Free Workshop: Lodging an observation with An Bord Pleanála

General discussion on all issues relating to Donabate and Portrane

i may be completely wrong here, and please correct me if I am, but both our local reps seem to have one or two mentions of the mental hospital on their Facebook page, but this is just information on how to appeal if you want to, or info. about a local meeting.

Neither of them (on Facebook anyway) seem to have stated their position.

Only one of them is a party politician and so maybe his hands are tied as party politicians generally aren't free to express their own personal opinion
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Joined: 30 Nov 2014, 19:26

Adrian Henchy sent me this email so hopefully we can get FF support on it. FG/Labour don't seem to want to take it on at all. Might be an in though if Alan Kelly is looking at the process. I emailed him last night - no harm. Brilliant site it sends an email to your local councillors. I'll be doing it this morning.
Fianna Fáil Press Office
Senator Darragh O’Brien
Spokesperson on Dublin

25 March 2015

North Dublin communities ignored on construction of National Forensic&Mental Health Service – FF

Varadkar must intervene as HSE ignores its responsibilities to local community

Temporary haul road needed to reduce chaos during construction

Fianna Fáil is appealing to the Minister for Health to intervene as major concerns emerge about the construction of the new National Forensic & Mental Health Service at the site of St Ita’s Portrane.

According to local Fianna Fáil representatives, the concerns raised by local residents about the chaos caused during the construction phase of the massive new facility are being completely ignored. They also claim that the HSE’s treatment of the local community has been unacceptable.

Senator Darragh O’Brien and Cllrs Darragh Butler, Adrian Henchy and Brian Dennehy have written to An Bord Pleanála outlining the enormous impact that the construction plans will have on residents, schools, local clubs and local facilities. They are calling for a separate haul road to the site to minimise the disruption.

“This hospital will take at least three years to build – that’s three years of chaos to the local community as the plan stands. At the moment there is just one access point to the site over a very narrow railway bridge and past four local schools. The route is not equipped to take the levels of heavy construction traffic and there is no doubt that it will impose a threat to safety in the community,” said Senator Darragh O’Brien.

“All the concerns raised by local residents about the chaos this will cause, the damage to the roads and the threat to safety, particularly outside the local schools, have been completely ignored so far. This is despite the very simple solution that we have proposed involving the construction of a temporary haul road to cater for the heavy machinery travelling to and from the construction site. It would leave the existing access route clear for community traffic.

“The HSE has refused to engage in any meaningful way with the community. The Portrane and Donabate area has a long standing tradition as a base for mental health and psychiatric facilities. The community is very supportive of plans to house the new National Forensic and Mental Health Service at the site of St Ita’s. But the way this is being done is completely unacceptable.

“I am calling on the Government to intervene before irreversible damage is caused to the area. We have three Government TDs in this constituency. It’s high time that they started standing up for the communities that they are supposed to represent. Minister Leo Varadkar is the boss of the HSE. He needs to ensure that the HSE engages with the community on these plans.”


Elaine O’Meara
Fianna Fáil Press Office
Leinster House
Dublin 2
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Joined: 30 Nov 2014, 19:26

Got a reply from Cllr Philip Lynam "the answer to your query is I'm not sure if they can because it is gone so far but let me find out. Just to let you know I fully support your concerned and the residents and gave a submission in last week for the plans not to go ahead and to support the residents as attached." Cllr Lynam is going to try and find out some answers for us on this. Very helpful and definately on board with us. Like us - he finds it very ignorant of an Bord Pleanala not to arrange an oral hearing. Maybe we should post any emails back on this site? I think I'm going to start visiting the TD's clinics about this. Their just going to ignore the issue otherwise.
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Alan Farrell clinic is in the community centre first Thursday of the month at 7 .45 pm, that's Holy Thursday this week, see you there !
Posts: 122
Joined: 30 Nov 2014, 19:26

Banana wrote:Alan Farrell clinic is in the community centre first Thursday of the month at 7 .45 pm, that's Holy Thursday this week, see you there !
Great thanks Banana will be there too.. ;)
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Joined: 08 Mar 2013, 23:11

Got a letter from An Bord Pleanala today advising that whilst a determination was due by the 7th April 2015, they are still awaiting the Inspector's report and now intend to determine the application for permission before the 30th May.
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