Community Crime

General discussion on all issues relating to Donabate and Portrane
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But why should I contact usee? Should they not be the ones seeking a public consultation?! I'm not hanging cameras in the village.

If you google CCTV, there are hundreds of reports backing up my concerns. Usee says here the cameras will help the gardai (that is probably true) but I don't find any clear statistic that they actually prevent crime?

holdmycalls wrote:But why should I contact usee? Should they not be the ones seeking a public consultation?! I'm not hanging cameras in the village.

If you google CCTV, there are hundreds of reports backing up my concerns. Usee says here the cameras will help the gardai (that is probably true) but I don't find any clear statistic that they actually prevent crime?
You're the one with the concerns so you must contact usee to ask them directly whether or not what they are doing is legal. Get it in writing (email) even. Then contact whoever you need to contact to report your concerns. They aren't really going to be answered least that way you will know where you stand.

I have no idea if the legality of this or whether it's breaches data protection etc. I would like to think that usee know their industry better than we do. Is it worth them risking their reputation on something illegal?

I'm not bothered by it because it has got to be a deterrent. I'm not bothered about it cos I don't care if someone wants to watch me walking Ito Supervalu to buy a tomato.

Every single shop we go into we are on CCTV. In Dublin City we are on it everywhere we go. I value my privacy a lot but I also value security and safety and I think the case for CCTV outweighs any privacy concerns I have.

Half the apps on your phone right now can tell where you are to the nearest 3 metres. Yet we dot think twice about this when downloading an app
Mr. Stupid
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I would be 100% in favour of this idea. However, we need to go about it the right way - just some transparency on where the data is going and who owns it. Businesses can put CCTV up anyway, this system just seems to be linking it together and making it available to the public. One idea, I would suggest to have is cameras at the top of the Hearse and Turvey Road. Then you would capture everyone coming in and out of the Peninsula. Making it easier to track the criminals who can get in and out before the cops can make it over. Also, in order to provide some more transparency around the meth clinic and sophia housing (I am sure the PC police would stop both happening).

It is a great business idea. I can see some residents getting together and sharing the costs to cover their own road.
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Thanks for all the feedback - both positive and negative.

We've only recently launched the website, We will further update it in the new year to include answers to all the questions asked here as we don't think the the back and forward commenting to separate individuals on this forum is the best way to address / settle the issues raised.

A lot of concerns are regarding data protection, privacy laws, permission etc- is a professional, licensed security company and we are confident all applicable regulations have been complied with to date.

Cameras are not the problem. Nor are they going to completely solve the problem. I think the community needs to focus on the bigger picture.

Please feel free to e-mail us your comments, questions, feedback, or support to, or in writing to, 9a Redleaf Business Park, Donabate, County Dublin, and we will get back to you when we return to the office next week.

Thanks again,
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I emailed days ago and got no reply?

You haven't answered any of my valid questions or others' other than saying don't worry 'CCTV is our speciality' like some kind of tacky salesman.
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Usee, I've been reading through the Data Commissioner site, it's actually quite easy to follow for even a novice like myself, and what you're suggesting for our village is so clearly illegal (particular in reference to filming of children) I have to think this is a cheap advertising ploy (the Ryanair approach, if we argue about it, you get free advertising). I also had a walk out to the camera in the village. I only see one but it is so clearly aimed at the footpath (where the children congregate) and away from business premises, if I was a parent of one of those children, I'd be finding a solicitor to get your feed erased. I hope you have good liability insurance!
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I would suggest that anyone with issues contact directly as they suggested above rather than going backwards and forwards in this thread.

They indicated that they will not be back in the office until next week.

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If usee are unavailable to answer our questions, could they consider turning the constant surveillance off until they are available then?

Why should they?
If you are convinced that what they are doing is illegal then call the guards. The guards will then make that decision to switch off if they deem it necessary

May I ask what specifically your concerns are? Have you the same concerns with the cameras all around Dublin city and other towns? Have you the same concerns with cameras inside shops that point out onto the street?

Genuine questions
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I did talk to the gardai. They said I need to speak with usee. You saw where that got me.

Well maybe the guards don't think it's an issue then.

For all we know the camera in question isn't even on yet.

You might want to talk to the other shops that have cameras pointing out onto the street also
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The gardai said it was a matter for the civil courts, a bit scary. I don't have those resources.

And I don't have a problem with cameras, if the village wants them after a public disclosure and discussion, I will shut up.

I'm not getting at you or anything. I welcome this discussion. I just really dont have a problem with it at all.

There is nothing stopping any manager of a shop from using images taken from a camera in their shop for illegal purposes. Obviously I'm sure this doesn't happen and I don't imagine it would happen in this situation either.

And if it films teenagers hanging around then I don't see that as a big deal. If they aren't doing anything illegal then they have nothing to worry about. It might in fact be a safe place for them to hang out. I tend to park my car in the train station car park etc in front of a security camera where possible as I know the likelihood of someone breaking into it will be slim.

I'm not saying this is the ideal solution or anything but surely it's better than having nothing.
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I am not quite getting this, crime is up in OUR village.
Dublin city/Fingal have cameras every where, do any of us moan NO!
So why is everyone at Usee??
Only last week a teenager was threatened with a knife, what next??
My neighbour has CCTV pointing out, do I moan no.
Sorry just can't see why everyone is giving out,seems sense to me.
So fair play for someone taking the initiative.
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Regarding an invasion of privacy, there is nothing worse than a few junkies riffling through your house. Having recently spent thousands on new windows,doors,alarm system and a dog, I am totally in favour of anything that protects me and mine. Pity the cameras don't have built in ak47's so we could mow them down at the same time.
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holdmycalls wrote:The gardai said it was a matter for the civil courts, a bit scary. I don't have those resources.

And I don't have a problem with cameras, if the village wants them after a public disclosure and discussion, I will shut up.
The Gardai are correct here I'm afraid. They only concern themselves with criminal law, this is clearly a civil matter if is one at all. There is plenty you could do without recourse to a solicitor.

Having said that, crime is up and I'd rather be battling to deal with the scum infesting our neighbourhood rather than arguing over the legality or otherwise of a few cameras.
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It's a bit of a strange business concept though. To film your town and sell access to the footage. A bit like selling air.
I'm all for CC TV in the appropriate places for security reasons. But there's something odd about this set up.
I have to say that I'm disappointed and somewhat suspicious about the way this firm is using this forum. They started the thread but only provide scant and vague answers to some of the more difficult questions put to them. If they want to advertise their product, and that is what they are doing here, they should be armed with all the information and be prepared to give it to us on here and now. I don't think it is being paranoid to expect that much.
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Hopefully the cameras in the village caught something useful with regards the armed robbery on Saturday afternoon.
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...and the smashed windowns in the train station and adjoining house. Both seem to have been targeted over the weekend
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Pity they don't have one in Carrs Mill and the Links where loads of cars were rifled on Saturday night. I've emailed Councillor Adrian Henchy about it - Donabate is becoming soft target for these scum.
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I hate adding to the current tally of crime reports lately but apparently there was also an attempted robbery on Daybreak near the railway station one evening last week just as the doors were being closed. The sales assistant managed to bolt the door but the robbers banged so hard on the door they broke the glass before fleeing.
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This was done during the day when the shop was busy , children around when it happened , really hope they are caught !

does anyone know where our 2 elected local reps stand on getting extra Garda manpower out here regularly, and not just the recent token drive through the village? clearly that is not working, if the many many reports of crime last week are anything to go by.

I'm not having a go at the reps specifically.....i'm not bothering mentioning the other elected reps for our area as they are not from here and realistically i don't think they'd be overly bothered about us out here.

they should make this a priority at council level (and whatever other level necessary) because as far as i'm concerned it's the most pressing issue. i'm not sure what the figures are like nationwide, but every single day without fail I hear about at least one robbery or attempted robbery out here. And I'm sure there are many I don't hear about. despite what people may say we are sitting ducks out here. No Guards means it's easy to get away with crimes. I've no doubt amongst the criminal fraternity they know this and that is the reason they continue to come out here at what seems like greater frequency.

i will of course contact them directly about this.
i wish they would contribute to this site though
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I wonder has this site frequently advertising that fact that we're sitting ducks out here contributed to the allure?

diggerbarnes wrote:I wonder has this site frequently advertising that fact that we're sitting ducks out here contributed to the allure?
i presume that's a joke!

if the armed robbers were reading this site before deciding to armed rob then surely they would have spotted the long thread about high quality CCTV in the village :D
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