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Re: New Houses at Beresford

Posted: 03 Jan 2017, 15:57
by Mr. Stupid
Can you post a link to existing submissions it might help others write their's?

Re: New Houses at Beresford

Posted: 03 Jan 2017, 17:04
by TheBlowIn
Mr. Stupid wrote:Can you post a link to existing submissions it might help others write their's?
Can't seem to link to them directly, so the process is as follows:

1. Go to ... onsonline/, "Search for a Planning Application", enter "F16A/0535" in the "Planning Reference" field and then "Search".

2. Click through to the page for the application, then go to the "Documents" tab. This lists the observations/submissions as well as the submitted planning docs.

3. To make a submission, follow the instructions from the same link above. You have to register online for this. There's no set format for a submission, but obviously the more planning-related the better.

It's very quick to do, could easily do it in an hour start to finish.

Re: New Houses at Beresford

Posted: 03 Jan 2017, 18:04
by Mr. Stupid
Thanks found it. A lot of well written objections from people living in Beresford but not many from those outside it. Would be worth pointing out that people may not think badly planned estates will effect them but they will.

Re: New Houses at Beresford

Posted: 03 Jan 2017, 20:23
by Kerryblowins
Thanks for the informative guide and the link.

Re: New Houses at Beresford

Posted: 04 Jan 2017, 09:01
by Irishgal73
I object to planning application F16A/0535, new housing estate behind Beresford on the grounds that the existing access road is not suitable for the additional daily traffic. There will be congestion, construction traffic for a couple of years and it will be very unsafe for children in the estate.

Re: New Houses at Beresford

Posted: 04 Jan 2017, 17:45
by Random Citizen
If you live in the houses which will be built north of/backing onto Beverton Lawns, how do you get to the schools & Community Centre. Do you have to go all the way anticlockwise around Beverton, or will there be a path through Beverton?

Re: New Houses at Beresford

Posted: 04 Jan 2017, 17:52
by Austy
There is one pedestrian access via Beverton Heights and I believe that there my be one or two more in other areas.

Re: New Houses at Beresford

Posted: 05 Jan 2017, 21:37
by McLovin
Whilst I don't object to the development, we were all looking for a home at one point I do object to the walkway from the new development through Beverton.

People need to get their objections in before Wednesday 11th, no point talking about it. Get it in.

Re: New Houses at Beresford

Posted: 06 Jan 2017, 14:17
by CM27
Hi All

I received a mail from Adrian Henchy, he is looking to meet with concerned residents in the Donabate & Portrane Community Centre on Monday at 20.00 if anyone is around

Re: New Houses at Beresford

Posted: 07 Jan 2017, 10:15
by Mr. Stupid
definitely not against any walkways between estates. Otherwise it's a bit falls road / shankill, don't let our kids play with their kids and also a disincentive to walking . Would be against the thru roads for cars though as it means quiet little estate roads become busy roads and present dangers for kids playing.

Re: New Houses at Beresford

Posted: 07 Jan 2017, 16:33
by Ghjk123
Agreed on the walkway access Mr Stupid.
Very weird thing to object to.

Re: New Houses at Beresford

Posted: 07 Jan 2017, 17:32
by Ken

Re: New Houses at Beresford

Posted: 07 Jan 2017, 23:23
by McLovin
Ghjk123 wrote:Agreed on the walkway access Mr Stupid.
Very weird thing to object to.
Some valid points made in the observations if you have bothered reading them.

Re: New Houses at Beresford

Posted: 08 Jan 2017, 01:30
by Ghjk123
You're the one who said you object to a walkway to Beverton. Maybe make your own points here instead of blowing smoke about submissions on the FCC website.

Re: New Houses at Beresford

Posted: 08 Jan 2017, 19:06
by Mr. Stupid
I have read them. If you make it harder for people to walk and remove shortcuts they will use their car more meaning even more traffic in and out of Beresford. As the crow flies that development site is a short distance from schools and village but if you make people walk and cycle a circuitous route they will obviously jump into the car meaning more congestion for all of us.

Re: New Houses at Beresford

Posted: 08 Jan 2017, 19:37
by McLovin
I can see you point.
I can also see it from the point of the Beverton people who bought houses in cul de sacs who could well have hundreds of people passing there house each day.

Beresford people will say let them walk through Beverton if it frees there road. Beverton don't want them coming through there cul de sacs and we say let them go through the new road.

It's lose lose

Re: New Houses at Beresford

Posted: 08 Jan 2017, 20:14
by Mr. Stupid
McLovin wrote:I can see you point.
I can also see it from the point of the Beverton people who bought houses in cul de sacs who could well have hundreds of people passing there house each day.

Beresford people will say let them walk through Beverton if it frees there road. Beverton don't want them coming through there cul de sacs and we say let them go through the new road.

It's lose lose
What about the Beverton people who want to use the Creche or the playground on that site or call into their friend for a coffee? Should they jump over the wall or walk an extra 10 mins?

Re: New Houses at Beresford

Posted: 08 Jan 2017, 20:35
by Austy

I can see both of your points, as a Beverton resident right next to the proposed pedestrian walkway I do have apprehension over it and the increased pedestrian traffic that it would bring. I've lived in estates where all it takes is someone around the corner having a party and the entire residents are woken by drunken singing/chanting at 4am.
I've also heard that the pedestrian links in some of the other estates have been used by those robbing people's homes, a getaway car running the other side of the pedestrian walkway for the speedy exit.

Having said that, the easy access to the crèche or to other resident's homes for social visits would be welcome and a handy thing to have and it would avoid the whole Falls Road/Shankill Road scenario....don't want to have burnt out cars lying around! :D

However everyone is entitled to their opinion and to object if they wish, that's the whole point of the planning process. I think people's greatest concern should be that in putting 286 units into that site, along with all the other units that have or are being built, when will the council actually do something about the infrastructure.

Re: New Houses at Beresford

Posted: 09 Jan 2017, 10:12
by Salf
Hi all,

Just had an email from Cllr Adrian Henchy that tonight's meeting has been pushed back to 8.30pm still in the Donabate Portrane Community Centre.


Re: New Houses at Beresford

Posted: 10 Jan 2017, 11:18
by newtodonabate
Salf wrote:Hi all,

Just had an email from Cllr Adrian Henchy that tonight's meeting has been pushed back to 8.30pm still in the Donabate Portrane Community Centre.

Can you please give an update about yesterday's meeting?

Re: New Houses at Beresford

Posted: 10 Jan 2017, 14:25
by Mr. Stupid
I can also see it from the point of the Beverton people who bought houses in cul de sacs who could well have hundreds of people passing there house each day.
This might be helpful.

If you find the guidelines for the width of a road and the width of a footpath in the development plans and corresponding documents. I am guessing it is more than likely in proportion to the usage. If the increased traffic violates these guidelines than you have a case for a very good objection. ... 669,en.pdf

Re: New Houses at Beresford

Posted: 11 Jan 2017, 15:15
by rataan
Councillor Phil Lynam has contacted me and said that he will visit the estate tomorrow evening sometime between 6:30pm and 7pm to view the issue at first hand. If anybody is interested in meeting with him, direct message a number/e-mail to me and I will text/e-mail you when he arrives. There’s no harm in asking for help from another councillor on this.

Re: New Houses at Beresford

Posted: 18 Jan 2017, 12:01
by Fordius
Hi All
I'm a new arrival to Beresford (hoping to snag next week), but unfortunately only became aware of the new development thread here last week (the day the window for lodging objections closed).

Are there any updates from residents who went to meet any of the local counsellors that got involved?

Re: New Houses at Beresford

Posted: 25 Jan 2017, 12:58
by Stella
Hi All,

Just wondering has any one else applied for the Help to Buy scheme and if they have got anywhere? Apparently contractor must be registered does anyone know if Hora is? According to paper today only 17 contractors have applied. Hopefully Hora is one of them! ;)

Re: New Houses at Beresford

Posted: 25 Jan 2017, 13:19
by Austy
Stella wrote:Hi All,

Just wondering has any one else applied for the Help to Buy scheme and if they have got anywhere? Apparently contractor must be registered does anyone know if Hora is? According to paper today only 17 contractors have applied. Hopefully Hora is one of them! ;)
Hora doesn't seem to be on the list. The list can be found on the following page: