get away car today

General discussion on all issues relating to Donabate and Portrane
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Did anyone else witness the cretin driving at top speed leaving donabate today between 1.30 and 1.40pm? He over took me and five cars in front of me, just after new Bridge entrance, he took the wing mirrors and side out of an oncoming car. The two older ladies in it looked very shook. . As you'd expect. I presume the scum had robbed somewhere and were making their escape. Though noone seemed to be in pursuit. . . It's not like we have any guards to consider. . . Lucky noone was killed. It could have been so much worse, I'm presuming the ladies in the Mercedes were driving at a reasonable speed. Anyone else witness this? They sped off. . Don't know which route they took. . Motor way or other. . Did some more insane over taking and were gone.
Ann O
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I have no idea if it's related, but a friend told me that someone was disturbed breaking into a house in The Links this afternoon.

Did anyone hear about this ?
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Did you call the guards?
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I did report. Though wasn't able to give a reg or much detail. Guards look my name and number. The only other people who reported were the people whose car was damaged.
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Hi, my husband asked me to contact you, one of his colleagues seems to have some direct info on this and asked me to send you his email address, but I cannot send you a private message if you want to send me a contact where I can send it to you I will.
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maraia wrote:Hi, my husband asked me to contact you, one of his colleagues seems to have some direct info on this and asked me to send you his email address, but I cannot send you a private message if you want to send me a contact where I can send it to you I will.
Hi Maria, I'd suggest you contact the guards and pass the information onto them.
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HI, I think that probably my husband colleague wanted to give the information to the person that already reported so it could be added to the report that was alraedy done. In any case I will pass your advice. thank you. Maria
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Thanks Maria. I'd also suggest they contact the guards. This is what the guards will request anyway.
pat mustard
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armed with an axe........

a bit slap on the wrist for this surely.
Mr. Stupid
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Terrible stuff. Hope family are ok.
Last edited by Mr. Stupid on 09 Dec 2014, 11:41, edited 1 time in total.
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That is terrible. I hope the family are ok and that they catch the scum bag. It just goes to show that these people don't give a f**k .

they seem to have a suspect in mind. i will take a wild guess and say that he has in excess of 50 previous convictions. I'll take another wild (though probably quite accurate) guess and say that if he is found guilty of this crime he will either get a suspended sentence or spend no more than a month in prison.

i have no faith in the justice system in this country. the guards have no faith in it so why should we?

i hope that family are ok and that the children can put it out of their minds as much as possible.
pat mustard
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cant keep up.

WTF is going on? This is different I assume to Axe one in Swords.

There will be a run on alsations and dobermans at this rate. ... 12303.html
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That is terrible. I hope the family are ok!!!
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What this country needs is a 3 strike rule. This crap of collecting multiple convictions is a complete joke.

Don't worry liberals, these scumbags can meditate, rehabilitate and improve themselves behind bars where they will no longer be a scourge on society. They can share their new found appreciation of society amongst themselves.

There is absolutely no incentive for these people to stop committing crime. Even if a case gets to court lawyers turn it into a game of one-upmanship and navigating through foibles of law to show how clever they are. "Yes m'lud, my client did kill him but the warrant had an incorrect date, so you can't convict my client". Whatever happened the concept of justice?

The government really needs to do something about crime because this is now a vicious circle. If this keeps up people will start taking the law into their own hands.
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The problem is money. We can't afford any more prison spaces.
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diggerbarnes wrote:The problem is money. We can't afford any more prison spaces.
But as I've said before, if this problem was in Malahide, what would the response be?

as ive said before, if the problem was in Malahide it would be dealt with straight away. i used to live in Malahide...i have some knowledge of the goings on there.

here in Donabate we are tucked out of the way. we are used as a dumping ground quite regularly.
we don't shout loud enough out here at all. The only occasion I feel as a community we did was when we were mobilised to fight the sewage plant. and that worked!

we have had very weak public representation out here for as long as i can remember. this term we have 2 public representatives living in the area so we have a chance to make ourselves heard.

Crime in Donabate is getting worse. We are known to be a weak link when it comes to having a Garda response. Having a methodone clinic in an area where there is a very small chance of gardai being able to respond to a crime quick enough is stupid. but of course we know why it was put here.

Malahide doesnt have one according to the HSE site. Malahide, which has a Garda station and which is accessible easily by bus, dart and train from many areas of North dublin doesnt have one.

Donabate, which is accessible intermittently during the day by the odd train and has little or no Garda presence, has a clinic. Ask yourself why that is?

Someone coming into Donabate to attend the clinic will more than likely have to be hanging around for an hour or two afterwards until a train is due to leave. Obviously not everyone attending such a clinic will be here to commit a crime, but by it's very nature, heroin addiction directly causes crime so some of them will be committing crimes to feed their habit.

Despite all my above waffling, my point is can anyone tell me why Donabate, which doesn't have a native heroin problem, has a methodone clinic?
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Excellent post.

What do you think the the reaction would be if a large number of local people protested at the clinic when it was dispensing? Would it cause the pratice to be ceased?

Derek wrote:Excellent post.

What do you think the the reaction would be if a large number of local people protested at the clinic when it was dispensing? Would it cause the pratice to be ceased?
my own opinion would be to firstly find out why the clinic was located here. despite my own opinions I dont know the true reason and would need to find out.

then we should ask our political representatives to look into the possibility of closing it down and moving it to what i feel would be a more suitable location which is more easily accessible and has more chance of a garda response. if our local reps don't agree with this and are happy to let it stay, then we need to go further up the chain etc etc.

i think a protest would be the last resort with it hopefully being resolved before then.

look, we dont know for sure whether or not this clinic is contributing to crime in the area. im sure statistics would give us a better picture. there are obviously other causes of crime in the area also.
Mr. Stupid
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Donabate is a massively growing area - it went from 500 to 6,000 in about 10 years. That means there are much more demands on the area to make it a functioning community. There are some great volunteers who do a great job with the various organisations and without them there would be nothing. There are others who do nothing and expect everything to work. If you feel strongly about an issue give up some free time, start a campaign and get it sorted. The area needs you.

Malahide / Skerries on the other hand are old areas. They have all their resident committee's, neighbour watches, people who know other people and collectively nag politicians about local issues already set up. They have way more people who have lived in the area for 30+ years. Donabate has lots of new people who don't know many others or don't realise that it takes people on the ground to sort things out. It doesn't just magically happen.
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micropoodle wrote: I think a protest would be the last resort with it hopefully being resolved before then.

look, we dont know for sure whether or not this clinic is contributing to crime in the area. im sure statistics would give us a better picture. there are obviously other causes of crime in the area also.
Well, if you want to grasp the nettle then a strong protest is the way to go. Iv'e seen all of the local discussions, forums etc where local problems have previously been discussed ad nauseum. If enough people turn out and complain, they will be heard before people ringing up or emailing TD's and other elected representatives, who bluster the same old useless flannel in response. The responses many of us got to our complaints about the proposed changes to the bus are a case in point. If we want to make things happen then people turning out in numbers has the highgest probability of success. The water charges are a case in point.
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