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Re: Methadone Clinic

Posted: 11 Dec 2014, 16:02
by Mr. Stupid
I am not sure if this deserves a separate thread but I think it is quite clear trouble makers are being drawn out to Donabate.

If Donabate is to provide Sophia Housing / methodone clinics then these places need to be managed properly.

This problem is quite serious. We are a small community and that young boy could have been any of our children. We are not just talking petty criminals who just run off when someone catches them. We are talking someone who was prepared to inflict serious damage to a child for 70 euro. Something drew him out and that something isn't being managed correctly. Sophia housing was supposed to be for homeless people. How many of these homeless people are criminals, drug addicts of just people who have fallen on hard times because they fell behind on rent?

Management of the unit need to be clear with the community what is going on.

Why don't concerned people start emailing? and get some answers.

Re: Methadone Clinic

Posted: 11 Dec 2014, 16:36
by Vlad the Impaler
No, not irony or trolling at all. Mathadone clinics are recognised as an important (early) step in the rehabilitation of heroin users. Having them in areas that are accessible and offer fewer 'distractions' for the users is probably helpful. I don't think methadone clinic users are the danger to our children that some might lead you to believe. Wouldn't it be good for us to use our privilege to help in some way? Giving help might come at a cost and sacrifice but most help does.
Well, acdublin, if we establish that the recent incidents are connected to users of the methadone clinic then clearly they are a danger to our children.

Having said that, we do indeed need to establish if these characters were out here getting treatment. Open to suggestion on how we could clarify that.

Re: Methadone Clinic

Posted: 11 Dec 2014, 16:41
by Derek
acdublin wrote:No, not irony or trolling at all. Mathadone clinics are recognised as an important (early) step in the rehabilitation of heroin users. Having them in areas that are accessible and offer fewer 'distractions' for the users is probably helpful. I don't think methadone clinic users are the danger to our children that some might lead you to believe. Wouldn't it be good for us to use our privilege to help in some way? Giving help might come at a cost and sacrifice but most help does.
If Methadone clinics are not the risk that recent events imply they might be, then why don't they be moved to the other more affluent area's about the place? I'll rechant my old mantra, if it's not good enough for Malahide, it's not good enough for us. End of.

Re: Methadone Clinic

Posted: 11 Dec 2014, 17:32
by Mr. Stupid
Here are some of the other locations for Sophia housing schemes: (see

1. Tallaght - has police station
2. Greystones - has policie station
3. Churchtown - has police station (in dundrum)
4. Cork St. - in town - few police stations nearby

If you have police station nearby, the police keep an eye on them. They get wind when there is a party on and they all know that if there is any issue, police will be there in under 3 mins. Police on walking duty walk by and put it on their route.

However, in Donabate, there is no police station nearby. Between traffic, traffic lights and distance - it can 15 mins minimum before the police are at. This means the trouble makers have done their damage.

Now I am sure the PC brigade will give out to me for being so judgemental. But let's say 18 of the units are fine and 2 are serious trouble makers or attract serious trouble makers out to Donabate. The meth clinic is only open one day a week so at least has some control on it.

The meth clinic is also run by the public sector. Sophia looks like a private charity. How much is their CEO on?
Who regulates them? Who are they accountable to?

Anyway that's my two cent.

Re: Methadone Clinic

Posted: 11 Dec 2014, 19:51
by Jed
Sophia's CEO is Declan Dunne who you can contact on 086-8563826 or or fax 01-4538212. I have found him to be very efficient when dealing with complaints/incidents regarding the units. Im not sure of his salary but I know its more than mine.

Re: Methadone Clinic

Posted: 11 Dec 2014, 21:33
by Vlad the Impaler
I think it's important to discover whether it is Sophia or the Clinic or something else that has drawn these characters here.

Otherwise we are just a mob crying wolf.

If anyone has contact with the community Gardai then maybe we can establish that.

Re: Methadone Clinic

Posted: 12 Dec 2014, 01:05
by Ken
It could simply be the fact the we don't have a Garda station and it's widely known that you can commit a crime and you've at least 30 mins to be clear of the peninsula. Dublin criminals have been known to work across the country so why not Donabate?

Re: Methadone Clinic

Posted: 12 Dec 2014, 10:03
by Mr. Stupid
Good point Vlad. However, why doesn't someone tell us when it is a significant crime what drew the serious and dangerous criminals out to what is a quite sea side town? If that doesn't happen the speculation about Sophia and Meth clinic will just increase.

Re: Methadone Clinic

Posted: 12 Dec 2014, 14:59
by holdmycalls
Agreed accdublin. I've often thought the same thing about Sofia Housing. It has a good location in a safe community with links to town, but away from the trouble they came from. Their children seem to get along fine in the local schools.

(And those of you who think Donabate is not safe should try and get out more, or turn on the news.)

Malahide does have a methadone clinic.

Re: Methadone Clinic

Posted: 12 Dec 2014, 15:07
by Quello Serio
holdmycalls wrote: And those of you who think Donabate is not safe should try and get out more, or turn on the news.
I think the 9 year old with the knife at his throat would disagree with you there.

Re: Methadone Clinic

Posted: 12 Dec 2014, 15:15
by holdmycalls
So you're sure that burglar was from Sofia Housing then?

Re: Methadone Clinic

Posted: 12 Dec 2014, 15:29
by Quello Serio
I don't know where you got that from, I didn't mention Sofia Housing? But as it happens, I agree with what you said about them.

I pointed out the problem with your statement about Donabate being safe. It is safe, provided you haven't been robbed, had your car stolen, been crashed into, had your children threatened or had a knife held at your throat. If you think crime levels are OK, simply because other places also have problems, you're starting with low expectations.

Don't tell the family of that 9 year old that they have to 'get out more'.

Re: Methadone Clinic

Posted: 12 Dec 2014, 15:40
by holdmycalls
Yes, Donabate is safe statistically. And not made safer by ill informed vigilantes on an anonymous internet forum. I think that family has been victimised enough without you also using them as support for your own closed minded views.

Re: Methadone Clinic

Posted: 12 Dec 2014, 16:11
by Derek
holdmycalls wrote:Yes, Donabate is safe statistically. And not made safer by ill informed vigilantes on an anonymous internet forum. I think that family has been victimised enough without you also using them as support for your own closed minded views.
Vigilantes? Obviously you haven't been a victim of crime so.

Malahide has a Meths clinic? Where??

Re: Methadone Clinic

Posted: 12 Dec 2014, 16:25
by holdmycalls
Yes, I have been the victim of violent crime, which is why I like living in a nice place like Donabate now. I'm sad that somebody installed cameras all over the village, like East Berlin. I'm afraid of vigilantes, not meth users or homeless shelters.

Every community in Ireland has a clinic or a go who dispenses methadone. Each one can only serve limited numbers (less than 30), which is why there are so many. You'd have to buy your own island to escape them.

Re: Methadone Clinic

Posted: 12 Dec 2014, 16:32
by micropoodle
HSE website has no methodone clinic listed for Malahide. when I lived there we certainly werent aware of any.

Methodone clinics themselves serve a purpose and are good etc.
however why place one in a relatively isolated community where the vast majority of its users are from outside the area and have very little method of public transport to get out here. Added to that no Garda station/little or no Garda presence.

Re: Methadone Clinic

Posted: 13 Dec 2014, 16:21
by gemma
Newflash guys - most 'junkies' etc get there methadone in any normal pharmacy/chemist Boots/McCabes/Hickey etc... A junkie is an extreme and noticeable example - a heroin user, most addicts don't catch peoples attention and are quite cleancut, respectable etc and you wouldn't think they are getting methadone. Not much you can do.

Yes whilst you are queuing up to get Neurofen and calpol, the dodgey looking fella standing at the counter is waiting for his methadone.

From what I gather, the residents of Sophia are mostly female and are relatively okay, i.e. don't want trouble - its the company they attract - the boyfriends, mates and blow in's that do the crime sprees...