Free Workshop: Lodging an observation with An Bord Pleanála

General discussion on all issues relating to Donabate and Portrane
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Just emailed Terry Prone's communications clinic to ask for suggestions on how to get the media to bite.
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Banana, anyone interested in running a story can PM any of us at any time! My contact email is:

I have also sent an email to all the schools, clubs and societies, asking to circulate the Survey to the parents/adult members. Primarily, to raise awareness.

Survey Update:

Did the HSE (Applicant), at any point after submitting “Additional Information” in relation to the above, engage with you as a member of the public, as to explain the implications there of?
Yes 2.13% (1)
No 97.87% (46)

Does the additional information provided by the HSE (Applicant) to An Bord Pleanála, address all your concerns with regard to the above application?
Yes 2.13% (1)
No 97.87% (46)

With regard to the application (with additional information), are you?
Opposing the application 85.11% (40)
Opinion indifferent due to a lack of information 12.77% (6)
Supporting the application 2.13% (1)
Total 47
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I'll send an email to those listed as well - maybe it's a numbers thing and they need to get a few emails. I'm really surprised the North County Leader didn't pick up on it. I'm going to email Councillor Henchy maybe he has an in at one of the papers?
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1stimer wrote:What I can't understand is why didn't they use Thornton Hall? A green field site sitting there and not in use? Makes no sense at all.
The association between a prison and mental health facility was just one aspect.

The main one's are very similar to what we have out here, possible isolation due to location of proposed facility, lack of infrastructure (public transport and roads), employment and educational opportunities for integration into comunity and society and the list goes on.

Attached is the Mental Health Commission report on Thornton Hall. It might come in handy for any observations to An Bord Plaenala(the full report is attached to the HSE's submission of additional information).
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Hi I just spoke to the contact person for the mental health commission . They have no position on the location in St itas.

They said to speak to mental health reform which is a patient advocates group from several NGOs. So rang them and They also had no position but said they would have a talk with their director and be in touch on Monday.
(I put on my posh voice so i think they thought I was from the media or something !,,)
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How about the GAA club in the morning? I'm going to get in contact with them and see if they'd send out a reminder text and the survey to the parents.
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Someone's on the ball! Just emailed re St Pats GAA and I've been told they have sent out reminder emails. Nice to hear.
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Hi - just completed my submission - any one have an address ? - thanks
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steve wrote:Hi - just completed my submission - any one have an address ? - thanks
Address is The Secretary,
An Bord Pleanála,
64 Marlborough Street,
Dublin 1

Presume your dropping it in by hand? It's not far from the Gresham..
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Hi folks,
Is anyone free for an hour to help man a stand outside Supervalu in the morning ? even 30 mins would be great as we all have busy Saturday's. the plan is to hand out some flyers , let everyone know how to object and we will have some templates for observations ready to go, if you have got some time let me know or just swing by, we are aiming for 11 to 1 pm ish..... Every little helps.....
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Will pop down for a bit. Have gymstars and swimming lessons for the kids but will get there..
Posts: 44
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Hi Folks,

Banana has gratefully put herself forward to organise tomorrows event at Donabate Shopping Center. Banana will set up an information point to inform the community of the HSE's proposed development and what is required to successfully lodge a submission to An Bord Pleanála.

Banana has also put herself forward to “man-the-desk” and hand out flyers between 1130 - 1330 hours. We need more cover for the day - i.e. we will need volunteers to help fill in as much of the day as possible. We would very much appreciate if you would step forward for your community and help us out. Banana has provided her contact details and is expecting your call. Now is the time!

Unfortunately I am not available tomorrow.

Please down load the following documents and bring them with you tomorrow - just in case we run out! ... .docx?dl=0 ... 5.doc?dl=0

Please give Banana a call now or in the morning.

Landline - 0863087777
Email -

David Fletcher:
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Hi everyone,

I spoke with Banana and Dfletcher this morning and there seems to be problems with the venue.

Banana has taken some printed info and will get it out to people in estates around her area. If any one want to help her they are more than welcome you can phone her on her number provided.
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Dear All

This is a final reminder to complete the online survey. Please click on this link or copy and paste it into the browser. Deadline is today at 1200 hours - 23/03/2015.

For those who are lodging their own submission, I encourage you to also participate in this Survey. Please circulate this message to all your friends and family.

Finally, I would like to thank all of you for your support and participation.


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Hand delivered my submission last week.
Received letter back this morning from An Bord Pleannála acknowledging receipt.
They also stated that they have decided that an oral hearing on this matter should not be held.
This application can be adequately dealt with through written procedure.

Let's hope they have received enough submissions between last Wednesday and today to change their minds.

Posts: 44
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The survey is opened again for further community response:

I was informed yesterday by a man at An Bord Pleanála that there were a lot of submissions for PA 0037 on the day (23/03/2015)! No numbers, but sounds encouraging.

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Hi All,

The survey is re-opened and will run for an extended period of time. I'm amazed with the response for this survey in only a few days. I would like to thank all of you who contributed to the survey and submitted an observation. Those who did not get the opportunity can still contribute to their community by completing the survey now by clicking here:

Here is an update of the results submitted to An Bord Pleanála:

National Forensic Mental Hospital Survey Two (Sample Size 168)

Question One Result:
Did the HSE (Applicant), at any point after submitting “Additional Information” in relation to the above, engage with you as a member of the public, as to explain the implications there of?

Yes 2.38%
No 98.62

Question 2:
Does the additional information provided by the HSE (Applicant) to An Bord Pleanála, address all your concerns with regard to the above application?

Yes 2.98%
No 97.02

Question Three:
With regard to the application (with additional information), are you?

Opposing the application 82.74%
Opinion Indifferent due to lack of information 14.29
Supporting the application 2.98% ... .docx?dl=0
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Got an acknowledgement in the post - it said on the letter that there will be no oral hearing. Does this indicate anything?
Posts: 65
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1stimer wrote:Got an acknowledgement in the post - it said on the letter that there will be no oral hearing. Does this indicate anything?
It could be either one of two things,

(a) An Bord Plaenala can not approve the scheme because of it's obvious deficiencies, not just to haul road or not to haul road, but a whole raft of issues as been highlighted by everyone or

(b) statements such as Fingal County Councils conclusion to their observation "Fingal County Council FULLY SUPPORT the development of the proposed NFMHSH on lands at St. Ita's Hospital, Portrane

and Senator Darragh O’Brien and Cllrs Darragh Butler, Adrian Henchy and Brian Dennehy writting to An Bord Pleanála with assertions such as "The community is very supportive of plans to house the new National Forensic and Mental Health Service at the site of St Ita’s." bar obviously the trafic issues!!

I think it would be a understatement to say that in my view our interest as a comunity are being neglected and misrepresented!
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My acknowledgement says the same thing about the Oral Hearing and having asked someone who knows how these things work, he says that in his opinion they will not change their position.

I pointed out to them in my observations that the community were led to believe by the HSE that issues could be resolved at the Oral Hearing which 'if held' was 'likely' to happen in Jan - that is what was said at the presentation they gave in DPETNS last October - and that this was probably a factor in the small number of responses to the originally deficient application - I also pointed out that the additional information (still deficient) showed how deficient the original submission was and that for this reason among others...they should reconsider their position on the Oral Hearing - but it looks like we won't get it as part of this process whatever is said.

I don't think the politicians or FCC represent the views of the people of the peninsula but that is a reflection of a number of factors including their own political and personal interests; the initial response or lack of it from the community; the views expressed by the small number of individuals who step up to the plate and are allowed bu us either directly or indirectly to represent our community through the various local organisations and the silence and indifference of the masses...that is until it is upon them.
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Having emailed and responded to a post on Facebook from Alan Farrell I'm not surprised. I asked(nicely!) why this was going ahead in Donabate rather than Thornton Hall and the post was removed. Think this says it all. Question now is - is there anywhere to go with it? If we let it lie now they will railroad this project through. Have to say Adrian Henchy and Paul Mulville have done all they can - it's the general pop of Donabate/Portrane that haven't bothered to do anything about this that will allow this through. Anyway, perhaps an email campaign to all the Fingal Councillors might do something?
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Alan Kelly is running an official review of an bord pleanala at the moment. I've emailed him to let him know about the issues with this process, the promise of an oral hearing etc.
Also noted the road safety issue and a link to the You Tube video of the construction route.
I agree that an organised email campaign is needed.
Are our local councillors suddenly very quiet?
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SB123 wrote:Alan Kelly is running an official review of an bord pleanala at the moment. I've emailed him to let him know about the issues with this process, the promise of an oral hearing etc.
Also noted the road safety issue and a link to the You Tube video of the construction route.
I agree that an organised email campaign is needed.
Are our local councillors suddenly very quiet?
Yes I can imagine why they are quite, last year they tried to tell us this project is the best thing since sliced cheese, or what was the frase "the airport", now they have finally copped on that maybe we did'nt really want this in our neighborhood. But they're still councilors at the Fingal County Councill who says:"We FULLY SUPPORT the development of the proposed NFMHSH on lands at St. Ita's Hospital, Portrane. Maybe it's not wanting to rock the boat for what ever reason, trying to get this project over the line, my earlier quote ("The community is very supportive of plans to house the new National Forensic and Mental Health Service at the site of St Ita’s.") was from Fianna Fáil press release on Wednesday and you can see Adrian Hensey's name on it to!!

Adrian Henchy and Paul Mulville I have emailed you both and am waiting your replies. Emails only sent recently.

I'm asking you publicallu here a no doubt you read these forums, what is your stance on the entire situation?

Are you happy with the current plans? Please can you explain the reasons?

I agree that the silence on this lately from officialdom is deafening. This should be the biggest concern for our local reps right now
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I suspect our local reps are trying to play both sides - will probably find they have a bit of difficulty getting re-elected if they support the NFMHS plans - and will annoy their party if they don't support it , damaging them politically - easiest option keep a low profile and through out a few vague non- commital statements here and there....
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