Experiences with Community College

General discussion on all issues relating to Donabate and Portrane
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Great that Junior is doing so well Jack. I would certainly expect that 7 hours less travel a week can only have a positive impact on exam results.

I have heard some great things about the local school.

Some great teachers (balancing the not so good)
- a Maths teacher that records classes on YouTube to help with homework
- English, French and Technology teachers - some stories of really supportive teaching

Use of technology to develop the students' presentation skills. I know it was college before I had this opportunity, and it's critical for success in the working world today.

At the meeting for parents of 2016 new students, the issue of great leaving cert results not being reflected in numbers attending college was raised by the Principal. This is being tackled and students will visit third level colleges and the school will communicate and support 3rd level as a natural next step from 2nd level.

It is my opinion that the whole school evaluation will enable the Principal and teachers to fix any outstanding issues, and to have Department level support in doing so.
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Great to see some positive comments about the college, I think some parents expect too much from their children and blame the school and teachers if they don't achieve their (parents) expectations.It all depends on the child and what they are prepared to put into it. I have had two children at the college my older two had to travel, the close proximity of Donabate CC far outweighs the daily travel to further precieved better second level education.
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Shows an array of events that have taken place in the school. Yes there are sporting events, which are integral to all schools, but also press pass, Gaisce, art and music.

Seems like a huge improvement on earlier years, in my opinion. No school is perfect. We are a community and this is our community school, we can roll in behind it and contribute to building and improving it or rant and remove kids from it. The latter, I believe, won't improve our kids lives or the future of our town.

Points are important but not the be all and end all. A huge concern I have is that parents may be expressing negative comments in front of their kids and the kids bring this into school, my daughter tells me that some students opinions and attitudes toward the school and some teachers is appalling which makes for a difficult environment for her to try to learn in.

To create a 'them and us' attitude toward the school is not helpful to anyone. 'Community' is key to this issue if progress is to be made and move on from past difficulties which were not easy for my eldest and I'm sure not easy for staff either.
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Well said kiki lets be positive in front of our children
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Listening to a radio programme recently on artificial Soccer pitches that are rubber based. It was stated with several examples given that they have a cancer link. What is the surface of the pitch in the school? I know nothing was proved but it was very convincing worried about junior.
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james wrote:Listening to a radio programme recently on artificial Soccer pitches that are rubber based. It was stated with several examples given that they have a cancer link. What is the surface of the pitch in the school? I know nothing was proved but it was very convincing worried about junior.
You could ask at the Community Centre. They manage it.

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joke of a school. dont seem to care that theres a leaving cert starting in a few weeks. teachers constantly out. sixth years going home nearly on a daily basis as no teachers are coming in. school is ruining their education.
Mr. Stupid
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sorry but with a one post to your name can't help but thinking this is a drive by
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agreed, teacher absenteeism is worrying, as is the constant demand for money for extra-curricular activities.
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james wrote:Listening to a radio programme recently on artificial Soccer pitches that are rubber based. It was stated with several examples given that they have a cancer link. What is the surface of the pitch in the school? I know nothing was proved but it was very convincing worried about junior.
hadnt heard of this - interesting
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SuperMom wrote:agreed, teacher absenteeism is worrying, as is the constant demand for money for extra-curricular activities.
You're right. I reckon the school should pay for transport to all the extra curricular outings, school uniforms, provide extra classes etc and maybe the teachers should pick litter in the village in their free time.
I have never seen such negativity.
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@ Paulo: concerned parent struggling with unemployment (hence reference to expenses) trying to make best decision regarding her children's education and whether to leave them in this school. That's all.
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Sorry to hear that you are unemployed. However airing such criticisms regarding paying for school trips is a matter that should be forwarded to the school management not on a public forum.
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james wrote:Listening to a radio programme recently on artificial Soccer pitches that are rubber based. It was stated with several examples given that they have a cancer link. What is the surface of the pitch in the school? I know nothing was proved but it was very convincing worried about junior.
It's a water based pitch. :roll:
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Vlad the Impaler
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Sorry to hear that you are unemployed. However airing such criticisms regarding paying for school trips is a matter that should be forwarded to the school management not on a public forum.
... in your opinion Paulo, perhaps. I don't have a problem with it.

I also don't see what teachers picking up litter has anything to do with her comment.
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Vlad the Impaler wrote:
Sorry to hear that you are unemployed. However airing such criticisms regarding paying for school trips is a matter that should be forwarded to the school management not on a public forum.
... in your opinion Paulo, perhaps. I don't have a problem with it.

I also don't see what teachers picking up litter has anything to do with her comment.
Exactly Vlad. "In my opinion". That is what this forum is for - expressing people's opinion democratically.
However some people's continual critical "opinion" of the school on this forum can tar all the teachers with the same brush.
If there are a minority of teachers who's absence is a concern then why is this posted for all to see?
I know that many teachers willingly give hours of their free time helping students in various subjects in the school. I feel that the continual negative comments could demoralise the commendable teachers in the school. This could lead to them being less giving with their free time and that is something I am anxious about.
I have a child coming to the school in the next 2 years and I have no doubt he will need to avail of this free tuition.
If there is a problem paying for school trips or other expenses, I'm sure after contacting the school an arrangement could be made.
Some "keyboard warriors" may post negative material without having the backbone to go to school management in order to bring about change. I want to be clear here I am saying SOME "keyboard warriors" and not everyone who posts.
Regarding teachers picking up litter - this is obviously an expression of what seems to be expected of the teachers after reading previous posts.
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Is the Inspectors Report due out soon does anyone know? Surely that will give a more comprehensive objective opinion on the school. Highly emotive subject and rightly so. As for airing opinions on a forum that's what it's there for - people have to take the negatives with the positives I'm all for it. Think at this stage communication from the school is key, they need to up their game in this regard.
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Last edited by paststudent on 27 Apr 2016, 11:50, edited 1 time in total.
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Our children are being offered some fantastic opportunities.

http://www.northcountyleader.ie/2016/04 ... y-college/

Well done to Google and Donabate Community College.
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Cool. Pity they can't use cheaper Andriod devices instead of iPads though.
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Many reasons why Apple devices are the correct choice. Schools that started with android have moved to Apple.
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Hopefully google get their act together and catch up so.
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Is it true that 52 out of a total of 60 girls in St Pat's Primary School 6th class are going outside the Parish to Secondary School? If this is true it does not look good for the future of the Local Secondary School.
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There's no way this is true as there was a meeting about new JC for 6th class and 1st yr parents on Tuesday. It was jammers, with all the familiar faces there.
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