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Crime In Donabate

Posted: 14 Dec 2014, 21:05
by dfletcher
Just informing you all that on Saturday night (13/12/2014) approximately 20 cars were broken into in Donabate and Portrane. Last Sunday,three houses were robbed. Two of which were occupied by residents at the tme. Last Monday the Independent covered a story where an intruder held a knife to the throat of a nine year old boy and demanded money from the father. The intruder got €70 for his troubles, then locked the family into the garden shed. This was in Donabate.
I think it is way past time know that our local representatives and indeed the residents of our community rally together and call for a new Garda Station in Donabate/Portrane.

Re: Crime In Donabate

Posted: 14 Dec 2014, 22:47
by micropoodle
A Garda station is never going to happen. As much as I'd love one we will be wasting our energy on this. It will simply not happen. There are a handful of guards based in swords to cover 10s of thousands of people. Scumbags know this hence the upsurge in crime.

The local politicians, in my opinion, don't really care either. Yes they claim to have contacted the superintendent etc and are waiting on a reply but sure we can all do that. That's an easy one. The local politicians need to organise and publicise a public meeting now. They need to make this number one priority issue because clearly as can be seen here people no longer feel safe in ther homes in Donabate. They need to make this a national news issue. Why are they reluctant to organise such a meeting? I'd love to know.

Re: Crime In Donabate

Posted: 14 Dec 2014, 23:00
by pinkie
You can add another one to that. Some scumbag tried to break into hubby's van on Tuesday night into Wednesday morning .Just damaged the door and lock .Our dog barking seemed to disturb them. No point in reporting to guards.

Re: Crime In Donabate

Posted: 14 Dec 2014, 23:06
by Ann O
dfletcher wrote:Hi,
Just informing you all that on Saturday night (13/12/2014) approximately 20 cars were broken into in Donabate and Portrane...

Do you know what areas these took place ?

Re: Crime In Donabate

Posted: 14 Dec 2014, 23:09
by micropoodle
Sorry to hear that.
There's every point reporting this and every single crime, no matter how minor you think it is. The politicians are happy for you not to report crimes so they can say crime is low, crime is down etc. whereas in reality it's the opposite. But you must report every crime. If you're not reporting it via 999, the when you ring the Garda station ask for an incident number to ensure that they log it as a crime

Re: Crime In Donabate

Posted: 15 Dec 2014, 10:18
by dfletcher
At least three reported in the Links. A number of cars were stolen out of the Links in recent months. One of the houses broken into last Sunday also had their car broken into on Saturday.

Re: Crime In Donabate

Posted: 15 Dec 2014, 11:17
by Jabba
I fully agree with Micropoddle every crime should be reported, if all crimes are properly reported.recorder then there is a greater argument for a better Police presence in our village.

also interested in how it was established that 20 cars were broken into our the weekend, can dfletcher let us know as this information is very valuable.

Re: Crime In Donabate

Posted: 15 Dec 2014, 12:18
by dfletcher
Feedback from my neighbours who were in discussion with the Gardaí.

Re: Crime In Donabate

Posted: 15 Dec 2014, 13:50
by gemma
pinkie wrote:...No point in reporting to guards.
There is every reason to report it, you can't moan about crime and then say they're no point in calling cops.

When people report stuff the Gardai work a lot better!!

When people dont report things - Guards will drive around aimlessly - they need tip offs, suspicious calls, bogey people floating around the village etc... then they will be in the area and chances of stopping these people is greater

Also Guards find stolen property all the time - biggest kicker is they have to give stuff back because people don't report it - no injured party

Hound Swords Garda station!! Report everything!

Re: Crime In Donabate

Posted: 15 Dec 2014, 14:01
by alkaline

I can catergorically state that there was not 20 car/house crimes over the weekend. There was 3 to 5 incidents reported.


Re: Crime In Donabate

Posted: 15 Dec 2014, 19:58
by Marii23
Two cars done at my house and one across the road. Guards asked me when I rang was I in Donabate ? They said that there were at least 20 calls on Sunday morning. Scumbags robbed presents and the contents of my purse, including cards which I forgot to take out of the boot :cry: Now people can say that I was stupid to leave my purse in the boot but that's not the point. Also my neighbour was a victim of last weeks violent crime. I have reported my break in but I don't hold out any hope ..

Re: Crime In Donabate

Posted: 15 Dec 2014, 20:06
by micropoodle
I wonder how far off I'd be by saying if the guards had a warrant to search the house (or the house he is residing in) of the main suspect, would they find a lot of the stolen stuff

Re: Crime In Donabate

Posted: 15 Dec 2014, 22:12
by Banana
Is there a main suspect ????

Re: Crime In Donabate

Posted: 15 Dec 2014, 22:15
by micropoodle
I have no idea. I'd imagine though that the guards have a good idea who's responsible. It wouldn't surprise me if whoever it was lives locally.

Re: Crime In Donabate

Posted: 16 Dec 2014, 13:42
by maurizio
I've said this in other posts as well - maybe it's time we, as a community, stand up for our rights? The more this goes on, the less media coverage it will receive, the less people will feel like it's worth reporting incidents to Gardai (in fact, as this forum suggest, many have given up already). We are all well aware of under-staffing etc (see comments posted on Dec, 12th here [1]) - but we deserve at least to know what are the plans for getting things back on track (although I'm getting pessimistic that such a plan even exists).

[1] - ... n=timeline

Re: Crime In Donabate

Posted: 16 Dec 2014, 20:18
by Mr. Stupid
Cop car on the way out to Donabate this evening. Siren on. More crime.

Re: Crime In Donabate

Posted: 23 Dec 2014, 12:37
by Derek
Talk of a mugging on Portrane Rd last night near the community center. Anybody else here anything?

Re: Crime In Donabate

Posted: 23 Dec 2014, 14:32
by Essexboy
That was one of my sons friends last night, don't have much info but as he was walking past the com centre a lad pulled a knife and demanded his mobile phone..
Now my sons friend is a big lad and at he end of his teen's, he decided just to skip round the fella and run on!!
He looked back and the lad didn't give chase, the Garda was rang!!!
Please tell your children to be extra careful with mobile phones this Christmas, I think once again local TD needs a call or we go out and walk or drive our children home!!!
(Baseball bat would be handy).....

Re: Crime In Donabate

Posted: 23 Dec 2014, 17:37
by micropoodle
Thankfully that young lad wasn't harmed.
Now I wonder where the scum who attacked him originated from. I could have a good guess.

With the increase in crime here lately, I would love to know, of all the people that have been caught, if there was a common factor between them. ie: where they are living, visiting etc.

Re: Crime In Donabate

Posted: 24 Dec 2014, 01:12
by Mr. Stupid
Was the criminal anything to do with Sophia housing? Would be interested to know if he lives out here or if something drew him out...

Re: Crime In Donabate

Posted: 24 Dec 2014, 02:44
by derossa
Can I just make one comment regarding crime in Donabate.
Two weeks ago there was a convicted junkie rapist who held a 10 year old boy at knifepoint while he robbed the family of cash and then locked them up while stealing their car causing damage to other cars on his way back to the inner city via Phibsboro and the hearse road.
Subsequent to this he was disturbed trying an aggrovated robbery in a local estate.
I would not advocate vigil-anti behavior in any way but I can only imagine what would have happened if the local residents had caught this scumbag.

A.they would have given quick beating retrieving stolen goods,while the crowd of onlookers condemned their actions and slammed the victims for their actions, sympathizing with the poor victim and this action was not the right thing to do ,interfering to protect the poor rapist/robber.
B.the garda would be called only to be informed only to be told that the scumbag had run off while the crowd had held the victims off as this just wasn't right and was a police matter.worse that yes he /she was known to the gardai.
C. eye witness's would testify to the retribution doled out to the scumbag and that the victim used excessive force to that poor unfortunate whom society had made a victim.

Am i wrong or just politically incorrect or both?

lastly the most common assumption is that you will get your item back!
Has anyone ever had anything stolen returned to them,Personally no matter how obscure ,NEVER!
I would be very interested to hear of a positive result excluding auto theft!

Re: Crime In Donabate

Posted: 24 Dec 2014, 10:49
by Aido82
i think it is only a matter of time until one of these guys good an absolute hiding from a local.

Can some one tell me where is this sophia housing located? (We are only new to the area)

Re: Crime In Donabate

Posted: 24 Dec 2014, 14:19
by gemma
Yes i know a few people who were burgled - guards caught em and got all their stuff back and they got jail. Doesn't happen enough.

Sophia Housing or Hazelgrove as its also known as is directly across from the Donabate Community Centre on the road out to Portrane (on the right hand side) looks like apartments/car park out front.

Most of the people that live there are single mothers, battered wives and recovering junkies, that genuinely don't want trouble to be honest - The trouble makers 99.9% of the time are the company that they attract that cause the crime. Its their new boyrfriend 'from town' or cousin Anto and his mates from finglas that are just over for a visit and miss the last train out and stay the night etc etc...

The criminals are transcient and are only here for a day or two... they are people who have no business being there and couldn't give a rats about the locals

We need to protest and hound the council about Sophia Housing (theres a rumour that the place doesn't even have planning permission? cough cough! Anyone check that out?)

Re: Crime In Donabate

Posted: 24 Dec 2014, 15:21
by Jed
Sophia's CEO is Declan Dunne who you can contact on 086-8563826 or or fax 01-4538212. I have found him to be very efficient when dealing with complaints/incidents regarding the units. I urge people to complain and put pressure on him if you ever want it to change. He actually relies upon reports from locals as there is nobody on duty from 5:30pm to 9am Monday to Friday, unlike Cork St. which has numerous local Garda stations and 24hr onsite caretaker. There is also a Facebook page that promotes all the good work they do but not 1 single reference to the Donabate units..............

Re: Crime In Donabate

Posted: 24 Dec 2014, 22:17
by Derek
gemma wrote: We need to protest and hound the council about Sophia Housing (theres a rumour that the place doesn't even have planning permission? cough cough! Anyone check that out?)
I think we need to protest and hound Sophia management about their establishment. This is nothing to do with the council. If people here and other locals know anecdotally about those who are purporting to frequent the place then why aren't Sophia management also aware of same? If they are awareness why is no apparent action been taken.

Consider this possible scenario: You would like to think that people who are incarcerated as a result of their own misadventure and are subsequently housed by bodies like Sophia would have the cop on to behave themselves in reciprocation to the good will shown and given to them. I would think such people would not just be unworthy of a free roof over their head, but would also be totally undeserving of even the smallest thread of compassion from our otherwise caring society. And especially so when we have a huge homelessness problem where many of them are in that situation through no misadventure of their own, and in my view, would be more worthy of that free roof over they heads than others.