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morons at Haloween

Posted: 31 Oct 2015, 19:58
by pat mustard
To the "owners" who left their dog out the back garden tonight living in Carrs Mill backing on to Somerton, you are a disgrace. I'd report you to ISPCSA but it would be a waste of time.

Maybe drop the dog off at Dogs Trust? someone will act more responsibly as an owner,

Re: morons at Haloween

Posted: 31 Oct 2015, 22:33
by 1stimer
Poor thing must be terrified. Why bother getting a dog at all :(

Re: morons at Haloween

Posted: 31 Oct 2015, 22:40
by Bill_Lumbergh
I see you and I raise you the other morons at the section of carrs mill as it enters somerton where the parents were giving their kids fireworks in wine bottles to set them off in the green while they drank in their driveway!

Re: morons at Haloween

Posted: 31 Oct 2015, 23:35
by mirror
Oh don't get me started, the amount of 15 year olds drinking and falling down tonight was just terrible. Where the hell are these kids getting this drink from ?......

Re: morons at Haloween

Posted: 01 Nov 2015, 13:52
by Carrie
I live in that row of houses and thankfully didn't hear a dog barking. It is very frightening for dogs our dog was inside with us and still barked every time a firework went off.

Re: morons at Haloween

Posted: 01 Nov 2015, 14:00
by Ken
Our dog was out a few times. Luckily he's not the nervous type and just barked when he saw a firework. There weren't too many around by us. We've had nervous dogs in the past that would spend Halloween under the kitchen table.

Re: morons at Haloween

Posted: 01 Nov 2015, 16:15
by Derek
Alas when it comes to morons at Halloween, I'm afraid I have to mention what I consider a very poor decision from Fingal county council to be. Previously they have provided a service where they could be contacted about bonfire material being stashed and they would call and collect same. In their wisdom this year, they decided against doing this, presumably because they didn't want to put a few men on overtime on Saturday. Their emergency phone number confirmed this, and they said report it to the Gardai or the fire brigade of they light it. The Gardai say fires are matters for the fire brigade not them. The fire brigade will respond but won't put a fire out if there are youths gathered around until the Gardai arrive. It's easy to see where this one goes...

A couple of kids were seeing wheeling trolley loads of stuff into the fields behind the links yesterday. The Gardai were informed but were not seen. One neighbour approached some of the youths and warned them not to light the fire anywhere near a house or in any position where smoke would cause problems. In fairness, they seemed to listen to the advice and were seeing crating their kindling well into the fields. The day before, some fires were light and affected residents called both the Gardai and fire brigade, primarily because their houses were filled with smoke.