leaving Cert Holiday

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Hi,i would like to put this question out . Would you let your 17 year old go on a leaving cert holiday witb friends .Opinions appreciated tks
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It really depends on the young person... and of course, who they plan to travel with. I'd be inclined to say yes to my own if they wanted to go.

Having said that, I have learned that sometimes, my kids really want me to say no, so that's always worth checking out.
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It absolutely comes down to who's going and what's planned. But it would be interesting if the OP would like to share their reasons for potentially trying to deny permission and what they think the effects on their relationship with their child would be. I mean, you can't exactly expect the young person to 'run along' down the garden on being denied the chance to do what has become a rite of passage for so many. Sure there is parental authority but you can't dictate relationships.

One thing that strikes me is that the young person is just 17 which is very unusual for Leaving Certs these days. I must conclude that they didn't do transition year. Bad move to be blunt. The extra year's maturity really stands to them at that stage in life and, as a teacher, you can almost always tell the ones who didn't do TY by their lack of maturity and life experience. And of course, there may be implications in terms of being under age in a whole range of ways in different countries.

So I basically think that it's difficult to say no to them given that this is a big moment in their life but it would be a whole lot better and more clear cut if they were 18.
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I think you have let yourself down with that post, Estuarine. I don't know what you hope to achieve with your "blunt" assessment of the OP's presumed choices about TY.
My own 17 year old skipped TY and is taking a gap year now. I have zero concerns about her level of maturity.
pat mustard
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Wow , Estuarine.

just wow.
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I suppose we're going off tangent talking about TY - but I'm lucky so far both my kids wanted to do & did TY & another one hopes to soon, but I was talking to one of the mums yesterday who said that her 15 yr didnt get TY here in Donabate, she has appealed the decision and still has been refused, so unfortunately some parents/kids are no longer going to have the choice of doing TY & being 18 doing the LC.
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Yeah sure, off topic on TY. But the point is, does it matter whether one is 17 or 18? Of course it does. That's where important lines are drawn. It could make the difference between getting into a nightclub in a busy resort or having to walk home alone. Now we are know that lots of Irish teenagers have fake IDs. That might get you a slap on the wrist from the Gardaí. I wouldn't presume the reaction of the Spanish police! And how does one get to be seventeen doing the LC? Almost always by skipping TY.

There is something called a difference of opinion. It's what we're supposed to have in a free society. These days, people are very quick to condemn others for simply stating a contrarian point of view. It's ridiculous. Aster, I'm delighted for you. I'm also perfectly entitled to see it my way, which is backed up by evidence, which is that on average those who've done the extra year get 42 more points. Also, in the developing adolescent, it stands to reason that one is more mature at eighteen than at seventeen. But some are of course far more mature at sixteen than some twenty year olds!
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Mine went on leaving cert holidays they had a blast they both done inter- railing they had a great adventure and done it all on a budget one was 17 and had done TY the other 18 also done Ty 6 girls both times went, no bother to them and they went again after it they had such fun.

I know Shagaluf also known as Magaluf and some of the other hot spots in Europe are up for discussion with daughter#3 next year for her big escape and she will be 18 but it wont be happening. I won't be contributing to it and have put my foot down. I have seen the out come of these trips the tattoos the drink fall down injuries and more. I would also say a week to 5 days is enough for a LC resort holiday.

The ty year is not available to every student which to me is a pity all mine have done it is compulsory in their school and the one child I sent to DCC done it too, of course it's not for everyone but I would say when the course is done right it is a huge benefit to the students sadly the course was boring in DCC for my child and they left it halfway through and done their own thing and learned a few life lessons and tried things that interested them.
Look in to planning an inter railing trip with them it's great fun planning it Croatia is beautiful and safe and cheap & cheerful.. good luck
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Vlad the Impaler
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Three things will come into play for a 17 year old girl on a trip away.

1. Boys
2. Alcohol
3. Freedom

If you think your child is old enough to handle each of these then run with it.

I personally would be asking my wife to have a very frank chat with my daughter about personal responsibility and consequences before she leaves.

As an aside. I thought some of the reactions to the TY post were a little OTT.
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