Donabate -Portrane society

General discussion on all issues relating to Donabate and Portrane
Donabate Hatter
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Oh yeah, cheers :D
uncle peter
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Donabate Hatter wrote:Also, presumably as Uncle Peter didn't refute any of the details in Mammy's last post, what she posted is true!!

Still he must be happy because he has declared that his original posting has been proved correct, of course he hasn't provided anything to back that up!!
As Mammy is going through her therapy where she expresses her deep rooted anger with the world, while making no sense. you and her have yet to come to the acceptance stage. Although both of you have progressed as you have moved from the anger stage to the isolation stage. Most experts would agree it would be wrong to disturb when she is going through such anxiety.
Donabate Hatter
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And still Uncle Peter is unable to refute any of the points Mammy makes and instead resorts to, and here I'm using his own words from a previous post 'use mockery Victimization and harassment'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mr. Stupid
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I request a summary.

Who is in therapy? And who is offering online councilling?
Donabate Hatter
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1. Anyone who disagrees with Uncle Peter is considered (well by him at least) to be in need of therapy.
2. Uncle Peter.

:lol: :lol:
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Donabate Hatter: Triying to have the last word in every post does not make you right only insecure about the validity of your argument.
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oh nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Jackie is that uncle Peter in a dress? if not then we have have an awful lot psychologists on the loose now :lol:
Mr. Stupid
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If Donabate Hatter is insecure than I think it's time for a trip to Uncle Peter.
Time to lie back on the couch.
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mammy wrote:oh nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Jackie is that uncle Peter in a dress? if not then we have have an awful lot psychologists on the loose now :lol:
Mammy who are you? Why do you have to demean everyone post. I have never commented on any of your posts unti now. Why do believe that everyone that has a different opinion to you must be the same person.
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So who are Luton playing at the weekend?
Donabate Hatter
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I'm interested to know how you decided it's me trying to have the last post and not Uncle Peter, seeing as he replies to my post and I reply to his, and then he replies to mine, so why am I the one trying to have the last post ?


The boys are away to Stockport this week, I think the seasons pretty much a write off, it would take a superhuman effort just to reach the playoffs now, still we have a new manager in post, so as ever, onwards and upwards, hopefully!!


Oh PS, Jackie, I presume that you won't be responding to this post, as god forbid you should try to have the last word.

PPS, Unless you're very insecure of course!!

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Jackie I think this may be why I think you are Peter in a dress :lol: now I could be wrong :oops:

Re: Donabate -Portrane society
by jackie » 26 Feb 2013, 16:04

Donabate Hatter wrote:
While others refuse to answer a reasonable question that they have been asked and instead go off at a tangent to cover over that they have no answer to said reasonable question!!!!!!!!!!

This person seems to be very angry about something, I hope this site will help him to get it out of their system.

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Now can you see why? a very uncle peter like reply to DH oh and joined right after uncle peter and drove past every other post and discussion on the site as a newbie just to praise uncle Peter mm I think I might be getting good at this psychology stuff
uncle peter
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[quote="mammy"]Jackie I think this may be why I think you are Peter in a dress :lol: now I could be wrong :oops:
Mammy keep up with the therapy you have a long way to go. Although you are releasing alot of anger that is good for you keep on the site because you are still in the isolation mode. I suppose we cant expect any sense from your postings until you reach the recovery stage. To recover keep expressing the anger. God bless you.
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This thread needs to be put out of its misery.

Mr. Stupid
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Ken wrote:This thread needs to be put out of its misery.
I think it started off heated but turnt out quite funny.
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Mr. Stupid wrote:
Ken wrote:This thread needs to be put out of its misery.
I think it started off heated but turnt out quite funny.
I agree one group diagreed with the use of a young lad to promote a business so that the Principal of the local school could be bullied. The other group taught it was all great craic. Ya it is a wierd world when a mother and a woman agrees to this.
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Ah don't stop now lads - it's just getting good. Mammy & DH -v- Uncle Peter & Jackie
But it might be unfair, isn't that 2 against 1 ...................... :o
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Davemac where did the the bulling come from why would anyone think there was or is an agenda to bully the head mistress . I read the FB comments there was over 400 all of them saying much the same that the lad was doing good and should have been applauded and supported. I dont see how you or anyone else can say that the business that was involved was using the young man. It could be that the man was just passionate and let go at what he seen as unfair.I don't know the man I pass the shop everyday have seen the FB page for his business and it all seems very light hearted and professional and nothing what so ever to suggest the owner had or has an agenda.

I know the pupil broke a school rule but wasn't it always the way that rules are made to be broken and these young people in our school are almost adults some maybe already 18 years old 8-)

Sydney :D I won't take it lying down !!! ;)
Donabate Hatter
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Still here Sydney, to be honest I lost interest at about post 40,(obviously my interest returned when Digger and I got onto soccer) because the OP had started to behave in just the way he had been complaining of in other people. Since then I was just trying to see if I could get this thread to become the one with the most posts ever, which it easily is, Hurrah!!!! But I will stay around to support Mammy if she continues to get bullied by you know who!!!!!

Mr. Stupid
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davemac wrote:Ya it is a wierd world when a mother and a woman agrees to this.
Would it be more or less weird if it was a man and a Dad? :D
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DH you forgot the smilies on the right :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Good point Mr Stupid :D
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Mr. Stupid wrote:
davemac wrote:Ya it is a wierd world when a mother and a woman agrees to this.
Would it be more or less weird if it was a man and a Dad? :D
No it would not but I must have thought wrong that one poster could make the maternal connection with the chid that was used and the woman that was bullied. Sorry I was wrong.
uncle peter
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Mammy and Hatter I am delighted that you or both of you are taking my advice and getting all that anger out of the system. keep up the good work. Although you have a long way to go if you can equate 400 postings on the business man FB page , all about one person the Principal of the local school as fun and entertaining and you or both of you have the simplicity to talk about bullying. I am know closing off this thread as it has served its purpose, However, feel free to keep up with the therapy and get all that anger out. Deep breaths now.
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Poor uncle peter when you decide you ever want a grown up conversation about bullying and content and context and hidden agendas I will gladly give you a hearing but you trying to get people to agree with you and to stop them having a conversation about a local amenity and a public servant by you making demands inho is not the way to go .

You have tried with some degree of success I might add to have every thread post and what ever else was put online about OUR local school into a bullying issue. I dont agree on where you are coming from I said so and will always say it as I see it of course people will disagree with me as they will with others too but it can be civilized and a worthy discussion.
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