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Re: Scrambler bikes on old Turvey Golf Club

Posted: 22 Mar 2016, 09:45
by paceman
focus, the issue here is solely noise, not the merits of the sport, not the passion of the individuals, the noise. Motocross is a noisy pastime, surely you agree? And as such, the locations chosen to host events should be appropriately selected so that it has minimal impact on the surrounding environment. A field that backs onto a row of houses on one side, and a housing estate on the other just isn't suitable given the noise level. In the coming months, new houses in Beresford will be built just a few feet from the border with the lands. God help the people who will live there. Its great that Lusk have found an appropriate location, and if so it should be used, and I would bet that there is no complaining in Lusk as the site is more suitable and away from residential areas. But just because someone has a passion for a sport doesn't give them the inherent right to do it wherever and whenever they like if it has significant impact on the quality of life of others, and given the level of response that this topic has received on the forum I don't think you can argue that it hasn't been impacted upon.

Re: Scrambler bikes on old Turvey Golf Club

Posted: 22 Mar 2016, 09:53
by Defcom
<mod snip> The people of the area dont want it. Its noise pollution. Theres a nature reserve behind the golf course. We live on a peninsula a small tight community. When i got my house this sh1t wasnt happening if it was i wouldnt be living here

Re: Scrambler bikes on old Turvey Golf Club

Posted: 22 Mar 2016, 16:50
by McLovin
focus wrote:Hopefully no one here who is complaining ever has a child who wants to get involved with motocross because they clearly won't be allowed. "Expensive houses" means what exactly? That they are too good to have people practicing a sport that they are passionate about? As I said- grass tracks take place every couple of weekends in Lusk and the locals there don't complain and whinge. These people are out doing something they love and are passionate about.
Hey focus. Since your so understanding about this, why not invite them out near you. If these lads (who more than likely aren't insured on these bikes ) were doing this outside you house you would soon change your tune.

not only do they not have insurance. Or a license. They are also trespassing.

Also the previous poster is correct. People moved to donabate for the peace and quite not to listen to this raff every second night.

Re: Scrambler bikes on old Turvey Golf Club

Posted: 22 Mar 2016, 16:56
by Mr. Stupid
Some trolling going on. What you are saying is, hey I would n't flying my helicopter, it is something I am passionate about and I'll do it around your house every weekend. Thanks.

Re: Scrambler bikes on old Turvey Golf Club

Posted: 22 Mar 2016, 17:21
by Defcom
Focus my reponse to you has been doctored by the administrator (ken) sad to say,

Re: Scrambler bikes on old Turvey Golf Club

Posted: 22 Mar 2016, 18:21
by Ken
Defcom wrote:Focus my reponse to you has been doctored by the administrator (ken) sad to say,
And I sent you a PM to explain why.

Re: Scrambler bikes on old Turvey Golf Club

Posted: 24 Mar 2016, 19:09
by focus
I can hear it from my house and it doesn't bother me. The majority of these people have licences (I'm not saying all of them), attend the necessary training to aquire the licence to be on the bikes and they have permission to be there.
It's really sad that a few people that are saying they don't want it means that it comes across that the entire village doesn't.
If you have nothing better to be complaining about then you have sad lives.
Get over it, I'm not trolling it's all a matter of opinion and I'm sharing mine.
A view of a few shouldn't be sold as basically saying "as a village we don't want any of this to happen".

Re: Scrambler bikes on old Turvey Golf Club

Posted: 24 Mar 2016, 19:11
by focus
And it's hardly a small tight community, since all the new housing estates were built over the last 10 years or so it has become a village that empties out in the morning and I'd flooded in the evenings. I walk down through the village and don't recognise anyone anymore because all the "locals" are now mainly blow ins.

Re: Scrambler bikes on old Turvey Golf Club

Posted: 24 Mar 2016, 19:29
by Defcom
This is pointless

Re: Scrambler bikes on old Turvey Golf Club

Posted: 25 Mar 2016, 15:16
by focus
I completely agree with you that it's pointless. If it's all you have to give out about and moan about then you're lucky. Get on with your own lives don't be worrying what others are doing! Simple!

Re: Scrambler bikes on old Turvey Golf Club

Posted: 25 Mar 2016, 15:53
by Defcom
No focus i have a lot going on in my life, and i certainly dont need the constant noise pulsing through my house weres your compassion for god sake this is affecting people's lives. Why dont you put your money were your mouth is send me a private message, tell me your address and ill set up my amp in your front garden and play hours of motocross engines reving. Well ?

Re: Scrambler bikes on old Turvey Golf Club

Posted: 25 Mar 2016, 16:45
by focus
Wow you really need to calm down Defcom. Why don't you complain about the noise of the trains passing through and tell them to go elsewhere because they're too noisy..

Re: Scrambler bikes on old Turvey Golf Club

Posted: 25 Mar 2016, 16:49
by Ken
Focus - I don't know whether you're serious or just here to wind people up.

Fact is that the noise from the scramblers is constant over a number of hours. A train passing is a momentary thing and only happens every 30 mins or so during peak times.

When buying property in Donabate, people did so in the knowledge that there is a train line and trains will pass from time to time. They didn't do so in the knowledge that people will be using scrambler bikes close by for hours at a time.

Re: Scrambler bikes on old Turvey Golf Club

Posted: 25 Mar 2016, 16:51
by focus
And I quite enjoy the sound of Motocross bikes, especially two strokes.. I'll even help you set up the amp but please don't use a generator to power as they can be very noisy.

Re: Scrambler bikes on old Turvey Golf Club

Posted: 25 Mar 2016, 17:28
by Mugwump
I work in an area where I'm very well aquainted with planning law and I can tell you that the scrambler bike venture that turvey golf course are looking at requires planning permission for change of use. It's a very simple matter to report what's going on and I'm aware of people having already started on this.

Unfortunately focus this is the reality - this scrambler business is inconsiderate and illegal. It's unfortunate that turvey golf club don't have more people as articulate as you to argue their case for them - I'm sure it would serve them well when this gets them into trouble.
You think that people are being snotty, other people think it's noise pollution. The law is on their side and all that's needed is a couple of emails for the council to see to it

Re: Scrambler bikes on old Turvey Golf Club

Posted: 25 Mar 2016, 19:11
by focus
A test was carried out in Lusk to test the actual level of noise coming from the bikes during track days. It wasn't above a level which is considered to be "noise pollution".

These people have the land owners permission to be there, they have been on these bikes since they were kids, they are looking for somewhere to practice.

I gave the example of the trains because this whole argument is ridiculous and it seemed to be a fitting example.

Again my point is that there are a few here saying that "WE don't want it" and that's not the view of the entire village.

I'm not winding people up I'm trying to get my point across in a very one sided argument.

It basically boils down to the fact that this sport isn't recognised here, the fact you are all calling these bikes scramblers proves this- theyre Motocross bikes and the fact that there is absolutely no appreciation for it means let's all jump on the NIMBY bus.

I know for a fact there are people who are living in the apartments within the Golf Club and they barely notice it.
If you make a big deal out of it and blow the entire thing out of proportion the whole thing is going to annoy you even more.

This whole thing is absolutely ridiculous and I honestly can't believe that people get so wound up over it.

Re: Scrambler bikes on old Turvey Golf Club

Posted: 25 Mar 2016, 19:22
by Defcom
Anyway folks what do we do. Who do we need to contact about this. Does Anybodys have a contact for the landowner. Together we stand divided we fall

Re: Scrambler bikes on old Turvey Golf Club

Posted: 25 Mar 2016, 20:17
by Mugwump
Oh Focus! Those NIMBY philistines! They don't know the difference between different types of noisy motorbikes! It seems that you are getting in a bit of a knot giving out about other people getting in a knot over this. The change of use of the site is the main issue here - it needs planning permission and it doesn't have it. The noise aspect of it will need to be tested if the council decide to go down that route. Then of course the sanctuary aspect of it.
People don't like it. Maybe some day we will live in a world where everyone loves motorbiking and will be only too glad to be able to hear these passionate lads hard at it.

Re: Scrambler bikes on old Turvey Golf Club

Posted: 29 Mar 2016, 12:43
by tsuzmir
Perhaps we should do a poll on front page? something simple and not suggesting the asnwer so we can see what is the majority on here thinking. i'd suggest something like this:

Do you approve free and uncontrolled use of dirt bikes on lands of old turvey golf club?
1. yes, i love the sound of the scramblers' engines, especially 2 stroke ones. could listen to this all day long
2. no, i just bought an expensive house nearby and this is outrageous considering the money we paid - i thought this will be more of a malahide than darndale
3. dont give a sh*t, i live in portrane and cant hear those savages on bikes but maybe you could do something about all the lorries coming to hospital.
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Re: Scrambler bikes on old Turvey Golf Club

Posted: 29 Mar 2016, 12:49
by Defcom
Brilliant i got a good laugh out of that, but you know something its not a bad idea. failing that i think we need to go up there as a community one voice 40/50 in number and ask them to leave

Re: Scrambler bikes on old Turvey Golf Club

Posted: 31 Mar 2016, 21:57
by donnelbg
Was up there today and very very surprised to hear it's open to the public. The driving range is a few matts in a field. The foot golf is a few holes in a field. The motocross track looks great but I do see the noise being a problem with the sanctuary near by.

The place has potential and isn't a bad idea (except maybe the motocross and duck hunting in a bird sanctuary???) so we'll just have to see how it turns out.

Re: Scrambler bikes on old Turvey Golf Club

Posted: 17 Apr 2016, 14:58
by Ken
I hear they are back to day drowning out the sound of a glorious day.

Has anyone reported this to FCC? If so, can you share the contact details so others can follow suit?

Re: Scrambler bikes on old Turvey Golf Club

Posted: 17 Apr 2016, 15:05
by tsuzmir
Ken wrote:I hear they are back to day drowning out the sound of a glorious day.

Has anyone reported this to FCC? If so, can you share the contact details so others can follow suit?
This should be reported to EHO in Fingal County Council 01-8708430. I doubt there's anyone in today though

Re: Scrambler bikes on old Turvey Golf Club

Posted: 17 Apr 2016, 18:10
by McLovin
I'm not sure what can be done. Now that turvey land is privately owned. If they have permission to ride / race from the owner they are no longer trespassing. The only thing that might force them out is the fact that the bird / wildlife sanctuary is being polluted by noise.

Re: Scrambler bikes on old Turvey Golf Club

Posted: 17 Apr 2016, 18:18
by Brian B
Surely if he is running a business there, he should have to have a particular licence and insurance to allow people to race scramblers on the property. Also the proximity to the sanctuary has to be of interest to the council.