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Posted: 26 Jun 2015, 16:37
by donnelbg

I'm new to the area and would like to get one of the allotments on Turvey. I was on to the council and they saidto join a two year waiting list, which I have done. However, there appears to be a good few empty allotments up there and apparently they have been empty for years. Do people justrent them becaure they think they might do something with them in future or have the council got things mixed up?


Re: Allotments

Posted: 26 Jun 2015, 17:27
by diggerbarnes
It's a perennial problem. People take them on and then their enthusiasm wanes when they see how much work it is. The council aren't always on the ball about chasing people up and many can lie empty.
They may have a stand at the Flavours of Fingal show over the weekend. You might have more luck chatting to the council rep in person.
Otherwise keep pestering them with emails and the odd call to show your enthusiasm and you'll get one for next Spring.

Re: Allotments

Posted: 26 Jun 2015, 20:36
by donnelbg
Excellent, I'll get them at the Flavours of Fingal! Dealing with people over the phone and by email makes it too easy for them to fob you off with any old reply.

I get that one may lay dormant for a year but to keep renewing it every year and no actually do anything on it is a bit stupid.


Re: Allotments

Posted: 27 Jun 2015, 00:36
by Ann O
donnelbg wrote:.....but to keep renewing it every year and no actually do anything on it is a bit stupid...

I've been on the waiting list for a long time, never heard a thing from FCC.

I haven't been up there this year, but from speaking to a guy up there last year he said some had been unused for a long time.

The council should take them back if they're not used in my opinion.

Re: Allotments

Posted: 27 Jun 2015, 08:11
by diggerbarnes
You need to keep at them.
A couple of years ago they tore up the list and started offering second plots to existing plots holders.

Re: Allotments

Posted: 27 Jun 2015, 10:47
We got a small one after being on the waiting list for a couple of years. It's a great thing to have. :) re. allotments being left unused: I think for a large number what happens is the persons's circumstances change. For example, I know one guy who worked in swords but had to move to a job on the south side and now doesn't really have the time. Another guy did his back in. Another guy got one after being on the waiting list for years and then started a family so there's been newborn babies every other year and time is obviously taken with that.

There's a committee made up of allotment holders there that go around periodically and note the ones that are being neglected and the holders are then sent a letter telling them use it or lose it (or words to that effect) but people are reluctant to hand them back because they see it as a long term thing and hope to weather whatever it is that holding them back for a few years.

Re: Allotments

Posted: 27 Jun 2015, 22:56
by Ann O
diggerbarnes wrote:You need to keep at them.
A couple of years ago they tore up the list and started offering second plots to existing plots holders.
I think you said that to me before on here :lol:

I did get on to them again, and they said they'd take a look at the list again. Still never heard from them, and especially frustrating that some were offered a second plot :roll:

Made other arrangements since, but Turvey would be handier.

Re: Allotments

Posted: 27 Jun 2015, 23:11
by Ann O wrote:....people are reluctant to hand them back because they see it as a long term thing and hope to weather whatever it is that holding them back for a few years.
Can understand the reluctance if they waited a long time for one, but it's also not fair to leave it unused for two years, as some plots were when I was last there.

There's a lot of space up there, maybe room for more plots.

Re: Allotments

Posted: 27 Jun 2015, 23:32
by Ann O
So, took a look on FCC website and discovered this :-

"We no longer operate a waiting list for Allotment Plots, plots will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. "

Pity they couldn't let people on the list know :roll:

More info on them here :-

Re: Allotments

Posted: 28 Jun 2015, 13:31
Ann O wrote: wrote:....people are reluctant to hand them back because they see it as a long term thing and hope to weather whatever it is that holding them back for a few years.
Can understand the reluctance if they waited a long time for one, but it's also not fair to leave it unused for two years, as some plots were when I was last there.

There's a lot of space up there, maybe room for more plots.
Yes, completely agree on both counts. There seems to be some allotments that aren't even allocated to anyone at all, which seems odd considering the demand.

Re: Allotments

Posted: 01 Jul 2015, 21:13
by donnelbg
So if they aren't operating off a list, how are you supposed to get one?? Wait in the allotments until you hear someone is giving theirs up and then wait in line?

Anyone know if it would be worth going up to the council offices to talk to someone in person? I've emailed and phoned with not much success. In fact it was only a month ago they told me I would be added to the list. Now I see the list doesn't exist.

Anyone know when they do their inspections up there? Seems like I'm getting the usual council attitude.

Thanks all for the info!

Re: Allotments

Posted: 02 Jul 2015, 09:32
by diggerbarnes
You could try contacting Mary Clooney and/or Hans Visser.
But showing up in person and speaking to someone will probably yield best results. The parks division is on the first floor at the end of the corridor to the right.
Just be persistent and you'll get one. Although the time of the year might not be right.

Re: Allotments

Posted: 03 Jul 2015, 22:54
by donnelbg

I was on to the council today and they confirmed they tore up the list, and supposedly informed everyone on the list that they were using a new system. I was never told. It's a pity as I was 39th (!) on the list and they recently allocated 50 allotments 3 weeks ago.

Anyway, according to the lady on the phone, the new system is first come first served, whatever that means. She also explained that they get all the applications together twice a year and then "match up whoever is best suited". So not first come first served. So I asked if it was basically just a raffle and she insisted it wasn't. So I asked if 4 people were in line for one available allotment, how do you decide who gets it? I was told that they match whoever's most suitable to it, but not a raffle. If you are confused, I don't blame you. None of what was said made sense so I gave up after about 20 minutes going in circles. Don't get me wrong, the lady on the phone was very nice and apologetic but also infuriating as she was dodging the question.

I asked what I had to do to make sure I had the best chance of getting one next time around and she said just apply as early as possible, but not before the opening date in January. Really, it was just a load of nonsense.

To be honest, January would suit me more so I'll go for it then and see.

Re: Allotments

Posted: 03 Jul 2015, 23:46
by diggerbarnes
The squeaky wheel gets the oil. Just pester them until it is easier for them to give you a plot.
The public sector has been on a go slow for a few years now, don't try to reason with it. They want to generate complaints.

Re: Allotments

Posted: 06 Jul 2015, 18:52
by donnelbg
That's exactly what I'll be doing! Cheers!

Re: Allotments

Posted: 13 Jul 2015, 19:20
by Donny Bate
There are a couple of allotments available in Corballis. Ring 086 385 3234 and ask for Garth.

Re: Allotments

Posted: 25 Jul 2015, 22:19
by donnelbg
Hey Donny,

Cheers for that! I was on to Garth and it looks like I might be sorted! Cheers.

Re: Allotments

Posted: 25 Jul 2015, 22:27
by diggerbarnes
Party on Wayne

Re: Allotments

Posted: 26 Jul 2015, 12:28
by donnelbg