Road works/Roundabout

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Does anyone have any idea when the works at the top of the Hearse Road are due to be completed?
It's a pain in the mornings being backed up to beyond Jones's.
What made it worse this morning was some plonker in an Avensis who waited until about a 10 car gap opened up in front of him before sticking it into first gear and crawling forward. Ignorance is one thing, jeopardising people's safety is another. The queue of cars resulting from this stupidity could have caused a pile up. What's worse, he then gets onto the slip road onto the M1 and proceeds to drive in first gear again, purposly backing cars up towards the roundabout.
If the said driver is reading this, please be aware of others on the road before you're the cause of a serious accident.
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I believe the target date is November. However, that looks very unlikely. I'd be surprised if they're finished before Christmas.

It is very slow getting out from the Hearse Road in the mornings. People taking an age to move when there is a gap certainly doesn't help.

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Neptune wrote:Hi

Does anyone have any idea when the works at the top of the Hearse Road are due to be completed?
It's a pain in the mornings being backed up to beyond Jones's.
What made it worse this morning was some plonker in an Avensis who waited until about a 10 car gap opened up in front of him before sticking it into first gear and crawling forward. Ignorance is one thing, jeopardising people's safety is another. The queue of cars resulting from this stupidity could have caused a pile up. What's worse, he then gets onto the slip road onto the M1 and proceeds to drive in first gear again, purposly backing cars up towards the roundabout.
If the said driver is reading this, please be aware of others on the road before you're the cause of a serious accident.

Neptune I felt the same pain this morning - never seen such a bad display of driving. I decided to take the Turvey / dual carriageway option yesterday - BAD MISTAKE! Roll on November, December, April 2013 whenever they decide to complete the works, it's a shocking mess!
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Wolf J Flywheel
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Does it look like they are building underpasses for cyclists/pedestrians? I've seen what look like concrete tunnels below road level when driving through the road works. I wonder is there a better view from the top of a bus. Has anyone seen this?
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I remember see in the plans a scheme for cycle routes alright.. which will be very welcome.

However, you would almost wonder if they are dragging the whole work out on purpose. They got so much done initially and then just seemed to go-slow.
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I contacted the roads dept on this a while ago. I asked that they adjust the sequentce to make both sets of lights red for just a few seconds to allow Hearse Road traffic a chance to get onto roundabout. This was before schools went back and the same time there was a huge backlog during the day heading from Swords to Donabate. It will only get worse with southbound traffic exiting here into Swords to avoid the backlog - wait until the clocks change!! I'll get on to them again. Have stopped taking the 33D as it's taking at least 10 minutes queueing for roundabout.

I'll send a follow up asking them to have a look some morning. However once the 3 lanes open, it should mean less southbound traffic exiting the motorway and heading to Swords. Going from memory, Hearse road traffic will head straight onto M1 with its own lane. Over and underpasses will always take longer.
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This link shows how the finished article will look. From what I've read, the M1 road widening will finish in "late 2012" and the works at the roundabout will be complete in "early 2013".

Looking at page 3 on the link, it looks as though the traffic flow at the roundabouts at present is close to the finished article. Roll on the slip from the Hearse Road to the M1! ... 0Stand.pdf

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If you look at the map that Ken posted the link to, you will see that the shared path/cycleway is highlighted in a "pink-peach" colour and does indicate that the concrete tunnels or underpasses people have mentioned are linked to this.


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Roadworks will be finished in February, Checked on site on Friday. Long long Winter ahead.
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I've emailed local TDs and Councillors to see if anything can be done to allow more traffic from Hearse Rd on to the roundabout in the morning. There is a very short window in traffic to allow cars on the roundabout from Donabate. I'll let you know what reponse I get. I take the bus and I'm losing 20 mins a day with the extra traffic.
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Hmmm, I thought the roadworks were to finish in November. Can't believe it's going to go on till February. It's such a PITA. :shock:
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The widening of the M1 is due to finish in December. The work on the J4 interchange won't finish until February.

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Hopefully the short term inconvenience will be a good trade off for the long term benefit.
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The slip lane from the Hearse Rd onto the M1 should be prioritised. The disruption this is causing generally (and especially in the mornings) is nothing short of gratuitous
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Derek wrote:The slip lane from the Hearse Rd onto the M1 should be prioritised. The disruption this is causing generally (and especially in the mornings) is nothing short of gratuitous
This is dependent on them finishing the tunnels under the interchange. The slip road will pass over the tunnel they're currently laying beside the Hearse Road.

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Seems to only a skeleton crew working on the job. Morning Time is appaling. Would settle for temporary traffic lights in the mornings. Wouldnt mind but I am only going to work.
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Is it just me or is it an appalling waste of money to build a tunnel for a cycle way and footpath that will connect to nothing?

If cars could fit under the tunnel we would be laughing as we could get rid of lights altogether at the whole junction. As it is I don't think all the hassle and cost will lead to a huge improvement. Though I hope I am wrong.
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I agree Foo. We've asked that before. The tunnels are designed for pedestrians and cyclists which are a very rare sight on that roundabout.

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Maybe its part of a masterplan to connect with the Malahide - Donabate cycleway :)
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i think in a few years, we'll be reminding ourselves of the tunnels underneath, like some lost entrance to the catacombs.
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Maybe they forgot there wont be a LUAS terminus at Lissenhall :)
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lol, I was wondering what those tunnels are for. That's insane
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The tunnels for cyclists is actually a very good idea. Those two roundabouts are completely treacherous to get across for if you're on a bike. Nearly impossible without risking being roadkill for a daydreaming trucker or a housewife on a mobile.
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The tunnels are a great idea but a bit pointless to people in Donabate if they don't deal with the Hearse Road. I wouldn't cycle on that road even with the tunnel.
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I'd never cycle the Hearse road Sunny. I use Turvey which has less bends and traffic.. although it's only marginally safer.
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