
General discussion on all issues relating to Donabate and Portrane
Mr. Stupid
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Well the recession is over. Anyone see the size of the queue outside that place?
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Saw on social media earlier a very irate complaint about litter and bad parking. From what I saw yesterday, the latter was certainly a big problem, particularly on the double yellow lines.
Donabate Hatter
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I saw that as well Derek, the person posting seemed very up set with SD and to some extent the chipper, but didn't seem to place any of the blame for the litter or the parking with the morons that were doing the littering and stupid parking!!


Not sure how there wasn't an accident there yesterday. The amount of total idiots, and yes I have no problem calling anyone who potentially puts lives in danger, idiots, who just abandoned their cars on the road and half on the road and path was incredible.

At times it was dangerous coming around the bend there towards the railway bridge.

It's great to see a business do well but I can't believe how many people have no cop on or manners.

As for the litter, many people really don't give a damn. However there is some responsibility in law towards a business to ensure the area around their premises is kept litter free
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I live on the New Road, and usually this has only been an issue on occasion during the summer, but for the last few weeks it's been crazy around there.

I haven't seen the online rant mentioned above, but the legal parking on one side of the road makes it impossible for two way traffic. The mindless parking on both sides of the road, in people's driveways, and on the bend with double yellow lines just makes a bad junction an absolute nightmare.

I came past there Sunday, and I'm always mindful of pedestrians as you try and squeeze by, when a car door was flung open and two young children just stepped out onto the road. The parents seemed oblivious to the danger. :roll:

It's good to see a local business doing well, but something really has to be done about the parking along there. I hope it doesn't take a serious accident before action is taken.

Don't get me started on the litter....
Mr. Stupid
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Scrum Diddly's should sort out the litter. More bins and get staff to ensure no litter is dropped around the area.

The parking on the other hand - well the genius of Fingal CC is to blame here. How can you expect the village to ever thrive if local business can't and how can local business thrive is there is nowhere to park?

Now, what could be done is people park at the train station and then cross back over to scrum diddly's, but then they need to make that road easier to cross.

The town planning just needs to be thought out a bit more.
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We live in a very busy village these days not complaining re Scrum Diddlys great to see them doing well just a pity as some have said that you are taiking your life and someone small as well in your hands when driving down past that corner hope they open part of the train station parking that is huge and mainly unused to begin with and provide a safe crossing for families before someone gets hurt.. ;)
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Sorry Mr.Stupid you said this already :D
Donabate Hatter
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They will be quite happy for people to park in the station, so long as they pay for the privilege, I presume the car park is run (under contract from the railway) by a private company who make their money from people paying t park their cars, they are not going to stop charging and i can't see people paying 4 euro to park the car to get an ice cream!!!!
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Problem solved you produce your parking ticket at Scrum Diddleys and receive a family discount on your ice cream and we donate a percentage of the water charges to local businesses.. :D
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I think scrumdiddlys are becoming very famous, people are traveling far and wide to visit this shop. The current shop is too small both inside and out to cater for this. It might be an idea for them to find a bigger premises. I think maybe up in newbridge park plenty of room up there. It is fantastic to see a local business booming and I love scrumduddlys myself, delighted for the owners that it is doing so well. But am very concerned about the dangerous parking.
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Parking isn't only a problem on the new road, it's bad outside the schools on a daily basis as well. FCC need to do something to sort it out in the village.

I'm sure scrum diddly's could get workers to do a clean up couple of times a day, although I wonder sometimes about personal responsibility, why do people think they can just leave their litter behind them!!
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Prepare to be amazed at how unsafe things will get in the near future. An bord pleanala is currently considering HSE plans to send high volume massive HGVs over the railway bridge and through our village to rehouse the central mental hospital in Portrane. Deadline for observations was 23rd March.
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Vlad the Impaler
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Was on the train home from work and a man with his wife asked me if this was the stop for Scrum Diddly's. I asked him how he knew about it and he said it has a load of fans on facebook. Just shows how something can go viral.
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Love to have seen the planning application not like FCC allow planning permission without out a proviso for the necessary parking being provided
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The place is empty most of the time. Were they supposed to provide a large car park?
Don't hear anyone moaning about the Catholic Church every time a mass finishes.
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Harry Byrne
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Also it's not their fault that idiots park on the double yellows on the New Road, resulting in one way traffic.

Must be some ice cream though to make someone wanna travel here by train without knowing which stop to get off.
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The parking was crazy on Sunday. At one stage there was a camper van parked right on the corner of the Main Street and New Road. Some people are prepared to risk their lives and the lives of others for an ice cream.

jack white
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The laziness of some people is beyond me. Why bother parking dangerously outside the shop when there are car parks at Supervalu, Fairways Mall, the church and the train station (let's face it, if you're only nipping across the road for an ice cream you're not likely to get done for using the station car park) and the furthest of these is parhaps a 60 second walk to Scrum Diddly's.

Putting yourelf and other people in danger because you want to save a few seconds? Only a bone idle halfwit would do that.
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jack white wrote:Putting yourelf and other people in danger because you want to save a few seconds? Only a bone idle halfwit would do that.
Unfortunately the world if full of people like that.

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Harry Byrne
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I actually saw the Guards pass by the whole thing on Sunday but I don't think they went in, as the queue was too diddly long.


Guards were moving cars on today anyway. They were taking no crap and rightly so. It's so dangerous
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Vlad the Impaler
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All the best to Scrum Diddly and their success, but parking along the road is causing a bit of a problem.

I think double yellow lines need to be extended.
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Vlad the Impaler wrote:All the best to Scrum Diddly and their success, but parking along the road is causing a bit of a problem.

I think double yellow lines need to be extended.
Current double yellows are being ignored. Proper enforcement and driver cop-on are what's needed.
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Vlad the Impaler
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True, but do the clampers not work on commission? Extend the yellow lines and then give them a call?
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