Another Accidend on the Hearse Road

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Looks as though it's around the garage again. That area has become an accident black spot. ... 54225.html

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According to RTE, one of the cars was hijacked at Donabate Golf Club an hour before. Hope everyone will be ok. If the car-jacking story is true, it raises more questions about the anti-social element in Donabate. ... abate-rta/
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Not the cause in this case, but one major safety issue with that road is that there are people walking and cycling on that road. Really dangerous. They are both within their rights but it's just very dangerous. a footpath, cycle path and a bit of planning wouldn't go amiss especially as the population and traffic is much higher than it was 10 - 15 years ago.
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Road was still closed as of 6.30 p.m. Independent is now saying a man in his 30s in one vehicle and a woman and her young son in the second vehicle. The man is fighting for his life with serious head injuries. The woman has serious leg injuries, but the injuries to her and her son aren't life threatening.

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Ive always maintained it should be a one way system, come in the Hearse road and go out the Turvey road. No reason why it couldn't be implemented
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Vlad the Impaler
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RTE news website confirming it as a carjacking. Nothing wrong with the road if speed limits are observed... but yes, needs to be upgraded for cyclists.
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Hopefully the poor woman and her son have a speedy recovery and no lasting effect, I cannot comprehend what they have gone through - as for the scumbag here's hoping he wont recover - one less scumbag for the police to deal with, may he rot in hell and hopefully he has a slow and painful death........that is the justice he deserves - you couldn't rely on the good aul Irish judicial system if he was to survive, guarantee he has numerous previous convictions - scourge on society.......
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Here ,here, there are too many lowlifes been accommodated by the do gooders and bleeding heart liberals in this country ,hopefully the poor woman that got hijacked is ok along with the innocent victims in the other car,as for the other dirt bag karmas a bitch
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According to todays Sunday World this scumbag is still in a coma and has 75 previous convictions, has been let off going to jail because he pleaded with the judge he would never get behind a wheel again - you just can't make this stuff up, what the F***K is wrong with our judicial system - he has also been named but cant remember it. Hopefully he comes out of the coma suffers terrible pain before he meets his maker and rots in hell - we will probably hear he came from broken home, and was in the process of trying to come off drugs and this was just an unfortunate lapse......ROT IN HELL SCUMBAG........

Wishing the very best and a speedy recovery to the woman and her child, hopefully godwilling they will be able to put this whole sorry episode behind them........
micropoodle ... 58321.html

75 previous convictions. Pleaded not to go to jail. Practically let off to continue crime. I put a large portion of blame on the judge(s) that let this man off. To my mind they were partially responsible for the injuries to the woman and child.

I've thought about this a lot. I'm not a violent person. Far from it. But if this was my wife and child and the man survived, I would make sure he never had any sort of quality of life again.
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I see he's from Roscommon. No mention of what he was doing in Donabate besides trying to steal a car.

The mind boggles how someone with that many convictions can still be on the streets. It was by sheer luck that he didn't kill someone.

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75 previous convictions! It is just scandalous that he's not in prison.
Anyone know how the lady is doing? Just wish her and her little boy the best and a full recovery. Also the lady whose car was taken
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given we have dublin bus on the hearse rd, would it b an idea to get,,,,,, public transport availing of ,,,public lighting .......and have lamp post fitted along this rd.

ive noticed since the tesco factory has been built, a noticeable amount of cycle users at night on hearse rd and turvey ave and many of them not lit up either

would our county council head honchos not entertain the idea of road safety extends beyond telling us ..TO EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED AS THEY DO THRU THE T,V,

spend money correctly ,not on golden handshakes or regular photo shoots in local newspapers telling us all WHAT A GRAND JOB YOU DID ,

INSTEAD OF THE DANGEROUS SYSTEM WE HAVE OF CHICKEN DIPPERS ..i.e.what driver will dip their lamps when meeting on coming trafficfirst if at all,,, on badly marked roads that we have now ,, excuse crap spellin and diction
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The driver, a 35-36 year old father himself, could have easily taken the life of another ... 75612.html
Obviously didn't think of the consequences of his actions.

75 previous convictions?
How many times was he not caught?
And these people are allowed to continue to live in a society where they can continue to do harm.

Not fair.
My sympathies go out to the innocent families hurt by this incident.
I lost my brother 12 months ago in a car accident.
Why people that do bad things are allowed to continue to do bad things is beyond me.
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75 previous convictions in November 2010, I'm led to believe it is over 100 now! Poor woman and child........could've been any of us that day......ITS WRONG
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MELTED HEAD your comment is melting my head!!!!! It has nothing to do with the crash whatsoever

No matter how much lighting etc. on that road, that wouldn't have stopped this crash from happening - Better lighting etc would be welcome but that's for an entirely different post, this post is about the scumbag who endangered many peoples life with no regard - we should now be looking at the judge(s) who thought it was right to let him off with all his previous convictions and making sure if this cancer on society lives through this should be sent to prison for a very long time.....THese people should be made accountable and explain why they thought it was the right decision not to convict him......

I really believe in mob rule in this case - left in a room with a gang and baseball bat beaten up to an inch of his life and live in pain for the rest of his days as a constant reminder to him.........

I believe he is also a father - what a role model he is, hopefully he wont be long enough around for his kids to have understood his actions.....
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Harry Byrne
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"I really believe in mob rule in this case - left in a room with a gang and baseball bat beaten up to an inch of his life and live in pain for the rest of his days as a constant reminder to him........."

Whatever about the failings of the courts and penal system here, I doubt I'd want to live in a society where hysterical calls for the above are entertained. Sure we are all sick of individuals like this one but you are going to be pretty busy with your baseball bat as you sink to the level of depravity of this guy from Rooskey.

Judges need to cop the fcuk on with their 'second chances' and 'mitigating circumstances'. Our system should be victim orientated. Perpetrators such as this should be in for long custodials and tagging / licences on release.

Screaming for more violence and comic book justice might make you feel better but it ain't gonna work.

Best wishes for a full recovery to all the victims in these assaults.
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Harry Byrne wrote: Judges need to cop the fcuk on with their 'second chances' and 'mitigating circumstances'. Our system should be victim orientated. Perpetrators such as this should be in for long custodials and tagging / licences on release.
This for me is the crux of the issue. The fact that this individual reportedly amassed numerous convictions illustrates that the Gardai at least are detecting him. However there's clearly something wrong if he isn't being appropriately sentenced or detained. That's a matter for the judiciary and the prison service, and one which isn't confined to this particular case either if you believe the anecodtes circulating about some of the other scroats arrested here of late.
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Vlad the Impaler
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The guy is just a gobshite. Most of his offences seem to be for insurance etc and driving while banned. There was nothing which would allow him to be locked up for a long time under current Irish law. He was just an accident waiting to happen... which unfortunately it did.

I would like to know what the git was doing in Donabate. Any further news on him?

Anyone know where the lady lived and how she's doing?
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