Missing Picture!!

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Melted head
Posts: 12
Joined: 07 Sep 2014, 18:02

Hi everyone, my name is Hannah. I was down visiting my boyfriend Evan's grave a couple of hours ago and it came to my attention that a picture of the two of us is gone missing. It was in a white/cream frame and had been placed up at his cross since the day after he was buried. I was up at his grave on sat morning and it was still there.. I went up a few hours ago and it was gone along with 2 small cards that I had recently left beside the picture. I'm hoping that they have been misplaced and someone will come across them in the graveyard but unfortunately I doubh't that that is the case. I'm aware that sometimes things do go missing off graves such as flowers, ornaments etc because there are some very sick, twisted people in this world which I've come to realise.. but for a picture of myself and my boyfriend to be taken is very strange. It's of no value to anyone apart from me. As I said, hopefully its just a misunderstanding and the picture will show up again.. if anyone does come across it please let me know. Thanks a mill
Posts: 1
Joined: 25 Nov 2014, 21:37

Hi Hannah, I've had something taken from our babys grave, its very sad that another person would do this, hard to comprehend. Sometimes items get misplaced in the wind etc. so hopefully that is the case for you. I'll watch out when I'm there. Hope your photo makes its way back to you, I know it's very distressing. X
Melted head
Posts: 12
Joined: 07 Sep 2014, 18:02

Hi thanks for the reply.. I had hoped our picture was just misplaced but it was definitely removed from his grave on purpose and I also know who by. Its disturbing that this kind of thing happens.. but there are some evil people in this world who are just out to hurt others and do not care about anyone but themselves. As you can understand yourself, its really the last thing that anybody needs when you are trying to cope with things. But at least pictures and items that are stolen can always be replaced :)
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