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Re: Teens Spitting on People in Railway Station

Posted: 26 Aug 2016, 16:23
by Defcom
Mirror are you for real, you'd rather let someone be spat at in the face, be publicly humiliated, possibly leaving them with long term psychological problems, all in the hope that your house wont go down in value.
!!!!! UNBELIEVABLE !!!!!

Re: Teens Spitting on People in Railway Station

Posted: 26 Aug 2016, 20:01
by mirror
Excuse me , where in this post does it mention that these teenagers spat in peoples faces ?. Please read my post before commenting, I think this is a disgusting thing for anyone to do however I really think this is a storm in a tea cup . But if people feel that this warrants getting a Garda car from swords down well then that is their choice. I am of the opinion however that the Gardai wouldn't take a complaint of this nature too serious at all considering the nature of phone calls they get . Like everyone else on this forum I am also entitled to my opinion and not to be abused when I give it . That's why it' has the heading General Discussion.

Re: Teens Spitting on People in Railway Station

Posted: 27 Aug 2016, 09:26
by Amammi
I commute daily to the city centre for work. Several times when I have got off the train in Donabate there has been a large (20 or more) number of very young teens on both platforms shouting over and back jumping on and off the train so delaying its departure hammering on the windows of carriages from the platform and spitting and yelling in at passengers. Several times elderly people have asked me to accompany them over the link bridge as they were fearful of the teens gathered on either side. several times I have seen the teens jump onto the tracks after the train departed and run over and back daring each other. On each occasion I have rung the Garda And Irish rail. It is a safety concern both for the teens and for rail users. If it has prevented even one accident from a child jumping on/off the tracks and encouraged our seniors to keep using the train I make no apology for that.

Re: Teens Spitting on People in Railway Station

Posted: 29 Aug 2016, 16:53
by Mr. Stupid
I think Mirror is losing this one.

Re: Teens Spitting on People in Railway Station

Posted: 30 Aug 2016, 09:59
by Sleepy
Vlad the Impaler wrote:William Bratton the police chief who cleaned up New York City in the 1990s, based his policies on zero tolerance of any kind of anti-social behaviour.
Whethere his zero tolerance approach had any impact on the crime statistics is actually highly questionable. Steven D. Levitt's data would suggest that Roe v Wade had a far bigger impact on New York's crime statistics than anything the police or politicians did. Very simply: if unwanted kids aren't being born, they're not being dragged up and let run riot / turn into criminals.

Re: Teens Spitting on People in Railway Station

Posted: 31 Aug 2016, 09:28
by Lebowski
Sleepy wrote:
Vlad the Impaler wrote:William Bratton the police chief who cleaned up New York City in the 1990s, based his policies on zero tolerance of any kind of anti-social behaviour.
Whethere his zero tolerance approach had any impact on the crime statistics is actually highly questionable. Steven D. Levitt's data would suggest that Roe v Wade had a far bigger impact on New York's crime statistics than anything the police or politicians did. Very simply: if unwanted kids aren't being born, they're not being dragged up and let run riot / turn into criminals.
That's a stretch even elastigirl wouldn't attempt.

Re: Teens Spitting on People in Railway Station

Posted: 02 Sep 2016, 12:50
by Sleepy
Just relaying his research, the guy's a pretty respected economist. It caused a media furore in the states at the time and he was keen to point out that he wasn't advocating anything, just presenting the data as it stood. There was a clear correlation between the drop of the NY crime rate and the reduction in unwanted pregnancies in underprivileged areas post the legalisation of abortion.

Makes perfect sense to me tbh.

Re: Teens Spitting on People in Railway Station

Posted: 03 Sep 2016, 10:36
by John Blowick
mirror wrote:Hang on , you want to call the Gardai for a minor thats spitting over a bridge , there are people been shot on the streets honestly ....
Ah no! sure as long as lads are shooting each other on the street what's a little friendly spitting or a few petty burglaries.?

No no don't call the guards for them things ....lads are shootin one another in the streets !!

Re: Teens Spitting on People in Railway Station

Posted: 04 Sep 2016, 21:01
by Spider
Driving home from the park this evening and there was a bunch of teenagers, around age 14/15 at a guess, at the Hand who appeared to be throwing stones across the road over the traffic. Lovely. Where are all the parents?

Re: Teens Spitting on People in Railway Station

Posted: 04 Sep 2016, 22:47
by mirror
Probably on this criticising every other kid and not paying enough attention to their own.

Re: Teens Spitting on People in Railway Station

Posted: 06 Sep 2016, 07:27
by John Blowick
mirror wrote:Probably on this criticising every other kid and not paying enough attention to their own.
Hope nobody called the guards for just a crowd of high spirited teens "just havin a bit of fun"..not while people are shooting one another on the streets.! :lol:

Re: Teens Spitting on People in Railway Station

Posted: 20 Sep 2016, 13:40
by EB1986
Those people are utter scum bags, simple as. If you don't do anything about it, it will only encourage them more if they think they can get away with it. I noticed a few weeks ago there was a picture on some website of kids crossing the tracks at donabate and a lot of kids causing trouble at the station. Since then I notice a few security guards at the station and they were never there before so there is an issue. Listen those scum see donatbate as a soft touch as apparently they were just getting on the trains and jumping off at donabate to cause trouble. There was no security at the train station, no guards around really so 100% they were causing trouble as they know thy could get away with it.

I actually had an incident a few years back where some scum kid slapped my girlfriend and I called the guards. They thanked me because they said no one reports anything kids do. The guards came and the child started crying as they arrested him and said his parents will have to pick him up. He actually sword on his gransparents life that he did not do anything. Absoulte scum. Also I made a few poste before in another forum about the modular homes proposed in Donabate. Get used to the anti social behaviour as if they get the go ahead, expect a lot more of it. It attracts certain types.

Re: Teens Spitting on People in Railway Station

Posted: 20 Sep 2016, 14:21
by diggerbarnes
EB1986 wrote:...Also I made a few poste before in another forum about the modular homes proposed in Donabate. Get used to the anti social behaviour as if they get the go ahead, expect a lot more of it. It attracts certain types.
I hear you. Saw them on Grand Designs. Place will be crawling with elderly people looking to downsize.