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Free Workshop: Lodging an observation with An Bord Pleanála

Posted: 12 Mar 2015, 14:46
by dfletcher
I would like to inform the wider public of a free workshop in “Lodging an observation with An Bord Pleanála” in relation to the current planning application (PA 0037) for a new National Forensic Mental Hospital, currently in front of “the board”. This has been submitted as National Infrastructure Project and would justify a national response. Workshop to be held at the Donabate/Portrane Community Centre in Donabate from 11:00 till 13:00, 14/03/2015. All are welcome.

Organised by DPCC and local councillors.

Re: Free Workshop: Lodging an observation with An Bord Plean

Posted: 12 Mar 2015, 15:10
by padraig
Spread the word!! Maybe we should invite Clare Daly at Keelings tonight over on Saturday!!

Re: Free Workshop: Lodging an observation with An Bord Plean

Posted: 12 Mar 2015, 15:40
by 1stimer
Thanks to all who organised and who did the literature drop. Will definitely be there.

Re: Free Workshop: Lodging an observation with An Bord Plean

Posted: 14 Mar 2015, 20:14
by Shellyonwheels

Could today presention be put up here need the reference number for my submission.


Re: Free Workshop: Lodging an observation with An Bord Plean

Posted: 15 Mar 2015, 11:22
by Banana
hi ,

great meeting yesterday - could someone please post the presentation from the meeting or email it out ?

also we have found a pic we took last summer of a Red kite flying over the woods- we've posted it as a sighting with the Irish wildlife trust so if anyone has any pics post them - they are a protected species and pairs of birds were released in Newbridge house a few years back

Re: Free Workshop: Lodging an observation with An Bord Plean

Posted: 15 Mar 2015, 11:47
by Ken
You can email the materials to and I will post them.

Re: Free Workshop: Lodging an observation with An Bord Plean

Posted: 16 Mar 2015, 08:56
by Burt
Here's a link to the website that was on the document handed out at Saturday's meeting. They also mentioned on Saturday that they would put up a copy of the presentation on the below site.

Re: Free Workshop: Lodging an observation with An Bord Plean

Posted: 16 Mar 2015, 09:57
by SB123
I haven't found the presentation on the community council site. It would be great to have it posted on this site too.
It's an important presentation as it outlines the exact text that all submissions should include. Getting the planning number or other technical details incorrect could invalidate a submission. As we know the Deadline is 23rd March for submissions.
Another important point when making a submission is; while it's an individual's personal decision whether to grant permission, refuse permission, or look for additional information, you cannot grant permission now and subsequently refuse. You can however refuse permission now and grant in a future planning iteration.
Given the huge environmental impact (social, physical and economic) to our village, and the lack of interest by the HSE in community involvement or consideration,it is vital that submissions are made.

Re: Free Workshop: Lodging an observation with An Bord Plean

Posted: 16 Mar 2015, 10:05
by dfletcher
Shellyonwheels wrote:Hi

Could today presention be put up here need the reference number for my submission.


Hi Shelly,

Here is the reference number (PA 0037). I will post later today, an example of a short submission to the planning authority. Hopefully, this will help people write up their own submissions. Separately, I will post a list of concerns that generally affect the community.

If you are hand delivering your submission, please note that you can not rely on their credit card machine. Bring a cheque or the cash equivalent. The corner shop across the road has an ATM. Doors close at 1730, 23/03/2015!


David Fletcher

Re: Free Workshop: Lodging an observation with An Bord Plean

Posted: 16 Mar 2015, 10:33
by dfletcher

13. How may I make my views known to the Board?

An “observer” should submit his/her submissions or observations in writing by: -

• sending them by post to: The Secretary,

An Bord Pleanála,

64 Marlborough Street,

Dublin 1

• or, delivering them to the Board’s offices. (Office hours are 9.15a.m. to 5.30p.m. on Monday to Friday except on public holidays and other days on which the offices are closed).

14. What must I include with my submissions or observations?

• Your own name and address - which must be clearly stated. Where an agent makes the submissions or observations on your behalf, he/she must stateclearly his/her own name and address and your name and address.

• The subject matter of the submissions or observations – you must give sufficient details to enable the Board to readily identify the application/appeal e.g. a copy of the planning authority decision or the appeal reference number.

• The full grounds of the submissions or observations and supporting material and arguments. The Board cannot take into consideration any further unsolicited submissions after the initial submissions or observations are received (except information specifically requested by the Board) and the Board cannot consider non-planning issues.

• Please refer to the Board’s “Guide to Fees payable to the Board” for information on current fees.


Re: Free Workshop: Lodging an observation with An Bord Plean

Posted: 16 Mar 2015, 11:02
by padraig

The Secretary,
An Bord Pleanála,
64 Marlborough Street,
Dublin 1

PA – 0037 (and additional information)


It does not have to be 100’s pages, break it down in point form, issue by issue. Don’t forget to include this critical line in your observation : “That the current mitigation measures proposed are not sufficient” to whatever your issue is (if you feel so) because this is the second round of public observations and be sure that the issues might have been dealt with in the additional information submitted in February by the HSE.

Take €50 put it in an envelope with your written observation and take it down to An Bord Pleanala office at 64 Marlborough Street, Dublin 1 (close to the top end of O’Connell Street), before Monday afternoon 5:30 on the 23rd of March 2015.

It is as simple as that, just a bit of effort but I think it’s worth it!!

Re: Free Workshop: Lodging an observation with An Bord Plean

Posted: 16 Mar 2015, 11:04
by padraig
*PS. Don't forget to sign it!!

Re: Free Workshop: Lodging an observation with An Bord Plean

Posted: 16 Mar 2015, 11:21
by dfletcher
Hi Padraig,

That's great information.



Re: Free Workshop: Lodging an observation with An Bord Plean

Posted: 16 Mar 2015, 12:14
by dfletcher

It will be accepted by post. However, I would recommend registered post!

Thanks to a concerned resident for informing me.

David Fletcher

Re: Free Workshop: Lodging an observation with An Bord Plean

Posted: 16 Mar 2015, 12:15
by dfletcher
Hi All,

For regular updates please visit:


Email: if you would like to be added to an email database for updates



Re: Free Workshop: Lodging an observation with An Bord Plean

Posted: 16 Mar 2015, 13:42
by topsyturvey
I believe the presentation from Saturday will be on the community council website within the next hour or two -

Re: Free Workshop: Lodging an observation with An Bord Plean

Posted: 16 Mar 2015, 13:56
by dfletcher
Workshop Presentation by Downey Planning ... d.pdf?dl=0

Re: Free Workshop: Lodging an observation with An Bord Plean

Posted: 16 Mar 2015, 14:33
by SB123
Great. Thanks for posting the presentation.

Re: Free Workshop: Lodging an observation with An Bord Plean

Posted: 16 Mar 2015, 15:36
by padraig
Guys, I phoned An Bord Plaenala earlier this afternoon, they said post or personal handing in is fine, but bear in mind whatever you do they have to get it before 17:30 on Monday the 23 March 2015. So by post, I surpose it should go out no later than Thursday afternoon to be sure, the other thing is the €50 must be attached and they'll send a receipt if the get it before 17:30 on the 23 March 2015.
We have to get our scates on, not much time left!!

Re: Free Workshop: Lodging an observation with An Bord Plean

Posted: 17 Mar 2015, 09:34
by Banana
We went into an bord pleanala yesterday with our observation, the advantage of doing that is that someone from the relevant department will go over your submission and check it's got all the relevant details before they take your 50 euro so we got chatting and she said there are "not That many observations , only about 30 ish "

So spread the word, John Downey who is an extremely experienced planning consultant says its a numbers game .....we need more objections !

Re: Free Workshop: Lodging an observation with An Bord Plean

Posted: 17 Mar 2015, 14:00
by dfletcher
Good to know. I'm concerned with using the post as delivery dates are not guaranteed! Delivering by hand, affords you more time to complete your submission and you are also issued a receipt.

Re: Free Workshop: Lodging an observation with An Bord Plean

Posted: 17 Mar 2015, 14:43
by 1stimer
Will be lodging ours on Friday by hand, waiting to get a couple of pictures of footpaths developed. Has the Aarhus legislation been mentioned by anyone in their submission?

Re: Free Workshop: Lodging an observation with An Bord Plean

Posted: 17 Mar 2015, 15:56
by SB123
Does anyone know if the plans contravene any european legislation or directive?

Re: Free Workshop: Lodging an observation with An Bord Plean

Posted: 17 Mar 2015, 16:11
by 1stimer
SB123 wrote:Does anyone know if the plans contravene any european legislation or directive?
- we've quoted the Aarhus Convention in our submission - have a read

Re: Free Workshop: Lodging an observation with An Bord Plean

Posted: 17 Mar 2015, 20:57
by SB123
This is great. I'll be adding Aarhus to my submission. Thanks!