Portrane Beach Coastal Erosion 10 Feet in 24 Hrs

General discussion on all issues relating to Donabate and Portrane
Posts: 6
Joined: 14 Apr 2013, 12:19

Hi Banba, thanks for your interest on this issue.
We are a group of concerned residents, beach users and Burrow Residents Association. We have maintained an effort to highlight the erosion of the dunes at Portrane beach and through meeting with local representatives and Fingal CoCo, initiate action which in the short term arrests the damage being done and to examine and implement a more permanent solution in the longer term.
The brief story at the moment is that Fingal CoCo have assessed and acknowledged the damage which occured in October, November and December last year, but they do not consider that an imminent threat to property exists and no formal remedial work has been attempted. Fingal CoCo have comissioned a survey to be carried out along the beach this year and although this has not yet begun, it is due to start soon and a number of our group have been invited to participate in this.
At a practical level, we have so far organised five work mornings where volunteers have constructed a temporary barrier (using large sand bags) which we hope will dissipate wave power during high tides that reach far up the beach. Hopefully, this will also allow the dune some chance to regenerate behind this barrier. We have restored a safe beach access point at Healys Lane in a manner that protects the surrounding dune area which was being further broken down by people seeking a less risky route onto the beach. We are concerned with maintaining a foothpath through this dune area (the sandladder pathway has been destroyed along this section) which will limit foot traffic to the more sensitive areas as this has in the past been identified as a large contributory factor to local erosion.
We are not suggesting that this initiative is in any way a solution to the bigger issue but we intend to stop the damage at its present state immediately and to try and make this sensitive amenity 'look' a little better and allow visitors a safer access to the beach and boardwalk. Although this work has not been tested by the combination of onshore weather and hightides which caused so much damage last year, we are confident that some protection has been evident during high spring tides so far this year.
We are delighted to welcome any help, suggestions or experience that is 'out there' so please drop us a line if you would like to get involved. Our next work meeting is this Saturday, June 15th between 10am - 1pm, meeting on the beach at the end of Healys Lane.
If you drop us an email to: portraneduneprotection@gmail.com we will add your details to our contact list and keep you informed of where we are at, or you can visit our facebook page at: http://www.facebook.com/portranecoastalerosion which we will keep updated with any news on work undertaken or on the survey when it begins
We have gratefully received a few donations from people who were unable to participate in the work mornings but who wanted to help out in some way and if anybody would like to contribute please email the above address or leave a message here. We run some small costs in hire of JCB's and a few work materials.
Thanks again for your interest and we look forward to meeting any new volunteers on Saturday.
Portrane Dune Protection
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Posts: 6
Joined: 14 Apr 2013, 12:19

Hi All,

The current survey of the erosion at Portrane beach ( commissioned by FCC and undertaken by RPS consultants), has produced an interim report which acknowledges the serious nature of beach erosion and recommends that remedial work to protect the sand dunes be commenced in Spring 2014. For this work to take place, funding must be allocated in the upcoming CoCo budget.

The following joint motion will be proposed by councillors Gerry McGuire and Darragh Butler at Balbriggan/Swords Area Committee B Meeting on Thursday 12th September 2013 at 3.00 p.m.

"That the Manager ensures that funding is allocated in the 2014 and 2015 Fingal County Council budgets for sand dune protection measures at The Burrow, Portrane.”

Those concerned about this issue can email our local councillors to encourage support and help us to secure this funding. Email contacts are as follows:

This joint motion is being proposed by Cllrs Gerry McGuire and Darragh Butler:


We have emailed Cllrs Tom Kelleher, Anne Devitt and Eugene Coppinger to appeal for their support of the motion and would be grateful if you could drop them a short mail also:


Can we also draw attention to two dates planned to carry out repair work on the dunes. These are two Saturdays, Sep 14th and 28th, and will be the last two work dates planned for this work. It would be great to have as many along as possible. As usual we will meet at Healys Lane for 10am. We would like to meet 'socially' in the Brook pub on the evening of the 28th to celebrate our work so far and will forward details of this closer to the date.

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you on Sat Sep 14th & 28th

Portrane Dune Protection
Email: portraneduneprotection@gmail.com
Posts: 1
Joined: 10 Oct 2013, 18:15

We used to have a place right on the coast at the end of Beach Lane. It was an old nissen hut with a huge garden, a big garage some an outside Elson toilet. This was in the early 60's. It was called Clovelley and it had two huge white concrete gateposts with Clovelley written on. Ten feet from the front door you were on what was called the bank, which you jumped off to get on the beach. Me and my three elder sisters have idyllic memories from there.

Less than ten years later the sea ate it. All that was left the last time I visited was one knocked over gatepost all covered in brambles. It was a sad sight (and a sad site).

Even way back then as a six year old I remember everyone going on about the erosion and how the coco would do nothing about it. (That's not strictly true. They did, laughably, fill some old oil drums with concrete, paint them yellow, and placed them about ten yards apart at the bottom of the bank. They had obviously only studied wave strength and attrition in a puddle in the council car park. "Them'll keep the sea at bay," I can hear them proudly pronounce!!)

I cannot believe that 50 years later they still haven't really done anything. It won't take much for the whole of the Burrow to follow the fate of my beloved Clovelley.

Good luck everyone. I really hope you can get things sorted.
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