash she refused saying I am carrying a lead so the dog is under control. She didn't seem to understand that when her dogs run at people she should put the dog on the lead. There are signs all over the park stating that all dogs must be on leads at all times.
She sounds barking mad.

Re: 3 Huskies / akita's, attacking dogs on Donabate centre b

Posted: 17 May 2016, 12:16
by mirror
Folks , setting the jokes aside, this is just not on, of course there are people who really care for their dogs in Donabate however , there are also the ones that couldn't care less .like if a dog is running at people put it back on its lead and dont get me started on the amount not cleaning up after their dogs its disgusting. Its like an obsticle course going for walks.

Re: 3 Huskies / akita's, attacking dogs on Donabate centre b

Posted: 19 May 2016, 22:09
by Sommie
That's a terrible experience. I hope it doesn't put you off using the beach etc and I hope your doggie is ok.
Unfortunately it's a regular occurrence if you use the beach and Newbridge park often. Maybe coincidence but I had to confront a couple (male & female) who had 3 dogs of similar description on the same beach recently. I was jogging on the beach and two of the dogs ran at me from about 100m away from the owners. Scary stuff to see them racing at you. They were clearly not under control as the owners were shouting at them to come back which the dogs ignored. The dogs circled me as I approached the owners and asked them to get the dogs under control. The usual stuff, "my dogs don't bite". I've been bitten twice in the last year, both times in Newbridge Park. Once by a young Alsatian the other by a Jack Russel.
My understanding is that any dog (not just the scary types) can attack if not under control. So it's the owners not the dog(s) who need training. I like dogs, don't have one now, but did have for years.
After reading your post I'm going to raise it with the Council.

Re: 3 Huskies / akita's, attacking dogs on Donabate centre b

Posted: 15 Sep 2016, 10:13
by Eoghanaldo
Hi guys,

Had a scary experience myself this foggy morning. We live in Corballis and headed down to the beach at about 6am this morning to record audio of the breaking waves and sound of the sea in general (my wife is due and want to get a relaxing sound that she can play on her phone to help for when it kicks off!). Anyway, saw a couple and what looked like two large dogs down by the water's edge and decided to let them head on their way before I went down to the water.

Went down and started recording, only for a few minutes later to see the same two Rotweilers charging at me full pace from a good distance away. I'm a dog person, have never have been any way afraid of any sort of dog despite some bites as a youngster and own a giant dog myself. However, I have never been as fearful of getting mauled than this morning as they both went about 5ft either side of me and had the little aggressive lip tremor that would cause one to soil themselves. After trying to stand my ground and pleading with the dogs to stay the owners eventually called them back and I was allowed to be on my way. No word of sorry, a wave or any acknowledgement whatsoever.

I walked back to the house a bit shaken and decided to drive down to the Waterside where they had undoubtedly parked and ask them to muzzle their dogs, as per the law, at the very least. Once they arrived they proceeded to dismiss my concern and the incident, disengaged completely from the conversation and drove off. I don't usually make a big deal of anything whatsoever and am a very patient person but this annoyed me hugely. Decided to go home and ring Swords Garda station and had a conversation with a really nice Garda who advised that because I had the owners registration that they could go down and caution the owner or even have the option to get the dogs put down. I would never contemplate advising the dogs get put down but the more I thought about, if my heavily pregnant wife or any kids were there, they wouldn't stand a chance. I advised issuing a caution to the owners that at least would hopefully prevent anyone else from being accosted by these dogs again but feel a bit guilty that the Garda said the owners were from Donabate.

She said if anything like this happened again, call the Gardai immediately. Sorry about the essay folks. Hope the bus strike doesn't drive you all crazy!

Re: 3 Huskies / akita's, attacking dogs on Donabate centre b

Posted: 15 Sep 2016, 10:29
by pat mustard
Holy F. Glad all is ok.

Crap pet owners. terrifying start to the day

Re: 3 Huskies / akita's, attacking dogs on Donabate centre b

Posted: 15 Sep 2016, 10:56
by Eoghanaldo
Cheers, all is okay indeed. It definitely woke me up to say the least! Just glad moreso that herself wasn't with me and that I hadn't brought my dog down, as I would imagine that they would have gone for him definitely.

The one thing that the Garda said, which I found interesting, is that if ever (hopefully never) there was an incident involving the owner and the dogs again where there was an attack and someone was hurt, that there would be a higher likelihood of a custodial sentence imposed based on the previous caution issued. Hopefully we'll never see an incident where someone would get hurt, but the possibility because of some reckless owners is there nonetheless.

Re: 3 Huskies / akita's, attacking dogs on Donabate centre b

Posted: 15 Sep 2016, 11:00
by Mr. Stupid
You can report to Fingal CC. ... ed-breeds/

The Akita's need to be on a lead so they are in breach of the law.

Sorry to hear about the little fella.

Re: 3 Huskies / akita's, attacking dogs on Donabate centre b

Posted: 15 Sep 2016, 20:30
by Ken
While I appreciate that this was a very scary experience for you, the likelihood of you being attacked by a Rottweiler is very slim. I'm guessing you didn't have time to Google that as they were running towards you :lol: . They are generally very passive dogs akin to Labradors and breeders and owners have been campaigning to have them taken off the restricted list.

However, an owner of any dog has a responsibility to keep it under control and having large dogs running uncontrolled on a public beach is not acceptable. You were right to report them and it will hopefully make them think twice about where they allow their dogs to run off the lead. As Rottweiler owners, they should be mindful that there are people who are nervous of dogs and will be particularly uncomfortable around a Rottweiler whether it deserves the reputation or not.

Re: 3 Huskies / akita's, attacking dogs on Donabate centre b

Posted: 15 Sep 2016, 23:34
by patsman
nobody should feel threatened in a public place by any dog large or small. You are correct to inform the guardai and hopefully they will caution the owners. Its not fair that people who may have a fear of dogs are subject to incidents like this.

Re: 3 Huskies / akita's, attacking dogs on Donabate centre b

Posted: 19 Sep 2016, 11:11
by Eoghanaldo
Definitely couldn't Google with the terrible 3 reception down there :lol: Ken I absolutely appreciate a well trained Rottie's temperament and am quite familiar with the breed alright. I've witnessed what a wonderful companion the breed can be, especially for children. However, these two dogs didn't respond to owners commands and circled me while I was attempting to settle them from coming closer. I've never witnessed a Rottweiler behave like this until last week and it's quite a scary experience, even for someone who owns a giant dog and has spent a lifetime around dogs of various sizes and temperaments. The dogs aren't in the slightest my issue whatsoever. As you said, it's a lack of responsibility, or any type of accountability in this case, of the owners that my main issue is. Most bites, etc. aren't from these breeds whatsoever, but a poorly trained dog is a poorly trained dog regardless of reputation and is a liability to the general public to be honest.