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Closure of cliff walkway at Portrane

Posted: 15 Jan 2015, 10:18
by Wobbles
From Adrian Henchy's Facebook page

Please see important notice I have received today from Fingal County Council.

I will update you again once I have more information,

There has been a rather unfortunate development with regard to the cliff walkway at Portrane. Fingal County Council have today inspected the site of the subsidence and has recommended that the path be closed immediately.

Further slippage will occur and there is a high probability of the occurrence being a total failure without prior warning.
Therefore Fingal County Council recommend that this section of the coastal footpath is closed with immediate effect.

Arrangements have been put in place to close the path.

Re: Closure of cliff walkway at Portrane

Posted: 20 Jan 2015, 16:21
by padraig
Hope this doesn't get the Portrane beech erosion treatment!! We are running out of public amenities at speed!!

Re: Closure of cliff walkway at Portrane

Posted: 20 Jan 2015, 22:38
by The Dude
Can anyone confirm if re-opened? Thanks.

Re: Closure of cliff walkway at Portrane

Posted: 19 Apr 2016, 11:26
by jayflame
I noticed the cliff path was closed again on Sunday.

I have not seen anything in press or forum regarding this.

Anyone any news/info?

Re: Closure of cliff walkway at Portrane

Posted: 19 Apr 2016, 14:14
by Banana
There has been massive subsidence here in recent weeks and a big lump of headland is now gone- the cliff path is now completely closed and they have made it difficult to get around the fence blocking the path- (though plenty of people still do ) - a fairly meaty barrier in place at the waterside end of the path

Re: Closure of cliff walkway at Portrane

Posted: 19 Apr 2016, 14:52
by Ken
Adrian Henchy mentioned on his Facebook page that he was raising it with the Council. It doesn't look as though there will be a solution in place anytime soon. Pity, it was a fantastic walk on a nice day.

Re: Closure of cliff walkway at Portrane

Posted: 19 Apr 2016, 15:34
by bland
The cliff walk has effectively been closed for a couple of weeks (if not months) with plastic chest high barriers placed at Tower Bay car park and at hospital entrance near the Waterside, with signage stating the closure and a safety warning. These were easily got around which many people did (myself included) which is evident by the foot erosion on both sides. They were then pulled aside and normal usage continued by many. The council have reinstated these, adding high metal temporary fencing at same locations and adding another one at the exposed ledge which has always been fenced - about midway on this section. This last fence has been pulled aside and bent and again the newer fencing at each end has been circumvented with plenty of people continuing to use the path (myself included). I have heard that the council have had an engineer's inspection which advised immediate closure due to potential slippage of the pathway at a few locations and identified little support underneath sections of the path. I guess this is difficult for the untrained eye to notice. Prior to this, the pathway has been closed temporarily and some remedial work was carried out on a few sections by placing earth and hardcore on the seaward side of the path but it would seem that this would not be appropriate in correcting the current problem. Imo, it would be a huge task to underpin some of this pathway and Fingal CoCo do not have a great record in solving these problems in our locality. I have also heard talk of the path being moved to the other side of the wall but I think that this is private farming land. I also think that the pathway may be owned by the hospital rather than the council although they seem to be responsible for its upkeep. I suppose that, once a risk has been identified, the Council have to act immediately to safeguard the public, but the blatant disregard for the measures they have taken demonstrate a lack of understanding of the potential issue and perhaps they could be more active in informing us all on the actual need to stay off the pathway, though I'm sure many will still persist. I would also suggest that some solution is implemented quickly and not to underestimate the amount of people who use this excellent amenity on a daily basis. The issue of public liability is certainly a hot potatoe in light of the recent circuit court award of €40,000 to a walker who slipped on the Wicklow way (sued NPWS), and there is always a degree of ass-covering from he powers that be, but its pretty clear that a lot of people want to use this pathway and very little information has been provided as to the closure. Really hope this doesn't drag on (like other current affairs of late!!)

Re: Closure of cliff walkway at Portrane

Posted: 19 Apr 2016, 18:10
by pat mustard
Bugger. One of my fav run routes gone there.

Hope something can be done to keep a walkway there.its a cracking spot all year round.

Another loss for Donatrane. Portrane beach erosion is bad also. Pipers must be concerned also now.closeness to latest erosion.

Re: Closure of cliff walkway at Portrane

Posted: 30 Jul 2016, 11:43
by liamoha
I see that this was closed in January 2015. Having walked the length of it twice the only hazard I found was that of getting around the barricade! I would like to meet the engineer who recommended its closure. The day I walked it about 20 others used too, in the hour or so it took me to walk both ways!

I shall be taking the matter up with the County Engineer and the local Councillors as soon as I have a moment!

Re: Closure of cliff walkway at Portrane

Posted: 30 Jul 2016, 12:44
by Banana
I spoke to very helpful lady in fingal co co. About the path closure back in June because as you say the main risk seems to be climbing around the barrier at each end ! Fingal were waiting on engineers report to assess level of subsidence which afaik showed heavy subsidence ,risk of further collapse etc. they are going to have to move the path back a metre or so which may involve procuring land, so don't expect any fast resolution, but that was in early June, may be further updates now.