Up in smoke

General discussion on all issues relating to Donabate and Portrane
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Very worrying ☹️
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dearg11 wrote:As stated by the people of Tyrellstown in "Dublin Live"

Locals also said they were unhappy with Fingal County Council for housing a "disproportionate number" of anti-social elements in the one area.

This could be our peninsula in the very near future, far too many "iffy" developments going on , village gridlocked with traffic, developers latest stick to bate us will is " we'll hand over land for social housing if you don't get back in your box and be quiet little people",

This is all before the "real" developments begin , as what we're seeing at the moment is just a sideshow, I've said before and I'll say it again we've become the new sacrificial lamb for Fungal County Council , they've already destroyed Balbriggan, Dublin West and we're just another suburb on the periphery of the County, with lots of land that will solve all their housing headaches without affecting their real jewels.

And before some do-gooder comes on hear calling me alarmist, no I'm not just a concerned parent and realist,
Again I don't care what your personal politics are , whether you vote mainstream , looney left or alt-right, we all live here, it's time for our so-called representatives( not too many actually live here) to stop sending out soundbites of feigned concern, get a reality check and start doing the job they were elected for
What do you feel we should do about this dearg11 ?
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Come on bland seriously?
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Well bland
For a start , canvas our local representatives and let them know we are not happy with what's going on, they can give all the excuses they want , but they are there to represent us , not business interests , God knows they have enough lobbyists looking after them.

This is allegedly a democracy we live in, and our local politicians NEED our votes or that's their careers finished

Don't be shy in letting them know that
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Yep, dead serious. Lets agree for every ten moans, we have to have one constructive suggestion?
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Well bland , I've just given you one constructive suggestion ,Re: canvas/ threaten withdrawal of vote for local Representatives.

You are a troll, a windup merchant with responses that are as bland as your user name , at least some of us are attempting to highlight concerns.
Where are your suggestions , instead of your snidey remarks
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Thanks for your kind words dearg11.
Troll v Alarmist
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Bland i think you have your head in the sand, why would people lie about their accounts of situations they have seen or been apart of ?
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i dont think this thread is being alarmist. People are genuinely concerned at what's happening in this wonderful town. There are some people who would rather you didn't talk about the bad stuff happening though. I'd love to know why they want it swept under the carpet?

At a completely wild guess i'd say the ratio of Good to Bad things happening in Donabate is 95 to 5, but of course people will want to talk about the bad things more. In my opinion, talking about it makes people aware of it, makes more people talk about it and become aware of it and then know what to look for. People hearing about bad stuff happening will hopefully talk to their own kids about it etc etc. It's a positive thing to do.

Donabate is far far far from being a bad area, though i do worry with the population set to double over the next 10 years, what it will become. I believe there is one estate, that technically will have 2 different names, but 1 entrance that will have the guts of 400 houses in it when it is complete. That in my opinion is a recipe for disaster and I do question why the council allow such builds to proceed.
Last edited by aoifey on 16 May 2018, 09:02, edited 1 time in total.
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Congratulations to all at Donabate Pharmacy, its lovely to see you back in business again. Phoenix from the ashes. :P
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So 6 months on.
I believe some (or all) of the people involved were caught but I can only presume that no jail time has or will be seen, such is the nature of our system.

Coincidently (or not) we are seeing an increase in anti-social behaviour again in the last couple of weeks. I hadn't seen the guy who I believe is responsible for a large number of incidents for a number of weeks for some reason but now that I'm seeing him in and around the village again in the last couple of weeks, I'm suddenly seeing an increase in anti social behaviour again. I have absolutely no proof whatsoever that the guy I'm thinking about is responsible. I'm solely basing it on what others, including my kids have been telling me. Multiple trees being snapped in half on the beaverstown road, fire lit last night on the Portrane Road etc.

I wouldn't for one second presume that these are being done by the same people or person. I'm merely pointing out that if nothing has actually happened to the people who were caught for the pharmacy fire, it sends a message to scumbags that they can do what they want.

I'd love to be corrected on this and be told that there is work going on in the background to 'rehabilitate' these teenagers.
pat mustard
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on a positive note...


new shop open in that area.
Quello Serio
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I look forward to trying that bakery, and I hope it does well.

But I got distracted by their retweeted video showing Israeli soldiers pointing guns at Medics, and pulling an injured man off a stretcher to try to stop him being treated. WTF Israel?
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