What is happening in D.C.C.

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I was at the Subject night last night for 5th years, I have never seen a more disorganised scene in my life. What is happening?
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Unfortunately I think the school has created panic amongst the parents and kids. Monday morning could be unpleasant for everyone. I wish there was an alternative way to sort out the options problem. Some kids won't get their choices either due to over or undersubscription for that subject. My daughter knows what she wants to do in college and needs very specific subjects - we now have the dilemma of what to do if she isn't offered them in Donabate. :(
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I have a first year in DCC, had the misfortune to attend the parent teacher meetings last month. I think the first years themselves could have organised a more systematic approach, the set up was shambolic.
Can't comment on the subjects meeting but if anything like the parent teacher meetings, I feel for you all, parents and students.

i'm hearing a few negative things about the school this year whereas before I hadn't really heard any apart from people complaining it was too academic!

I have 2 years to go before sending mini-micropoodle there but I'm starting to get concerned. can people elaborate a bit more on the chaos you experienced?
gandalf the grey
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The problem with the first year parent teacher meetings was the PARENTS who selfishly spent 20 to 25 minutes with teachers , I'm sorry but anything over 5 minutes is completely wrong when you have so many parents to see! If you feel you need to discuss your child in more depth MAKE AN APPOINTMENT and be fair to all parents. I have no problems with the school and my child loves it there!
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I have also experienced the same problem at parent/teacher meetings but it is the same in every secondary school (I had one child in Portmarnock and it was always a nightmare). In fairness to the school/teachers there is little they can do about parents hogging their time at these meetings short of being downright rude.

The difficulty last night was more down to lack of communication. Parents had assumed (wrongly as it transpired) that when the kids chose their options for TY that those subjects would be available to them for senior cycle. It turns out that all the TY students now have to choose afresh which means they won't necessarily get the subjects they want if a subject is over or under-subscribed. The school (like every other school) has limited resources and budget and some kids will be disappointed. Unfortunately that is the reality.

I would have no qualms about the school whatsoever and have another child starting there in September. Our experience (bar present difficulty!) has been very positive. There are some great teachers who care deeply about the kids and how they do. The new principal comes across as very approachable and dedicated from what I've seen so far.
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I have two children in the school and one more to go and I have no problems at all with it so far. The quality of teaching seems to be pretty high as far as I can see and the new Principal is very approachable and very well liked by the pupils. There was confusion last night about the 5th year options and Monday is destined to be a bit of a nightmare for a lot of parents but the school has only so many places to offer in each subject so their hands are a bit tied in that. My eldest knows what she wants to do in college and I will be disappointed if she doesn't get the options she wants but the same problem exists in almost every secondary school in the country. I think we are very lucky to have such a fantastic school on our doorsteps. Every school will have aspects that parents will be unhappy with, that's just the way it goes. As for parent/teacher meetings, they are the same in every secondary school. There are always people who take up an excessive amount of time with teachers with little or no regard for other parents.
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I am sorry to say what I saw Wednesday night was chaos and more chaos on Monday. Why the change? Why one class of Chemistry and no economics, subjects my child want to do. When I asked at the meeting I was told take it or leave it.
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I dont agree with first come on Monday...but it definitly should not be the people who got their options in transition year as per previous comment here. My daughter did not get the options she looked for in transition year so she definitly should not be penalised because of that. She had to take "what was left" because there was no room left in her preferred option....which was chemistry which she struggles with and has no interest in!! When i rang and asked at the start of the year i was told the class she wanted was over subscribed and the names were picked"out of a hat". I accepted that and presumed the same thing would happen going into 5th year if this happened again. I dont know if that "hat" system would be a fairer way again but i must say i would hate to be the school trying to keep everyone happy..it happens in every school. There will always be some people that dont get their options due to class number restrictions, teacher restrictions...i just hope it will not be my daughter again this year!!!
Mr. Stupid
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At least it is the Irish Education system where you do 7 subjects to the Leaving. In Eng-er-land you'd be doing 4.

If Irish was compulsory it would give people a lot more options.
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Cutbacks in education over the last few years play a major role here. When you increase the pupil teacher ratio in post-primary schools, you often don't increase the number of students in each class group all that much, rather the school loses a teacher or teachers and subject choice is impacted.

Donabate CC is a little different in that it is only now reaching its full enrolment but even so restricted subject choice is a consequence of a 19:1 ptr now compared to 18:1 before the recession.

I definitely agree that random selection is a very unfair way of picking students for options, particularly those that lead to specific careers. The student's track record in the subject area and their aptitudes as normally measured in third year or TY should be considered.

Incidentally, to throw in a curve ball on this, I would ask whether any parents actively question the relevance or usefulness of certain subjects. We are trying to move to a 'knowledge economy' and yet practical subjects often seem insulated. I know that not every student is very academic but when you hear of schools running construction studies AND DCG but only one or two business or science subjects, you have to ask if we've learned anything from the property collapse. As a teacher, I can tell you that practical subject teachers are still fast tracked to permanency, as they were during the boom, whereas highly qualified teachers in academic subjects (science, business, languages) invariably spend years in non-permanent jobs often moving schools several times. And nobody dares question where the priorities lie.
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Well said Esturaine

My child really wants to study business and we are surprised it is only offered once where as science and practical subjects dominate the lines. (Again noting no economics has been offered) As a result we will be there early tomorrow to ensure we can secure a place. Will many people be there early? Two mothers I have spoken to plan on arriving at 7.30am!

Our child also wants to do Accounting - but it was said at the meeting that if some subjects are undersubscribed the subject won't go ahead. In which case I have no idea what we will do as generally accounting classes are small. Our child is excellent at the subject and has a strong rapport the schools accounting teacher. I know we were told to leave aside teacher "personalities" at the meeting-but it is important none the less. . . . but probably irrelevant here.

Needless to say our child is in a tizzy all weekend that they may not get business, or that accounting will not go ahead. We do not blame the school for this, as our child is very, very happy there. However we may have to consider applying elsewhere to ensure they get to study the subjects they love rather than science. Students and parents were told at the meeting after all to study what they love were they not?!
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Is it possible for students to take lessons outside of school and sit the exam?
Mr. Stupid
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+1 on the suggestion above. If a child really wants to do a subject, do it outside the school.
Back in my day, several people did this.
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Not all subjects can be covered outside school. My daughter wants to do all three science subjects. Things like Biology and Chemistry need lab time to complete the course. What is she supposed to do if she doesn't get her choices.
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There was at least 3 cars at the school this morning at ten to six. And then about 20 cars at 7 o'clock.
The line was mainly parents, I would have had the students queuing! :)
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Reportedly first parent there at 5.30! Anyone know when we will know which options the kids got?
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Reportedly first parent there at 5.30!

I say kudos to that parent. fair play to them.
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It's a bit mad though. The school have created this problem to some degree by splitting the 2013 JC class - now only c. 68 kids in the year for 5th year next year. Some subjects will struggle to get the numbers and therefore will not be run. For kids who definitely need those subjects it will be tough - do you stay or find a another school. :(
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I was there at 7:10 and was number 24, so not too bad. I noticed the first car around 6:15 this morning. I hope they think of a better way of doing this in future although it's never going to be 100% fair no matter what way it's done.
Mr. Stupid
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Not all subjects can be covered outside school. My daughter wants to do all three science subjects. Things like Biology and Chemistry need lab time to complete the course. What is she supposed to do if she doesn't get her choices.
I think most schools would find that a difficult thing to provide.
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I still do not know what is happening in D.C.C I was there at 6 this morning and all I saw was frightened parents, no way to run a school.
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