Donbate/Portrane Local Area Plan

General discussion on all issues relating to Donabate and Portrane
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The Donabate/Portrane LAP has been made available for review. This details future development plans for the peninsula. ... area-plan/

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Not a single mention of a bookies.
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diggerbarnes wrote:Not a single mention of a bookies.
No, but we are getting three more hairdressers and two new beauty salons so can't complain.


i've read through most of that document.

i'd love to be working on or being paid by the council to come up with a LAP. It contains a Santa List of stuff that realistically, is never going to happen. I realise there is a good deal of work within the document in relation to biodiversity etc and that's all welcome, but a large portion of it seems to be aspirational stuff that is just not going to happen. 3 new schools? Really?

for example, i didn't realise until I read through the document that the ring road/distributor road was given planning permission back in 2011. Not a sod has been turned of course.

i realise i'm being very cynical, but life has taught me to be that way!
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micropoodle wrote:i've read through most of that document.

i'd love to be working on or being paid by the council to come up with a LAP. It contains a Santa List of stuff that realistically, is never going to happen. I realise there is a good deal of work within the document in relation to biodiversity etc and that's all welcome, but a large portion of it seems to be aspirational stuff that is just not going to happen. 3 new schools? Really?

for example, i didn't realise until I read through the document that the ring road/distributor road was given planning permission back in 2011. Not a sod has been turned of course.

i realise i'm being very cynical, but life has taught me to be that way!
The way things are being put together now if the Dart to Balbriggan ever did happen it probably wont be down to stop at Donabate.
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micropoodle wrote:i've read through most of that document.

i'd love to be working on or being paid by the council to come up with a LAP. It contains a Santa List of stuff that realistically, is never going to happen. I realise there is a good deal of work within the document in relation to biodiversity etc and that's all welcome, but a large portion of it seems to be aspirational stuff that is just not going to happen. 3 new schools? Really?

for example, i didn't realise until I read through the document that the ring road/distributor road was given planning permission back in 2011. Not a sod has been turned of course.

i realise i'm being very cynical, but life has taught me to be that way!
I'm still picking through the doc, and I wonder if the LAP has any bearing on future planning permissions (for or against)? Do future developments explicitly have to conform to the LAP, or can developers just wave their hands around it?

It states that the distributor road is to be built in stages as required by the new developments it serves, which seems ridiculous. Surely you'd just build the complete ring road in one go (to serve existing Donabate / Portrane residents), then levy the developers for the overall cost as the new houses are built?

There are major changes proposed here (4000 extra houses, new communities etc.), so it's important that Fingal get proper feedback even if the plan is just more paper - have your say!
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I attended the DLAP meeting on Wednesday evening (06/01/2016).The deadline for submission is 21/01/2016. It is important that people have their say now on the future of their peninsula. ALL SUBMISSIONS ARE FREE. All public consultations with Fingal County Council are here: ... sultations

Specific reference to Donabate and Portrane: ... _2015r.pdf

Examples of your concerns/ideas (observations) are discussed on a regular basis on this Forum. Fingal County Council present the DLAP as a platform for you to have your say. You can submit observations online here: ... -co-dublin

Some of your concerns

* The hazards with the Hearse Road and Turvey Avenue.
* Traffic Management (FCC have 3,900 housing units flagged for the DLAP with no viable traffic management plan in situ. Refer to the phased development plan. The size of the development is staggering and remember that the National Forensic Mental Health Hospital development is starting this month)
* Security and policing
* Public Transport
* Planning decisions
* Infrastructures in place before any development proceeds
* Type and quality of houses
* Realistic open public spaces (green areas) and private outdoor living space (gardens/terraces)
* Developments that are sympathetic to the environment (protect established trees, hedgerows, old houses and buildings that define the character of Donabate and Portrane).

Our choice so submit an observation now.
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Page 65 surprised me. It looks as though a new sewage pumping station will be built beside Beaverstown Stream on the Beaverstown Road. It appears to be the piece of land between Hazlewood/Barnewall and The Orchard.

Planning permission has already been granted and it will be much larger than the existing on at The Hand. The one at The Hand will be demolished once this one has been built.

News to me. Was anyone else aware that this was approved? I never noticed a planning permission sign around that area and I walk up and down the road fairly regularly.

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Hi Ken,

It's a proposal. I don't think they have applied for planning yet! I could be wrong.

On another note:
At the DLAP meeting, I was told that infrastructure will be put in place as the demands increase. This includes pumping stations, schools, roads, etc. The DLAP plan is a vision of the future for our area. As usual, it will be driven by private development. It consists of three phases of construction. Phase Two is due to start in the next twelve months or so (lands that surround The Links estate - Spires East, for example). Lands are set aside for this vision and all planning permissions have yet to be obtained.

Our problem is that we want the infrastructure in place before development proceeds to ensure safety and continuity in our daily lives. I believe that FCC have secured funding for the relief road.

We, as residents on the peninsula, need to have an input on the schedule of this development, be involved in the design and planning of these estates/retail areas, protect the character of our peninsula (and the environment by building more sustainable housing units moving forward and protecting the trees, hedgerows, public right of ways and open public spaces), have a say on policing of the construction/traffic management plans, and not allow private developers dictate what is best for our community!

At what point in this development do we get a Garda Station. This question is not for FCC but An Gardaí. Likewise, the Department of the Environment is responsible for fire stations, and the Department of Education and Skills is responsible for the number of schools in the area (based on population).

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marvel wrote:I attended the DLAP meeting on Wednesday evening (06/01/2016).
Out of interest, was this meeting (with Fingal?) advertised anywhere? The display in the library with the plans etc. had a note about a meeting there on Dec 15, but nothing else. Given the level of change, there's been very little effort on Fingal's part to advertise the DLAP.
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Hi TheBlowIn ,

I did not see any advertisement of DLAP. I did ask a Fingal engineer the question of DLAP advertisement, and the response was, "Fingal did one DLAP leaflet drop back in 2011!"

Our local councillors, DPCC and our elected politicians are not informing or protecting the interests of their community. This is just like the Hospital. A recent survey reported on this Forum revealed, 95% of people did not know of the HSE's planning application for the National Forensic Mental Health Hospital in Portrane. Our elected representatives were portraying a different story at that time. Just do a Google search on this!

Question One: Did the Health Service Executive, Fingal County Council or any public representatives inform you as a member of the public of any consultation taking place on your behalf up to the date of lodgment of this application to An Bord Pleanála – Ref PA 0037?
a) Yes ____
b) No ____

Question One Results:
a) Yes = 4.94%
b) No = 95.06%

Our elected representatives, HSE and Fingal County Council should be erecting larger than life posters and placing them in the shops and on the side of the streets. They should be sending out flyers to every house on the peninsula rather than sending Christmas cards!

marvel wrote:
Our elected representatives, HSE and Fingal County Council should be erecting larger than life posters and placing them in the shops and on the side of the streets. They should be sending out flyers to every house on the peninsula rather than sending Christmas cards!
I firmly believe we are not being represented adequately. In all my years out in Donabate I don't believe we ever have been.

Contrast that to where I grew up, you couldnt move for community announcements/leaflets/meetings etc. I didn't appreciate this enough as a youngster.

For starters the Hospital build issue should be top of the agenda for our local and national reps.
Maybe they are working on this 'quietly' in the background, but I certainly cant see anything being done as strongly as it should be.

Same goes for the LAP. Our reps should be pushing and pushing this to the forefront of peoples minds.
Of course we need the infrastructure in place before a significant population increase happens. We don't have sufficient infrastructure to meet our current needs, let alone future requirements.

Out of a random discussion on the LAP with my neighbours a couple of weeks back, only a couple of us knew of this LAP.
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Time for observations has expired for the DLAP. Don't see any observations online. Anyone submit an observation?
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marvel wrote:Time for observations has expired for the DLAP. Don't see any observations online. Anyone submit an observation?
I submitted online and got an email acknowledgement of this. Might just be a website glitch as the number of submissions is blank (rather than 0).
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I did as well and also got an email acknowledgement.

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Here we go. If I'm reading this correctly it means 2200 new houses in the next four years for Donabate. Minister Coveney announces today. Donabate LAP is part of the housing solution.
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Yes and most of these will be high density with 20% or so going to social I suppose. Population of area will go up by 100% but services won't. 2,200 houses with an average of 3 people in a house means the population of the area doubles.
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