Scrambler bikes on old Turvey Golf Club

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Mr. Stupid
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Was is the craic with the noise from all the scrambler bikes from the old Golf club? Was up there in Beverton and it was really loud. So much for quiet all Donabate.
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Agree with you there 100% and it's a common problem throughout the city.Unfortunately it's not classified as a public place and therefore motor insurance is not required.
Mr. Stupid
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They are on private land. The cops told me people should ring them when they are in action and they'll come out.
Fr Jack
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Why do these Hams buy dirt bikes when they have nowhere to ride them? Going in to places trespassing then.
An Sionnach Rua
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As a motorbike fan I think it is great that the old Turvey Golf Club land is being used. These kids are doing no one any harm. They are enjoying themselves in the fresh air and spending their time on money on their bikes. Many people give out about the young people "hanging about " the main street at all times. Why not build a motocross track like the one in East Wall, which Dublin City Council organised for kids in that area. It would be a great amminiety for all ages. North County Dublin is well known for its support of motorbike sports.Its not so long since the Turvey 100 way part of the sporting calender every year. :D
Fr Jack
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The land you're talking about is private property. So when the people riding the bikes are in Turvey Golf course they're trespassing. Do u not see a problem with trespass?
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Vlad the Impaler
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If it's not being used for anything, then I don't have a problem with it - if the owner doesn't actively object.

If it's kids then all the better. Kind of reminds me of the Selfish Giant story who wouldn't let the children play in his garden.
Fr Jack
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Vlad the Impaler wrote:If it's not being used for anything, then I don't have a problem with it - if the owner doesn't actively object.

If it's kids then all the better. Kind of reminds me of the Selfish Giant story who wouldn't let the children play in his garden.
Ah grand so you're garden is a free for all. Now if someone were to be in your garden (that is if u have a garden) and has a fall and hurts themselves what happens next would u think???
Mr. Stupid
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It is the noise that is head recking. It sounds like a rat trying to fart its way out of a washing machine.
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These aren't kids and they aren't just out for the fun of it. There are people who compete nationally for motocross and have nowhere to practice during the winter. I completely agree with them using Turvey, it's not like it's being used for something else! They are doing no harm!
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I agree with Mr Stupid. It's the noise that's annoying people who live close by. It will start out as just being used over the weekends during the winter months and will then begin to be used 7 days as the days get longer. They should be stopped from using it now.
Fr Jack
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It won't last. I suppose there's 6 or 7 at the moment but as usual word will spread and then it will crawl up to 40 or 50. Then you have a problem. What I see happening is a total disregard for people's property. The same crap that happens in places like Finglas etc. Just because a place isn't being used doesn't give people the right to use it. Is Donabate full of trespassers and squatters now?
Mr. Stupid
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The new estate will be even closer and the noise for them will be even worse. I don't anyone would have any problem with BMX'ing; it is the noise from the scramblers that is head recking.
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Some days they are out there all day long & when your days off at home are spent with the constant noise of dirt bikes it can be very frustrating.
No different to a house alarm going off for hours its very annoying.
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Vlad the Impaler
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Well if it can be heard by nearby residents then it's an issue.
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While its fun for the people doing it I dont think the bird watchers, those enjoying the Turvey nature reserve, people working on the allotments or those trying to enjoy a peaceful Sunday morning are having that much fun.
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Hey there's a vacant house waiting to be sold on our road. Doesn't look like anyone's around. Anyone fancy a few cans? I'll bring the sounds.
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While this is nor necessarily a big issue, it is annoying; it's not just about the noise - one evening I was coming back from work, it was late and I heard a big noise from the opposite carriage when driving in Turvey. The damn thing had no lights and scared the s**t out of me - only as it was passing by I realized it was a motorbike. So - am I ok with people using their motorbikes on abandoned property? Maybe (although I would question what the heck does motorbikes have to do with the nature reserve - but that's ok). Am I ok with motorbikes obviously not fit for being driven in public roads flying across Turvey Ave? Absolutely not.
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I would also like to point out that it is not just adults using Turvey to practice, there are also kids up there & have been since the summer. They have been on quad bikes as well as motor bikes.
I had assumed they had permission from the owners but from reading the posts it doesn't seem to be the case.
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We live in Beverton and the noise from the bikes was a big annoyance for us during the summer/autumn. What really annoys me most is their total disregard for residents, there is a point in the estate where you can clearly see the bikers as they ride by (less than 200 meters away), so they are 100% aware of how close they are to a residential estate and yet (I believe) some of the bikers seem to have removed the mufflers from their bikes as the noise from some of them is much louder than anything that would be legally allowed on a road. It started in the summertime when they would ride from around midday to dusk on weekends, then thankfully for some reason it all stopped a couple of months ago, but only for it to start again this week. I generally wouldn't give two hoots about kids (or adults) making good use of the land, better than them being on street corners imo, but the constant noise is really getting to us at weekends. Does anyone know who owns the land?
Mr. Stupid
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The police said you can complain to Fingal CC about the scrambler bikes in Turvey. It might be a nuisance to you if you live in Beverton. They seem to be getting louder and louder.
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We were passing the golf course yesterday about 3.30pm and there was a squad car with it's flashing lights stopped just inside the entrance. They had a red van and a couple of guys on the bikes pulled over and seemed to be taking details.
Mr. Stupid
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Excellent. What is really worrying about that land is what next is going to go there? a halting site, a stash to hide drugs? Crazy.
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Claned, good to hear that the police were there as I was beginning to wonder if they show up, the bikes started around 11am on Sunday morning, I called them soon after (I now call them every time they show up as I am sick of the noise at this stage). The bikes did stop around 1pm only to startup again around 30 mins later (perhaps the police showed up at 1 and they the bikers just waited until they left before starting again?) and continued until just after 3pm. Anyway, I would urge everyone who is bugged by this to post a message to the Fingal CC as suggested by Mr Stupid as calling the police every time is just addressing the symptom rather than the cause
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The bikes have been back the last few weeks and are particularly noisy today (there seems more bikes than usual), previously Swords Garda station have been helpful always saying they would send a car (although have no confirmation that they ever did), however today I was told that there was nothing they could do and the only option was to get in contact with the landowner, anyone else have any information they could share on this?
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