Customer service in some shops (rant)

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Mr. Stupid
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You'd swear some Irish shops don't want money.

I went to Pavilions on Saturday.

Shop 1. I was there 5 minutes early. The shutter wasn't open and they got a bit thick when I asked them could I come in, even thou they were doing nothing. When I picked up a shoe to ask how much it was as the price was written in illegible writing, I got a pretty moody answer. Even thou it is illegal to not display prices clearly and something that wastes customers time. They don't care.

Shop 2: Jumped on before I even had a chance to look around. Too in your face so just walked back out.

Shop 3: Went in to try and get Leinster jersey for the young fella who was standing beside me. The shop assistant kept asking me what age he was. She just completely ignored him. If she was a good sales person she would have said hello or something to him. Then she kept trying to sell me an out of date jersey for 50 euro! This was annoying as this shops has other branches in town and their service is usually 10 / 10.

Shop 4: Tried on pair of shoes. after about 7 seconds of them on my feet, I got 'do you want the box as well as the shoes'. I hadn't even got up to walk around in them or said I wanted them.

Shop 5: Went to buy some simple stationary. No prices on anything. When I asked the assistant 'would have anything good for XYZ', I got the blank face. When I asked them how much anything was they would pick something up and then walk off to the til and scan it in and tell me. She was nice but the shop should have prices on things and the staff should know their products.

Restaurant: No toilet paper in toilets. Kid goes mental.

Summary: it is as if some of these people don't just hate their jobs, they hate life. They hate all human interaction. Some of the others are just too in your face. And it is as if the shop owners train your staff and make sure things are in order.

All we are looking for is for shop assistants to be polite and helpful and for shops to treat customers with some respect before they part with their money.

Rant over.

Perhaps we should have a rants section?
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Mr Stupid,

Yes,we should have a rant section,it would be great for venting!!

I suggest you e mail the Pavilions management team and ask them to bring it up as part of their regular shop owners meeting.

My heart goes out to you,been there done that worn the tee shirt! Shopping can be exasperating!

I have a tail re my experience at terminal 2 Dublin airport.Had a emotional day saying farewell to my daughter hours before she emigrated.Car park at terminal 2 full.diverted.Longer walk to terminal 2 with baggage and emotions!!!Long wait as my daughter ordered food after her bags were checked in,I gave her 50 euro ,very little change just for 2 meals/coca cola/water and coffee.My meal not worth the money,my daughter could not eat.Meal wasted.

Then we proceeded to ladies room,another long walk to find when we came out of the toilet and washed our hands there was no hot air dryer of any sort or wait for it no paper towel dispenser.Reams of toilet paper from cubicles were being used to dry one's hands i was shocked.Then no bin !

It gave a very bad impression of Ireland apart from being a health and safety issue.

Then the departure gate emotion!That was on the 9th august this year.
She loves her new managerial job and has been home since but we both have agreed that i just drop her to the airport from now on.No going in to be ripped off without a smile and the possibility of picking up germs without the basic expectation of adequate washing facilities.

With all the emotion of that day i forgot to write in with a compaint.This rant has fired me up.!

My family are regular travellers worlwide and say it can be the norm at some airports and others are pristene!!Learn from the pristene locations.That would be advise to DAA.!

Have a nice day!
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sounds frustrating!
only thing i'd disagree with is asking to go into a shop before the shutter was up. I've worked in shops for years and i never pull the shutter up till i'm completely ready. this can be for simple things like safety while you are waiting to get cash into the till, or if there are boxes around waiting to be moved. The staff could have had a very valid reason to be waiting around. We often had quick staff meetings before we opened so maybe they were waiting for that, and didn't know if they'd get in trouble for turning a customer away.
Mr. Stupid
Posts: 781
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Absolutely. I would have no problem with a polite - sorry we're still getting ready here can you come back 5 minutes than letting me in 5 mins early and treating me like crap.

Also, it was actually ten so they were late. Where's the professionalism. The busiest day of the week and they are late opening. If I was manager, I'd be saying get the really important stuff done first so you can open early and then the last few minutes be doing things like little bits of dusting etc.

The service in shops is so bad it just forces more and more peopel to buy online.

The shop should be trying to make yoru life easier to stop you buying online.
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I agree with you Paddi22,Many reasons why the shutter not fully up at around official opening time.I also have worked in a sales capacity and then managerial sales capacity in retail for so many years in a famous luxury market store which has since changed ownership to also cater for the luxury market.

The store at the time had a official time for staff meetings .It was well known that the store did not open till 9.30 am each monday.Doors stayed closed till then with official notification on door.I held meetings re targets ,and the 4 p's[products,prices,promotions and place of products] and any staff concerns that week together with the directives of the company we all worked for together .

We all had to be in the store for before 8.30am to commence meeting at 8.30!

I worked for a well know concession shop within the store,previously i worked for the proprietors of the store.A lot has changed in retail and customer service since then.Not all good.

I changed direction into another area of customer service.It was a eye opener i can tell you but more rewarding to help those less fortunate in this world.
In these retail stores most of the young are on the minimum wage,they are either students,people between jobs or doing the job because they could not get a job in the career they have studied for.For some its a stopgap and feel that it's not worth their while putting in the effort.They do not seem to realise how much they could learn by being focused on why they are in the job in the first place.

Good customer service at the end of the day is about asking questions,finding out the customers requirements and using one's knowledge then to locate within the shop the items which may suit the customer.All carried out with a genuine willingness to find a suitable product or if not in stock to be willing to order item in.As a customer we will all return to the store where the staff have got it right!!

Not too much in one's face and not too little but always vigilant and present .If the staff member has been trained well and uses their initiative naturally and wisely,the staff member will know the right time to approach the customer.
The Boomerang effect will happen time and time again and both the customer and shop will win .A loyal and happy customer for life! It's all about connecting at the right time.Many customers are shy or hate shopping or shopping is a chore as maybe they did not have to shop for themselves before due to so many reasons.It's new to them and they feel lost.It is up to the staff in the retail industry to recognise these customers and help them along in order that they feel that they can do this retail shopping experience again and again without feeling that the experience is not pleasent and enjoyable whether one buys a product or not.

Thats my rant for today over!
Bye bye
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