Dune Protection meeting - Thursday 9th, 8pm Brook, Portrane

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Portrane Dune Protection meeting

Next Thursday, January 9th at 8pm

To discuss what action needs to be taken following the severe storm damage.

The last few days have seen severe damage to the dunes in Portrane, in some places there are sand cliffs fifteen feet high, in one particular place there is only about twelve feet between the edge of the dune and a persons garden. There has been a loss of dune, in places up to twenty five feet over three days. The corner at Seaview and the green behind 'Pipers' have been dreadfully eroded, and the dune behind the 'Brook' has been flattened.

There will be an open meeting in the Brook on Thursday next January 9th at 8pm to discuss what very urgent action might be taken.

As well as local residents this is an invitation to County Councillors, TDs and Senators to attend to offer your support.

We lok forward to seeing you there

https://www.facebook.com/events/2076832 ... r=upcoming
Mr. Stupid
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Thanks for info. Just wondering if you could post up any photos you have? Or can anyone else do that? It would be a good way of attraction attention both from media and public.
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Just a suggestion perhaps if a link were to be established between the dredging that occured to facilitate the new sewage pipe extension ( this was happening about 3-4 years ago I do not know was material moved or removed from the pipe area ) and subsequent increase in erosion to the beach at Portrane it may be of benefit to the campaign for action. http://www.erosion.com/GrowthandLossofBeaches.pdf
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Vlad the Impaler
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Yeah Yossa, I posted something similar to that a few years ago when someone was trying to suggest the horseriders were responsible for beach erosion (daft, I know).

Managing beach erosion is a serious and complex business, which means spending money. I wonder if there's the will or the wit in Fingal County Council.
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Vlad the Impaler wrote:Yeah Yossa, I posted something similar to that a few years ago when someone was trying to suggest the horseriders were responsible for beach erosion (daft, I know).

Managing beach erosion is a serious and complex business, which means spending money. I wonder if there's the will or the wit in Fingal County Council.
http://www.irishtimes.com/news/environm ... -1.1648755
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There were approx. 100 people turned up to the meeting last night, including, TD's, Senators, Councillors and the press. Fingal Co. Co. have their finance estimates meeting today at 2 pm in the County Hall in Swords and the public have been asked to gather at the offices at 1.30 to support the Councillors in getting €50,000.00. The OPW have a fund of €500,000.00 which can be released for immediate work on the dune system once the Co. Co. provide 10% which is the €50,000.00 mentioned above.

There is a further meeting next Thursday 16th at 8 pm in The Brook, Portrane to give an update on the progress of same.

Support from all in the area would be much appreciated both today at the Council Offices and next Thursday at the next meeting.

We are a very small community with a very critical situation and all support is greatly appreciated.

Thank You
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I should have said also that support can be done in many ways such as emailing all the councillors, senators and TDs. Phone calls and snail mail are also very effective in keeping their attention on the subject and focused and asking for a response from each one will ensure they have to keep up to date.

Our local representatives have no problem canvassing us for our votes, let us have no problem in canvassing them to do the work we have voted them in to do.

Again, thank you one and all for your support.
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Weather forcast is for more storms during this week. In particular, the one expected on Wednesday could well gave easterly or south easterly gales. This one coupled with high tides could compound the difficulties in Portrane
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