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Grass near the school

Posted: 16 Dec 2015, 21:34
by Defcom
Can the people / perents parking on the grass beside the educate together please stop your makeing sh1t of the area. Seriously a bit of pride in the area wouldn't go amiss

Re: Grass near the school

Posted: 16 Dec 2015, 23:50
by Bono
It would also be nice if they would refrain from parking on both the grass in on the entrance to Barnewall and Beaverstown Orchard. Also if they could leave enough room to allow the residents exit and enter their drive ways especially in Barnewall. I was trying to visit a friend in Hazelwood the day they had there fair and had to reverse back out to allow someone coming out as they had parked on both sides of the road all the way up leaving only enough room for one car to get by.

Re: Grass near the school

Posted: 17 Dec 2015, 07:57
by pat mustard
Dont forget the morons who park on the roundabout "its only for a minute" as they are too busy/self important (er...late) to spare a full 60 seconds to use either of the two 100 metre long drop off bays in the secondary school.

We need someone to get hit, before people cop on a bit it seems. But sure, everything will be ok.

Re: Grass near the school

Posted: 17 Dec 2015, 09:33
by micropoodle
people will always be idiots. no matter how good or how posh some people think they are, when it comes to looking after number 1, they will still do it.

clearly if they are driving then they are not from the area and dont care how it looks, although i know of someone who drives despite living 5 minutes walk away, but thats another story.

Also, the people who at collection time, simply park on the road whilst they queue to get in the gate, thus blocking an entire lane. Besides being illegal, how do you seriously think thats ok? I've seen a near miss or two with cars trying to overtake 10+ cars just to get home.

To be fair, it's another poor example of bad planning, however many of these people could walk to school if they werent so lazy

Re: Grass near the school

Posted: 17 Dec 2015, 11:51
by Ken
I know the staff in ET are blue in the face asking parents not to cause an obstruction on Beaverstown Road and the surrounding estates. However, their pleas fall on deaf ears where some are concerned.

Re: Grass near the school

Posted: 17 Dec 2015, 12:11
by Defcom
Well ken i get 7 or 8 emails from the school each week, ive never revieved a mail about parking.

Re: Grass near the school

Posted: 17 Dec 2015, 13:52
by diggerbarnes
They have mentioned it before. It's a tricky situation though. They are not responsible, it is the folks that organise the Catholic classes that are responsible.
They should just shut the gate and force parents to park at the community centre and walk round.

Re: Grass near the school

Posted: 17 Dec 2015, 18:27
by Ken
Defcom wrote:Well ken i get 7 or 8 emails from the school each week, ive never revieved a mail about parking.
My son started last September after transferring from another school and the Principal outlined the parking/access problems to us and all the dos and don'ts.

The problems aren't just after the Catholic classes, they're more or less present every day at 2.30 p.m. particularly when the weather is bad.

Re: Grass near the school

Posted: 17 Dec 2015, 18:38
by Defcom
Well know theres a full on furrow out side the school anyone want to plant potatoes