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National Forensic Mental Hospital - Response by HSE to ABP

Posted: 24 Feb 2015, 09:46
by topsyturvey

The response by the HSE to ABP on foot of the submissions from the various interested parties can be found at the following link : ... -feb-2015/

I was unhappy with their original proposals in relation to traffic (over the bridge and through Donabate village for construction and operational phases/construction traffic interface with GAA & St Itas FC traffic) and community gain (none in my opinion)....and based on an initial glance at the docs, they appear to me to have hardened their position in relation to these key points....but I need to read the voluminous submissions in more detail to come to a final conclusion. One point I take from it is that as they are delivering a 'state of the art' facility, there are no funds for issues outside the facility such as community gain or taking traffic away from the village - and we should be pleased with that !

One other thing...they mention community support on a number of occasions...without adding that this support was surprise there.

Take a look and see what you think.


Re: National Forensic Mental Hospital - Response by HSE to A

Posted: 24 Feb 2015, 11:09
by Banana
its certainly a meaty read !!

i took from it that they don't forsee any serious trafic issues except we have a 30 second queue to look forward to get through village in 2033

also only plan for construction traffic / public safety is to not let construction traffic on site during 8 am to 9.15 am- and at 3 pm so to me this means we'll have a lot of trucks waiting around during this time , foloowed by truck gridlock, and kids/ pedestrians are only at risk of getting hit by trucks for a portion of the day .

there is no firm plan to widen road at any point -eg. opposite the pharmacy on portrane rd its very narrow at one point- however- they would recommend widening the path if public land were to become available and they moved the lampposts- sounds very wishy washy in a never going to happen sort of a way

and whats going to save the day according to report is the ring road in the fingal development plan which is going to be built in the distant future as soon as the estaury walkway and metro north get finished.

also everyone knows that trucks and cyclists don't mix well together - especially trucks turning left as trucker can;t see cyclist - so the peninsula is going to suddenly become too dangerous to cycle on.

Re: National Forensic Mental Hospital - Response by HSE to A

Posted: 25 Feb 2015, 16:05
by padraig
Yes Banana/Topsyturvey that looks like quite a bit of additional info, just had a look at: ... -02-10.pdf

and it looks like they propose road widening on the approach to the "humpback bridge" with a permanent traffic light at this point, it will be a "joy" to see how we get out of the village in the morning!!

I think it's time people get off their backsides, take €50 and make a observation/objection (to support or apose this proposal), we have been given this opertunaty to do so with extention to the 11 March 2015, otherwise we will just have to roll over and except it.

It is quite shameful that there were only 31 comments submitted on the previous deadline last November out of a population of almost 8700 people (granted 36% are under 18)!!

Re: National Forensic Mental Hospital - Response by HSE to A

Posted: 25 Feb 2015, 19:22
by Ken
It is very concerning. It's bad enough getting through the village at peak times as it is without construction traffic and traffic lights at the bridge.

Re: National Forensic Mental Hospital - Response by HSE to A

Posted: 25 Feb 2015, 21:22
by 1stimer
That is very worrying. I know their saying no construction traffic before 9:15 but the narrow stretch outside St Patricks National School is still bustling at that time. They should have borne in mind the return pedestrian traffic plus the junior infant traffic at 1:30. There will be an accident there someday..

Re: National Forensic Mental Hospital - Response by HSE to A

Posted: 26 Feb 2015, 12:59
by topsyturvey
Padraig I think that some very strong submissions were made on behalf of the community and that individuals contributed to same or knew that their concerns were being reflected in same so didn't lodge their own submissions - and this might explain the low number you mention.

IMO their goal is to do the absolute minimum for the community in terms of alleviating traffic and transportation concerns, security concerns and concerns over the detrimental effect the proposed development will have on our village life - this is in stark contrast to their stated intention to provide a state of the art facility for the unfortunate residents of this facility - but the aim appears to give them and the staff a first class environment with all the bells and whistles.....that is a noble aim but it does not sit well with their statements to the effect that there is nothing left in the kitty for the local issues.... they consider us beneficiaries simply by virtue of the construction of this national facility in our village community. I would love to know what percentage of our people believe that this will benefit them.

Re: National Forensic Mental Hospital - Response by HSE to A

Posted: 28 Feb 2015, 11:29
by padraig
True Topsyturvey, there were some very valid observations made to the original submition by the HSE (the barrage of additional info would be a strong indication of this). But I also think the answer lies in Dfletcher's survey:

Question One: Did the Health Service Executive, Fingal County Council or any public representatives inform you as a member of the public of any consultation taking place on your behalf up to the date of lodgment of this application to An Bord Pleanála – Ref PA 0037?
a) Yes ____
b) No ____

Question One Results:
a) Yes = 4.94%
b) No = 95.06%

I surpose most people would say this would be to the benifit of the community but at what cost. One have to think of the St. Itas hospital site as a blank canvas. The potential is immense, we stayed over in Sligo for a few days last year at the Clarion, (this was also a phycihatric hospital of old).
One could only think that the long term benifit of developing this hotel (waying up the other possible options) had to be positive to the lives of the local people.

Re: National Forensic Mental Hospital - Response by HSE to A

Posted: 06 Mar 2015, 22:52
by topsyturvey
I stayed there myself Padraig on a number of occasions and I think a facility like that would do a lot more for the community than the NFMH.

Good point about the survey.

Re: National Forensic Mental Hospital - Response by HSE to A

Posted: 09 Mar 2015, 10:38
by dfletcher
Dear All,

Case Reference Number PA 0037 : Direct application to An Bord Pleanála for the construction of a 170 bed National Forensic Mental Health Services Hospital on lands at St. Ita’s Hospital, Portrane, County Dublin.

Local interest groups are holding a workshop on Saturday, 14/03/2015 ( between 1100 – 1300 hours) in the Community Center in Donabate. The purpose of this workshop is to discuss and prepare submissions for the proposed development.

This workshop is our last chance to discuss community concerns with respect to this development before submission deadline date of 23rd of March, 2015 (1730 hours).

Please come along to support and protect your local community.

King regards,


Re: National Forensic Mental Hospital - Response by HSE to A

Posted: 09 Mar 2015, 10:57
by dfletcher
Just another point to make. Only 31 observations were made in November to An Bord Pleanála – Referencing : PA 0037. We have to reach a minimum of 300 observations (ideally 900) to make a statistical impact. €50 per observation is expensive (should be free in my opinion) but it will be money well invested.

If I could suggest that a number of people pool together to raise this fee and submit a group observation.

We, the residents and care takers of this peninsula need to take ownership of its current and future developments. I am disappointed with An Bord Pleanála's deadline date of 23/03/2015. It gives us very little time to advise our residents and debate the pros and cons of this development!



Re: National Forensic Mental Hospital - Response by HSE to A

Posted: 10 Mar 2015, 11:13
by topsyturvey
Will you be attending the Community Centre on Saturday from 11 to 1 ? The plan is that residents come down and help will be at hand to explain what is happening and to help residents draft submissions and where necessary to club together to cut down on cost.

Re: National Forensic Mental Hospital - Response by HSE to A

Posted: 10 Mar 2015, 15:08
by Quello Serio
dfletcher wrote:We have to reach a minimum of 300 observations (ideally 900) to make a statistical impact.
Can you explain why you feel that a statistical impact is important - isn't it the validity of the concerns raised thats important, so 1 submission makes the point as well as 100?

I've read the Parish Council's submission; they included all of the concerns that I would have, and made the point better than I could. I'd guess that many others would feel the same way.

I'm not impressed with the arrogant and dismissive tone of the latest HSE updated submissions, but there's no law against that.

Re: National Forensic Mental Hospital - Response by HSE to A

Posted: 10 Mar 2015, 23:11
by topsyturvey
I was of a similar mind to yourself and I thought that the Community Council submission spoke for me but apparently in this country, it is a numbers game as much as it is a matter of fact and our politicians and it seems the Bord Pleanla people respond to numbers.

This is the advice of 2 professional planners who are assisting the Community with their response from the HSE hence the call for us to give up some time on Saturday to play this (pathetic IMO) game.

That is why I will be there anyway - following expert opinion !

Re: National Forensic Mental Hospital - Response by HSE to A

Posted: 11 Mar 2015, 19:08
by dfletcher
topsyturvey wrote:Will you be attending the Community Centre on Saturday from 11 to 1 ? The plan is that residents come down and help will be at hand to explain what is happening and to help residents draft submissions and where necessary to club together to cut down on cost.
Yes topsyturvey, I will be attending.

Re: National Forensic Mental Hospital - Response by HSE to A

Posted: 16 Mar 2015, 11:36
by padraig
Girls and guys, if you did'nt attend the meeting on Saturday here's a few pointers of how to write a observation:


The Secretary,
An Bord Pleanála,
64 Marlborough Street,
Dublin 1

PA – 0037 (and additional information)


It does not have to be 100’s pages, break it down in point form, issue by issue. Don’t forget to include this critical line in your observation : “That the current mitigation measures proposed are not sufficient” to whatever your issue is (if you feel so), because this is the second round of public observations and be sure that the issues might have been dealt with in the additional information submitted in February by the HSE.
Date and Sign it.

Take €50 put it in an envelope with your written observation and take it down to An Bord Pleanala office at 64 Marlborough Street, Dublin 1 (close to the top end of O’Connell Street), before Monday afternoon 5:30 on the 23rd of March 2015.

It is as simple as that, just a bit of effort but I think it’s worth it!!

Re: National Forensic Mental Hospital - Response by HSE to A

Posted: 16 Mar 2015, 12:07
by dfletcher
Hi All,

For regular updates please visit:


Email: if you would like to be added to an email database for updates



Re: National Forensic Mental Hospital - Response by HSE to A

Posted: 16 Mar 2015, 12:12
by dfletcher

It will be accepted by post. However, I would recommend registered post!

Thanks to a concerned resident for informing me.

David Fletcher

Re: National Forensic Mental Hospital - Response by HSE to A

Posted: 16 Mar 2015, 14:12
by dfletcher
Workshop Presentation by Downey Planning ... d.pdf?dl=0

Re: National Forensic Mental Hospital - Response by HSE to A

Posted: 18 Mar 2015, 03:20
by padraig
Dfletcher you're right , I phoned An Bord Plaenala, they said post or personal handing in is fine, but bear in mind whatever you do they have to get it before 17:30 on Monday the 23 March 2015 with the €50.

In some of the other forum discussions people mention it being checked by the recipient at An Bord Plaenala offices that everything is there when they handed it in. This sounds quite reassuring.

We have to get our scates on, not much time left!!

Re: National Forensic Mental Hospital - Response by HSE to A

Posted: 18 Mar 2015, 15:28
by topsyturvey
Check out the youtube video showing HGVs travelling along the R126 - search using Donabate R126 or go to the following address...