Traffic calming (speed ramps) on Turvey Avenue

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Joined: 23 Feb 2013, 17:59

Received an email this morning about a proposal to add some traffic calming/speed ramps on Turvey Avenue:

Having had a couple of near misses when trying to pull out at the T junction where the gallery apts/train station is, by drivers coming up Turvey Avenue who think they're on the autobahn, personally, I think this is great.

There'll still be a problem in that there's slight blind spot where the road curves in just before it reaches Avenue Hair Salon. You can see traffic coming into it, then it's invisible, then it emerges back into view. Maybe one of those convex mirrors would help.

Anyone any thoughts?
Last edited by on 03 Jun 2015, 09:50, edited 1 time in total.
Mother & Baby Store, Donabate.
dr doohicky
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I too have had a few near misses pulling out onto Turvey Ave, as cars try to get up to 88mph to go back in time or something. Or just to come to a grinding halt at the bridge, take your pick.
I wrote to the council 2 years ago suggesting ramps. The reply I got was:

I refer to your correspondence regarding the above location.

This matter was referred to the Traffic Engineer who has advised:

‘Unfortunately there is no funding for ramps in the Fingal area at present. The request will be kept on file with other requests for consideration in case any future funding becomes available.

The matter of speeding on Turvey Avenue is a matter for the Gardai to enforce.’


Good to see that they might be doing something about it, as opposed to suggesting that a Garda should stand there 24/ 7 instead of a few speed ramps.
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What I think is needed at the top of the road just before the railway bridge it is just so blind and creeping forward you can see traffic late and it's on a hill. I'm surprised there hasn't been anaccident
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If you live in Beverton, the new Beresford estate or Waterlefe, the traffic calming is going to be of limited use as the speed ramps are to the east of these - the fastest traffic travels eastbound on Turvey Avenue. I've sent a letter to Fingal CoCo requesting that extra ramps be added to the scheme, starting west of Waterlefe, so that all of these areas are covered.

I'd encourage anyone with an interest in this to put a submission to Fingal (in writing) before the deadline in August. AFAIK all written submissions have to be considered at least, and weight of numbers might make a difference here.
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Reminder on this for anyone interested (and there should be a lot), submissions have to reach Fingal by Friday 14 August. The contact details are on the PDF linked above.
Posts: 23
Joined: 28 Apr 2015, 23:57

I'd say it's only a matter of time an accident is going to happen along here especially with the new development and the amount of young children from Beverton growing up and cycling/walking the roads. You really need your wits about you in the morning walking up to the train station, crossing the road twice, as some cars come flying into the village.

You would think the council would come up with some sort of single path solution or at the very least a few zebra crossings where crossing.
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