Dog owners

General discussion on all issues relating to Donabate and Portrane
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Can you's all pick up after your dog please.
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Too much to ask to keep them on a lead too?
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True they should be kept on a lead at all times
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I always do
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Wolf J Flywheel
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As part of a college course we investigated the health issues of dog waste on children. It's pretty horrific when you see the results on kids when they come in contact with faeces. I saw one video where a toddler had lost the sight in one eye as a result of falling on dog faeces in a public park and rubbing it on her face.

People who don't clean up after their dogs are hugely irresponsible and a danger to public health. Sadly, it's unlikely that they will ever learn the lesson unless one of their own loses an eye.
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As someone who walks my dog regularly, I have to say that the majority of responsible dog owners clean up after thier dogs. However, there are the few that don't or let their dogs roam free around Donabate.

I can't see this post changing much. The only thing that will change it is enforcement of the law. That won't happen anytime soon.

Mr. Stupid
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Yeah I'd agree with Ken. There are many dog owners who always, without fail will do this. However many others who will refuse to. The best way to deal with this would be to take photos / videos of the dogs in action and post them up.
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Had a horrible experience with a dog there recently in the Links. Dog was with owner, ran away from owner and went to go for my little boy in a buggy. Owner apologised and walked off with the dog still not on a lead. Now my two kids are terrified. As much as I'm a dog lover their still animals and should be leashed..
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In the evenings, on Beverton Gardens running dog ... Very frequently walks alone doing poo on driveway's a few houses... :shock:
Donabate Hatter
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Then theres the a******** who ignore the no dog signs down at the GAA grounds and don't pick up after their dogs, just been down to the summer camp and one young lad has his boot covered in muck!!
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As a poop - harvesting dog owner who only allows the dogs off - lead when I am certain we aren't going to bother anyone, I am so sick to death of this refrain... I wish you had as much to say about smokers and others who litter the place with their crap without any evident backlash.
Oh, and while we're at it, how about you mind your screaming kids at the pub...?
Donabate Hatter
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Well Aster, that is truly one of the most stupid posts/replies I have ever seen on here!!
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That says more about you than it does about me, Hater!
Donabate Hatter
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If you like, hope you feel the same when you step in someone else's dog sh***, Waster.
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My point is that there are a myriad of annoyances that we all need to contend with but dog owners are wearing the brunt of the blame. My dogs don't litter, smoke, spit, graffiti, smear chewing gum, set off house alarms, run around the pub or gather in large groups and throw shapes at pedestrians
- all of which happen daily on our little village.
I don't condone dog owners allowing their pets to foul pitches
I don't see anywhere near the same backlash for parents who allow their kids to misbehave in public spaces
Somewhere Else
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It's a wonderful sight to see a dog in full flight along the beach or chasing a ball in the park. It goes without saying that the dog should not be a danger or a bother to anyone and that its poos are picked up but a dog has a lot of energy to expend and I often feel sorry for dogs (especially big ones) walking on leashes. Let the dogs be happy!
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I didn't write this post for any arguments just for dog owners to clean up after there dogs I'm sure most do and some don't because it's not nice having to put your foot in it and then spending hours cleaning it off
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Donabate Hatter wrote:Well Aster, that is truly one of the most stupid posts/replies I have ever seen on here!!
Aster wrote:That says more about you than it does about me, Hater!
Donabate Hatter wrote:If you like, hope you feel the same when you step in someone else's dog sh***, Waster.
Less of the personal attacks please. Here's a link to the forum charter for those that need a reminder that we strive to treat each other with respect;

- Bill, your friendly dog loving, poop scooping admin.
Mr. Stupid
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aster, if you have young kids and it takes you 20 mins to get them ready to go out or whatever and then one of them walks in sh*t and you forgot wipes or whatever, it is an absolute head melter.

I think this never happens to dog owners who don't clean up and just don't realise how annoying it is.

If an adult walks in a little bit of shit, they can get a bit of wipe it off with a few leafs or make a few jokes about it and it's not as bad
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For the record, I made a typo- didn't want to point it out as I thought that would just fuel the fire.

I am not saying that standing in dog crap is ever a pleasant experience; my objection is around the disproportionate amount of grief that dog owners are subjected to on this forum.
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I see some signs were left around the estate today hopefully it might work because the other half is sick and tired of scraping muck of the kids shoes. It is disgusting and inconsiderate to others in the area, i am fed up with having to play a game of sh*te dodging on the way to the shops.
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Please don't hold all dog owners responsible for others dog messes. Unfortunately I don't think a few signs will have any effect on the type of individual who doesnt pick up after his dog.
I have a dog and I am also sick of trying to stop him walking in to dog poo when we are out walking!
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Vlad the Impaler
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I don't think dog owners are unfairly picked on in this forum, any more so than other annoyances.

Since we're on the topic, I fancy a little rant so here's my top 10 local annoyances.

1. Healthy people who park in the disabled spots in SuperValu.
2. People, with no kids, parking in the Parent and Child spots .. making me trudge carefully with small child around dangerous reversing cars.
3. People who park along the road on the double yellow lines while visiting Scrum Diddlies.
4. Dog shit.
5. Kids strolling across the main street expecting cars to slow down for them.
6. Lazy parents who leave the kids SuperValu car trolley out in the carpark in the rain.
7. Knacker drinking kids.
8. Parents who let their kids knacker drink.
9. Mobile phone drivers (I know, I'm a bit anal)
10. People drinking and betting my taxes away in Keelings.
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Another request for dog owners is to connect the leads that you carry to the dog. Non dog owners do not want your running at them. keep your dogs under control.
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