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Re: Experiences with Community College

Posted: 19 May 2016, 13:45
by Sydney
There's no way this is true as there was a meeting about new JC for 6th class and 1st yr parents on Tuesday. It was jammers, with all the familiar faces there.

Re: Experiences with Community College

Posted: 19 May 2016, 18:42
by Stromboli
probably the other way round

Re: Experiences with Community College

Posted: 20 May 2016, 08:28
by james
I hope both of you are correct, however the information came from a very good source.

Re: Experiences with Community College

Posted: 20 May 2016, 08:58
by Sydney
I know there's quite a few going to Loreto from Scoil Phadraic. There always will be, either following sisters, or for faith reasons or for all-girls.

Re: Experiences with Community College

Posted: 20 May 2016, 10:33
by diggerbarnes
james wrote:I hope both of you are correct, however the information came from a very good source.
Follow the money

Re: Experiences with Community College

Posted: 20 May 2016, 21:13
by SB123
Certainly not true. Haven't got exact figures, but not many more than 8 going outside Donabate. And the majority of parents of 2016 1st years are very supportive of our local school.

Re: Experiences with Community College

Posted: 24 May 2016, 21:32
by Jamesl30
Hey all

New to the forum and have a girl starting in the secondary school this year. Missed the talk last Tuesday. Heard it was packed but did I miss anything important?

Re: Experiences with Community College

Posted: 25 May 2016, 08:33
by Sydney
Jamesl30 wrote:Hey all

New to the forum and have a girl starting in the secondary school this year. Missed the talk last Tuesday. Heard it was packed but did I miss anything important?
If she's starting in 1st year in September then she'll be doing new English, Science and Business for Junior Cert. Current 1st and 2nd years will only do new English.

Re: Experiences with Community College

Posted: 25 May 2016, 13:23
by Jamesl30
Thanks for that. Yes she starting next year and very much looking forward to it.

Re: Experiences with Community College

Posted: 25 May 2016, 13:48
by Ken
Going on last year, they would have also discussed the uniform policy and availability. The iPad would also have been covered (presuming they will still use them). If you contact the school they should be able to provide the handouts you missed. The information is also likely to be on their website.

Re: Experiences with Community College

Posted: 25 May 2016, 14:55
by Sydney
Ken wrote:Going on last year, they would have also discussed the uniform policy and availability. The iPad would also have been covered (presuming they will still use them). If you contact the school they should be able to provide the handouts you missed. The information is also likely to be on their website.
The meeting was current 6th class, 1st year and 2nd year parents. It was to discuss the new JC.

Re: Experiences with Community College

Posted: 26 May 2016, 14:20
by Jamesl30
Thanks for the info. She hasn't picked business so she will only be affected in her English and science classes. She loved the science at the open day so that'll be interesting for her with the new course.

Re: Experiences with Community College

Posted: 03 Jun 2016, 13:41
by 1stimer
Anybody else hear that Mr. Creevy is taking another career break? My next door neighbour told me some of the kids are saying it in school?

Re: Experiences with Community College

Posted: 07 Jun 2016, 08:11
by james
Unlikely, he would have to leave the job, seriously there is no way the Vec would allow him to disrupt the School again.

Re: Experiences with Community College

Posted: 09 Jun 2016, 21:36
by Spider
What's the story with kids that have left to go the Institute being allowed sit the exams in the College. My daughter says it affects the number of high grades awarded to the school because they come back and take the high marks. They are also allowed wear their normal clothes while our kids have to wear their uniforms. Doesn't seem fair really.

Re: Experiences with Community College

Posted: 09 Jun 2016, 22:31
by Ken
Spider wrote:What's the story with kids that have left to go the Institute being allowed sit the exams in the College. My daughter says it affects the number of high grades awarded to the school because they come back and take the high marks. They are also allowed wear their normal clothes while our kids have to wear their uniforms. Doesn't seem fair really.
If they left the school, then they're not coming back as students. They are allowed sit the exam in their local exam centre which would be DCC.

Re: Experiences with Community College

Posted: 09 Jun 2016, 22:34
by Spider
One of the teachers told my daughter that it still affects the grades in the school because it's done by exam number. He used to work in the Institute himself.

Re: Experiences with Community College

Posted: 09 Jun 2016, 22:40
by links96
After last year's leaving cert, it's an interesting point that although about 6 left to go to institute, the best two leavings (625 and 590) both came from dcc and were higher than all the students who left for the institute. Plus there was amother girl on 570 in dcc, which was higher than five out of those six institute kids. Having teachers who've known you the whole way along and your friends with you is a huge advantage. Plus no commute. I left last year and thought all the teachers went above and beyond to help me with anything I asked as long as I was working hard like, something you don't get in a huge place like the institute where you're anonymous. Really in the grand scheme of things I think it's an excellent school in most regards but obviously you get out of it what you put in.

Re: Experiences with Community College

Posted: 09 Jun 2016, 22:50
by Spider
I totally agree with you. I have been critical of the school in the past few months but I'm very grateful to some of the very dedicated teachers who have helped and encouraged the two children I have there. I'm glad the DCC students of last year did so well. Indeed I know many of them myself, they're my daughter's friends and a fantastic bunch. I don't know about the students who left previously, but this year they were mainly the high achievers which is what worries me and puzzles me because they were doing well anyway, there seemed to be no reason to leave.

Re: Experiences with Community College

Posted: 09 Jun 2016, 23:42
by links96
Yeah I definitely get you. To be honest I think having one or two teachers that aren't so great is a problem in nearly every school though. I think it's mostly a question of being nervous for the exams and their parents clearly have the money so it's a question of why not, rather than, we absolutely have to leave the school. Also don't be too nervous about failed mocks, only three of us in my class passed honours maths in the mocks and no one failed the actual exam. And everyone in that maths class got an A or B in honours in the junior. I'd say everyone came up about a hundred points or thereabouts. So even if you're a clever kid getting Bs in honours in the junior a shock in fifth year summer exams and mocks is kinda to be expected but doesn't mean you won't get Bs/Cs in the final exam.

Re: Experiences with Community College

Posted: 10 Jun 2016, 00:05
by links96
Also the institute grades affect the curve if they sit the exam in DCC that's definitely true. Like all the papers go into the same envelope and are marked by the same person whether institute/dcc if they're both sitting them in the school. So that's a bit bleh but when asked about it before I think Ms. Flynns stance was its a community school and it would be against the ethos the turn them away :/ but to be more cynical I think it was to avoid the hassle of the institute parents complaining etc., and I'm not sure she had the right to refuse them anyhow, so it sucks but a bit of a moot point.

Re: Experiences with Community College

Posted: 10 Jun 2016, 00:20
by links96
Also, that being said, if a borderline grade is getting dropped because of the curve, the max you can lose is 5 points and you can always get a recheck and try get bumped up again, so though it feels a bit injust to be marked in the same pile as the institute papers at the end of the day you're not losing out massively, and if you're 2/3+ percent clear of the grade anyhow it's hard for them to bring it down. So I don't think it has a massive impact, unless you need an A1 and there's ten other institute kids also looking for it and obviously they're not gonna give that many, so that's an unfair playing field. But for the vast majority it has little impact I think.

Re: Experiences with Community College

Posted: 11 Jun 2016, 18:44
by james
After last year's leaving cert, it's an interesting point that although about 6 left to go to institute, the best two leavings (625 and 590) both came from dcc and were higher than all the students who left for the institute. Plus there was amother girl on 570 in dcc, which was higher than five out of those six institute kids.

How can Links 96 have this information unless they are management in the school ? Please don't insult my intelligence by telling me that one student had access to all of the students results. The students who went to the Institute and those who could not afford to go and had to stay behind.

Re: Experiences with Community College

Posted: 11 Jun 2016, 19:11
by gandalf the grey
In reply to last post, links96 appears to be a student not a teacher + a very articulate and nice young lady, + as a parent of teenagers they talk ( maybe not to parents ) but to each other so I would take all she says as true !!

Re: Experiences with Community College

Posted: 11 Jun 2016, 19:43
by james
Maybe to one or two others. Not the whole lot. No way this swells