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Posted: 19 Jan 2016, 11:16
by bevertonian
Is there any reason why joggers/walkers use the road & refuse to use the path in Beverton, not sure about other estates, they don't even move in when cars are approaching it's like it's their god given right to be there, is this a new phenomenon along with the multi coloured lycra (look-at-me suits they wear) :)
they are getting as bad as the cyclists, and to top it all they don't, even pay road tax :)

Re: Joggers......

Posted: 19 Jan 2016, 20:49
by Essexboy
Simple run them over and we can start another post about reckless driving..
like in SV car park the other day a lady walked out in front of me, then told me pedestrians have right of way... Well you can imagine what I told her in a polite way!!

Re: Joggers......

Posted: 20 Jan 2016, 10:03
by jayflame
Essexboy wrote:like in SV car park the other day a lady walked out in front of me, then told me pedestrians have right of way... Well you can imagine what I told her in a polite way!!
Well Essexboy, in the UK (where Essex is) it is law that pedestrians have right of way in car parks.

It is also taken as a similar rule her in Ireland.
As stated in the Irish Statute Book ... e/en/print, section 8.

As a fellow driver from the UK, I suggest you consider Car Parks, drive ways, bridleways and footpaths is where pedestrians have right of way

On the main topic, I too have nearly run joggers over when cycling.
A whole group of them have been running down to Portrane and have taken up, not only the entire path, but into the road too.
Not running single file or in pairs (like Bantha's to hide their numbers), but side by side like Visigoths sacking Rome.
Just wish I had a snow plough on those occasions.

Re: Joggers......

Posted: 20 Jan 2016, 12:26
by diggerbarnes
So when you walk down the street with someone you walk in single file? Joggers are just fast moving walkers.

Re: Joggers......

Posted: 20 Jan 2016, 17:43
by Diego
Joggers on the road, walkers on the road, cyclists on the footpath, cars parked on paths, dogs fowling everywhere, inconsiderate drivers in car parks, no chance of ageement here. If you think you're right you are obviously.

Re: Joggers......

Posted: 20 Jan 2016, 18:56
by pat mustard
As a middle aged man on his unicycle , doing daily 10Ks around Donabate/Portrane city (Donatane 2035), I find drivers, cyclists,pedestrians, runners (sprinters and joggers, oh yes) ,all god botherers of every persuasion, klingons and agnostics and atheists disrespectful to my foibles.

If it wasnt for Pipers I'd be off out Whest for the craic.

Re: Joggers......

Posted: 21 Jan 2016, 12:20
by Mr. Stupid
Donatane :-)

Re: Joggers......

Posted: 21 Jan 2016, 12:58
by Quello Serio
jayflame wrote:... I suggest you consider Car Parks, drive ways, bridleways and footpaths is where pedestrians have right of way.
Call me controversial, but I think horses should have right of way on a bridleway. There, I've said it, and I won't be changing my mind.

Re: Joggers......

Posted: 24 Jan 2016, 11:01
by bevertonian
OK just when you think the joggers cant get any thicker, I've just passed a few out on their sunday morning ritual, earphones firmly in place, jogging on road, as you do... so now they cant even hear the cars coming up on the road they jog on.....beggars belief....

Re: Joggers......

Posted: 25 Jan 2016, 14:47
by Vlad the Impaler
Lookit, everyone knows that joggers are right up there with schoolrun mums as the most entitled people on the road.

Especially those legends that run in the rain. Hollowed be thy names.

If they want to run on the roads, then you must give them a wide birth. Perhaps bless yourself as you pass.

Re: Joggers......

Posted: 25 Jan 2016, 17:20
by Clonliffe
Vlad, I hope you mean berth. Otherwise, sounds uncomfortable . . . . .

Re: Joggers......

Posted: 25 Jan 2016, 18:10
by Vlad the Impaler
Ha. Wide birth. Sounds painful.