Concern over use of the ET building

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richard dawkins
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I think most people know that every ET school run Catholic / Protestant / Christian / Born Again Christian/ Born again and again Christian / Born again and again and again Christian / Christian ok with gay marriage . Christian not ok with gay marriage / Hindu / Continuity Hindu / The Real Hindu / Muslim with Berka / Muslim without Berka / Muslim with Shariah Law / whatever classes outside school for the kids and I don't think anyone has an issue with that. I think that's where the line should be drawn for religious usage and that's just my opinion (which I see many other's don't share ;) ).
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They did not want to be part of the class and they were told that they did not have a choice. The two boys found the the experience disturbing. ET organise the after school classes.
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Mammy2, that is still rubbish, they do have a choice and the Catholic Class is not run by ET.
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Mammy2, that is completely untrue. ET Extra Curricular Activities Committee does not organise Bible Class after school. Parents that wish to enrol their kids must do so ringing the bible Class teacher (who is a parent of a child in the school, if I am not mistaken) and talk directly to her. I have 3 kids in the school and, being atheists, they have never attended such classes as many other kids like them and the ET teachers couldnt give two monkeys whether they did or they didnt. It seems to me that you know very little about that school and obviously you have your own personal issues against it, but please stop talking about something that you clearly don't know.
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Harry Byrne
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" Hindu / Continuity Hindu / The Real Hindu "

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From the beginning of this thread, It is obvious to all with an open mind. That you are not allowed to question ET and if you do the ET herd will come after you. I again spoke to my neighbour and she stated that it was the ET 6th class teacher who told her she did not have a choice but go to the religious school. However, the ET herd will keep attacking anyone who has a different view to them.
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richard dawkins
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Mammy2, even I find that hard to believe. I think there has been some misunderstanding somewhere along the line.
Donabate Hatter
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I have to say that this is the same sort of rubbish spouted by Mammy2 on a previous thread, which was about the senior school, it appears she is a self proclaimed expert on all the schools in the area!!
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Mammy2....what you are saying is simply not true.....I've just looked at the DPETNS website and one of the 6th class Teachers that you refer to is the Deputy Principal and the other one has been in the school for years and you come on this forum spouting some second hand gossip. You need to get your facts right in order to try and restore some credibility to yourself....are you seriously trying to tell us that one of the afore mentioned individuals forced a child to attend an after school Catholic Class ?? As I have mentioned previously, our youngest left the school last year and I was a Parent helper for 2 years, a child in 6th Class would not be allowed to attend after school Catholic class unless a) they had done it in 5th Class b) and if they hadnt done it they would have to talk to the Parish Priest regarding an exemption as it is mandatory that all children preparing for Confirmation have completed all the necessary work.

Also, if your neighbours children were 'traumatised' by the event, why on earth did their parents not approach the Principal to tell her what the 6th Class Teacher had said ?????

Finally, its not a case that ET can do no wrong at all....but I dont understand how you can come on here with pure nasty gossip and you yourself have no experience of the School 8-)
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richard dawkins
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Unsubstantiated facts should just be deleted please. Also, it is dragging this thread way off on a tangent. My original post was an ideological opinion; now there are accusations being made about something else.
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I'm going to lock this thread, as Richard mentioned, it's gone way off topic.